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I think my Pastor doesn't like me

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Hi to all I think my Pastor doesn't like me, the reason I feel this way is because I am the personal assistant to the Pastor and this is a job that I didn't want, but I knew God was calling me to this postion, well the girl that was the pastor's personal assistant told the pastor that she couldn't serve her anymore due to some misunderstandings, and the Pastor asked me to be her personal assistant(armourbearer) well I feel like the Pastor doesn't like me because now that this girl has come back to the church and the Pastor is the god mother of this girls baby its like I am being pushed aside, I not ever wanted a friendship with my Pastor I want to know her in the spirit then in the flesh. Yet I feel like because I won't do certain things that the Pastor wants she is starting to not like me. crying Maybe and I pray praying that I am just wrong and that its not the case scratching chin

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I feel for you... Have you asked her how she feels about the situation?
If God has called you to that position then ask Him to give you favour with the pastor and the girl, to make peace with them regardless.

I don't really have any insight into how to go about that kind of relationship. I just know that I really hate being in that unpredictable kind of relationship and it really does bring one to tears, when you don't know how someone feels about you and makes you unsure of where you really stand in there life.

Father is with you mj

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Be careful that you are not beliving a lie MJ. You are in a "called" position and the enemy would LOVE to whisper lies to you and make you think something, so you can move out of position.

My pastor, YEARS ago, was a female pastor and I wasn't her assistant, but I could have sworn she was throwing me dirty looks. I stayed FAR AWAY from her because I thought she hated me. It wasn't until years later that I found out that she would always look at me because God was speaking to her about my purpose in the ministry. I ended up playing a key role in her life before she passed away. I allowed the enemy to steal some precious years from me when I could have been getting to know her a little better.

My point I'm making is...REALLY pray about this and allow the Lord to open your eyes. Make sure you are not jumping to conclusions because if the enemy is lying to you, it will affect the way you serve her. It's okay that you don't want to do certain things...that's your perogative. If it's a problem with your pastor, pray about that too. God has a way of touching the heart of others when we want to do what's right for US.

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thank you Cholette Yes I do understand and I have started praying as I have been hoping its not the case, thanks again

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