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Proverbs 3: 5-6 "Trust in the Lord with ALL thine (my) heart; and lean
NOT TO THINE (MY) OWN UNDERSTANDING. In ALL thy (my) ways acknowledge
Him, and He will direct thy (my) paths".

God gave me a personal revelation through this scripture that has truly blessed me. I would like to share it with the group in hopes it might encourage all who reads it.

I have been seeking God for guidance. After reading the commentary section in my Living Bible regarding this scripture, I realized that there ARE areas in my life that I have not fully acknowledged God in. Acknowledge means admit the truth, existence, or reality. I haven't been admitting the truth, existence, or reality IN God in ALL of my ways. Yes, there are some areas in my life where I trust God completely. There is no doubt in my mind that He can't handle certain things. There is no doubt in my mind that He can't provide certain things...etc. I have admitted His truth, existence, or reality in those areas. Although I wasn't doing it purposely, what about the other area(s)?

Th truth and reality about God's existence should be evident in ALL areas of my life. I must trust Him in with ALL my heart in ALL my ways. God knows what's best for me and if I give my entire heart, my entire life, my entire ways to Him; He has to direct my path because then and only then will I be seeking guidance for His will and His purposes for my life.

I will end with this one question about anything you may be going through:

Regardless of what it looks like...Regardless of what it feels like...Regardless of what it taste like...Regardless of what it smells like...Regardless of what it sounds like; HAVE YOU ADMITTED THE TRUTH, EXISTENCE, OR REALITY OF GOD ABOUT IT?

, Oh, thank you Lord. God just put it on my heart to look up the word "admit". Admit means to take or accept as being truth! , Thank you Jesus...

Oh, my God. We have to accept truth, existence, or reality in God. Accept Him as being truth, accept his existence, accept His reality in all things in ALL of our HEART! In order to accept something, it has to be offered. God has offered us His truth, existence, or reality!
Oh, God I praise you. You are worthy to be praised!

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TO God be the Glory for opening up His word to you V!!! We need to do a little more trusting in our Heavenly Father. Besides, all the days of our lives have been placed in a book even before we were born (Psalm 139). So it's a done deal anyway.

If we would just let go and allow the Lord to unfold our lives FOR US, we will be in a better position in our spirit, soul and bodies!!!!

To God be the Glory...it is the Holy Spirit that leads us into ALL truth!!!!

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