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Praying to heal

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Hi need your prayers I recently got attack from my mom and dad this weekend. I had a simple conversation with my dad and he came and hit me, which was out of line. I been living with my parents for 3 years and its been a emotional roller ocaster. It could be good in the home for months then all of sudden the verbal and physical abuse at times. This is the last time I will put up with this. I need to get out asap!!. I been asking GOd to show me this new home and provide the resources. I applied for the 1st time home buyers credit and I am still waiting. I am praying that I get it real soon. I heard its a long wait because so many people have applied. IN the menawhile I have someone cleaning up my credit. I want to move before this year is up. I ask God to help me not be bitter towards my parents, because I know this would hinder me. Thank you for your prayers. I am asking if each memeber would fast for me concerning my fincance and the new home.. Thank you and I love you!!

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I will Joint your cause today.
I will Start today.
I don't know what God is up too..I can not understand it, but this weekend has been a hard one for me too.
The pressure is on..like you I am searching for a home so I will joint forces with you.
For that miracle .

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Wisdom would say for you to get out now. It's just like an abusive relationship, you just don't sit around and continually get abused, you have to move out now no matter what it takes. You are waiting to go to a house and you are waiting for God to tell you which way to go, but what if he is using this circumstance to tell you that it's time for you to go? He gives us commen sense as well as wisdom and you need to go. You are a grown adult and your parents should NOT be putting their hands on you AT ALL.

I wouldn't wait for a house, look for a studio apartment...something you can afford now. Look to see if there is someone in your church or some friends who is looking to rent a room out in their home. You are in a dangerous situation and if you were married to a man who was hitting you, I would be giving you this same advice...GET OUT!

It reminds me of this story that went around on email a few years back. There was a guy drowning and he asked God to save him. A row boat came and tried to rescue him and he refused because he said God was going to save him...a helicopter came to rescue him and he refused to be helped because God was going to save him. The man ended up drowning and went to heaven and asked God "how come you didn't save me?" God said, I did, I sent the row boat and the helicopter. (I may have gotten this story a little wrong, but the point is still in tact).

We tend to look for God in these magnificent ways and he doesn't always show up that way. Sometimes he delivers us in natural ways...not the supernatural ways we think. We need to get our heads out of the clouds and step out and not be so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good. I'm not sayin you are doing this LTWJ, but I am saying that you need to pay attention to your natural circumstances and ask youself the question...would God do this to me? If not, why would He allow you to be in a situation where someone else is doing that to you? God has provided a way of escape...he won't always give you a blow by blow play because it's not always a cookie cutter answer...sometimes it's just "GO and I will lead you".

I pray this helps!

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Thank you I am searching and seeking the Lord for this new place now. I will get back with you. I am praying that I find place soon. Thank you Cholette. And Mbstudent thank you for fasting with me. I stil hold Gods banner and march to the higher calling.

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I have to ditto that word from Cholette. I will keep the matter before the Lord also. I am believing in a miracle as only our Lord can do! But isn't it awesome to know they can be huge miracles and so timely. God bless! :cmere:

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I have been in abusive relationships as well. And, getting out of the situation is such a freedom that you deserve to give yourself. I agree with Cholette that you should get out now!!! Also, any time you get bitter just pray to God that he takes care of the punishment. I do this a lot. Instead of thinking about how to get back at someone who is abusing you please forgive them (for your own self). After you forgive them then tell God to punish them however he wants. God is good and not evil, but he will apply the justice necessary in the situation if you let him. Yes, God 's ways are higher than our own. Make a determination right now that YOU will break this cycle of abuse. My mother broke the cycle of abuse in her life and for that she has given me the peace she deserved. Regardless of your decisions, bless you and may God give you the desires of your heart!!!

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Amen!! Thank you Ircv this.. I dont have a desire to be abusive. I also pray that I wont do this.. I had experience this early on in my marriage where I was the abusive person and now but God delievered me from this. thank you God. I am searching for a new place.

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I had fallen into abusive behavior and thoughts as well. I do not think people understand what abuse can do to you in this manner. I am sooo proud of you for overcoming this behavior. I have learned that overcoming the thoughts helps considerably. Instead of thinking violent thoughts I replace them. In example, if I am scared of someone and I instantly think about hitting them or hurting them I tell myself, 'I am going to replace this thought with something positive'. I then think of something positive. It becomes a game to see how many positive things I can think of. One thing I have understood in my walk is that anything I want to overcome takes time. I have to keep working at it and keep talking about it to God. I fall sometimes (a lot), but I remember God's love. Praise God that you are searching for a place. It is great to know that God forgives us for our past!!!!!!!

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