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Tiddly Winks

How generous is too generous?

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Hi, I am not really in agony, but I do have a question that I thought I would toss out. I love to play Pet Society, and I play it pretty regularly. Most of what I have were either earned through hard work or given to me by friends (whether real life friends or folks I met online). I have encountered a great deal of generosity in this game, so I try to pass it on as much as I can.

My question is, how much should a person do for others? I know deep down inside that one can only do so much for another person, so I'd like to hear your thoughts on this, since it seems a very common topic for a lot of people who play.

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This is a hard one!

I love gifting items to my friends, just to make them smile and I love helping out people who dont have many coins and cant afford the items themselves.
However I often feel that sometimes you can gift too much and it comes to the point where people start to expect it...which I hate!

I think when it gets to the point when gifts dont become a suprise, then its time to stop.

Hmmmm not really been a lot of help here lmao ... sorry Ashamed

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Actually, you are a big help. Thank you. I love to make my friends happy, but with certain folks, it feels like it is expected and that takes the fun out of it. I have actually turned around and gifted stuff to the people who are happily suprised. That seems a good way to deal with it.

Again, my thanks. Smile

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I totally understand what you mean.I have to do some major clicking for my coins ,but end up giving tons away.I hate to see someone without much.
I know what it is like to just be getting started.When some people start to expect gifts or ask for them it is kinda hurtful in a way.

love to surprise and give to those that appreciate it Smile I don't have much sometimes,but love to give gifts !

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Might sound silly ...but I sometimes try and gift the givers ...those who give others loads all the time and ask for nothing back. Some people as said previously come to expect the little gifts and are offended it you offer to someone else. I just remove them from my friend list, esp if they beg. I hate that more than anything else. So guys, if you are still on my list then you're ok Laughing

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yeah, I probably should remove the beggars. I just don't want to appear rude, but then again, begging is rude. Thanks for the tips you guys. Smile

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hey yvette .
she is a truely generous person .
many thhanks to you .
wish i could repay for it .

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I am sometimes too Generous. I like being Generous, but I am watching if my Generosity is annoying or is not annoying someone. But be Careful, cause sometimes if you are too Generous to a person, he or she may use your Generosity.

Hope this helps.

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tiddly my dear, you are SO giving. Its ok to take care of YOU sometimes my dear.

I was coming to post my frustration on this ver subject actually when I saw your post.

I received a message one day asking for cash biscuit fish. She said she was from Slovakia and they were unable to add funds there. (who knows) I talked to her a bit . I am of Slovak--Irish heritage and talked about Slovak tradition and gfted her 2 biscuits. I like to share if I am able too. I truly enjoy gifting but also share with my daughter. However, after a year of heavy gifting, I have really nothing much left that I can give away! Anyhow, she has since writen quite often asking for more fish. I did do it once more. Against my better judgement. ( I personally am not comfortable with someone being bold enough to ask for items. Especially cash items) I gave her 2 again. She asked again. I finally was honest and told her I had very little cash available. Those that know me know my family has suffered illnesses and a job loss and huge decrease in income in the job that was saved. So, after sharing this honesty with her, today I get a facebook message asking if I had cash coins to buy her a fish . I simply replied "No, I cant. " Then she said "ok, was just asking. I would like to send you a postcard. "
I just deleted her. I really hate doing that but after awhile it is just plain rude and selfish of her and I have been extremely patient. Still makes me feel like a meanie Sad

(I realize my grammar and typing is horrible today. lol )

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I am so glad you know what I mean, Jules. I mean, yeah, that sort of story is what I have been dealing with. Same situation, perhaps a different places. But, yeah, it's really sad when people do that and only because people are being nice.

I know you're very nice, you helped me out a lot and I have always been grateful. Smile But yeah, the whole job issue, and the illness factor. Hope you can get into the season. Smile

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@jules: you are not mean... this is normal.. you actually gave her too much... Ashamedcongratulations


well... i'm generous if the other person is nice.. not necessarelly (i can NEVER remember the correct spelling of this word... Ashamed ) poor pets... and "rich pets"... if somebody gofts me something i ALWAYS will say a thank you AT LEAST... i may give something back as well.. even if it's just an apple! (i latelly became what you call "rich" pet because of the hack (thank god prices dropped i managed to buy the items i want [and now that the prices increasted again make a profit]) and some out of pet works that rewarded me with pet items...) apart from that i ALWAYS gift my girlfriend (even before we were together -she was just a friend of mine- ) since i play a lot more than her (she has more limited time now especially with the school! i gradueted last year... i to her i'm a really heavy gifter... many 999's... a lot of new mb items that i payed A LOT... items like santa throne or pink tree... i even bough a fox for her receintly... but i do gift to others as well.. all it takes for me is to e nice... if i can help and the other is nice and i see that he/she really wants this (and not to sell it for profit) i will definatly send... but i also may send if i'm on a good mood! congratulations

i don't know if this helped at all but this is the way i gift.. Ashamed

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My experience with gifting—I have run into so many generous people. At first it was hard to reciprocate... when you're new in the game, not many friends and not many coins to spend - it's hard to give back. But I realized the people who have been playing longer, are more able to give, and fingured, when I get there, I'm gonna give more too. And that's what I've done.

Sometimes my giving is very random—it might have to do with who I'm visiting, what is or isn't in their room—heck, even leaving a funny note sometimes is a way of being generous. I like to complement people on their rooms or what their pet is wearing or anything. It just makes the game enjoyable.

About 'how much is too much' - if you feel OBLIGATED to give, it's too much. You should not feel guilted into giving, and no reason to put up with begging. I have had very little problems with beggars, thankfully. There was a time during school break, that my son's friends started playing, and they were pretty bold about asking me for stuff. But I knew these kids, so it was easy to help them along, and at the same time gently educate them about being polite, etc. But even knowing them, I was wary about how much to give, because I didn't know if they'd really stick with the game or not... and as I expected, they all quit playing soon after school started again!

I do like helping out new players and will do that from time to time. And I like the wish lists - knowing what people are looking for and just giving for the fun of it is easy.

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Tiddly Winks wrote:
Hi, I am not really in agony, but I do have a question that I thought I would toss out. I love to play Pet Society, and I play it pretty regularly. Most of what I have were either earned through hard work or given to me by friends (whether real life friends or folks I met online). I have encountered a great deal of generosity in this game, so I try to pass it on as much as I can.

My question is, how much should a person do for others? I know deep down inside that one can only do so much for another person, so I'd like to hear your thoughts on this, since it seems a very common topic for a lot of people who play.

Hi Tiddly Winks. I have a related problem. What is best to give to a pet like yourself who has everything? With other pets I can sometimes see what they need or want and then feel delighted to share, but I always feel like what could I possibly share with a pet as cool as Tiddly Winks? She has everything! Smile

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Food is always good! A pet's gotta eat... and her petling's need to eat too! And she can always go fishing with the leftovers!

Welcome to PSFC Roc!

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I believe that you should share as much as feel like giving! because you want to! You are reaaly generous and honest,my sweet Tiddly! I have help also many of my friends because I felt i wanted to help!

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RocLibrarian wrote:

Hi Tiddly Winks. I have a related problem. What is best to give to a pet like yourself who has everything? With other pets I can sometimes see what they need or want and then feel delighted to share, but I always feel like what could I possibly share with a pet as cool as Tiddly Winks? She has everything! Smile

Hugs are always nice.

Tiddly Winks loves all thoughts no matter the size. She's a very gracious pet who loves her friends very much. Of course she does have a wish list and I think even pets like her (high maintenance pets that is) have secret wishes and hopes. congratulations

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