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Please pray for my son's exams

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Dear Brothers and Sisters
Peace be with you.
Please pray for my son's exams.He has literature,grammar,English and informatics exams today.These are also important for going to University.
Thank you very much.
God bless you all.

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Praying for you son...are you from the UK by any chance? My friend's son is taking exams as well this week and we prayed for him yesterday. Just asking...

Be blessed...

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Thank you dear for praying.
I am from Hungary.
God bless you.

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We thank you that you are the God of everything! We thank you that you will be with ditte3 during his exam helping him to recall the information he needs to pass his exam. We thank you Father that you are with us at all times and never leave or forsake us. Thank you for your goodness and your mercy. In Jesus name we pray.

your daughter,


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Hi ditte3 -

Good to hear from you - I hope all is well with your family!!

I've put your son on my prayer list - Here's praying for all good grades!!

All the best -

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sorry for not writing sooner. flower
My son's exams went very well.He can go tu university,but we have to pay and in this month.
It makes me worry (i know we shouldn't).We have financial problems,so it won't be easy.We try to put the money together and somehow we will.
Please pray that we can pay it without any problems.
Thank you very much.
God bless you.

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Be encouraged Ditte3. God has a way of doing things that bring glory to HIS name. I'm sort of in the same situation with my son's college as well, but God spoke to me and said that this is not unto death, but to the glory of the Lord. I pray this word over you and your situaton as well. God takes care of His own. Put it in his hands and let it rest there. Don't get discouraged if it doesn't happen when you think it should happen. He's a MIRACLE working God!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dear Cholette
Peace be with you.
Thank you for your encouraging words and prayer.
I realized I wrote University,but it is a college.I'm sorry,English is not my original language. flower
God bless you and your family.

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Hi Ditte -

I'm happy for your son getting in and am praying the Lord opens a way for it to be paid. (soon, hopefully)!

God Bless -

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Dear Christina!
Peace be with you.
Thank you for your kindness and your prayers.
God bless you. flower

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