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Facebook settings

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A lot of you will have had the message from Facebook saying they were altering privacy settings. This is causing us some problems with facebook links. Can you all please check that your link is valid as I have noticed today that a lot of peoples links that were working are now going to my own homepage.

If you were happy with the settings you had previously all you have to do is click on the use old settings button in the message from Facebook, then nothing should change.

Thank you all

Can everyone please check their facebook settings.
You need to go into your privacy settings, contact information and make sure you have add as friend set as everyone.

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Thanks, I noticed that when I clicked on someone's link. I will check mine now and make sure everything is on the up and up. Smile

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i willl check it when i came on fb later today

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I skipped it a while ago Smile

I'll click the old setting next time when it appears again Smile

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Please read the first post everyone
And please be sure to check your settings

Thank you!

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Can everyone please check their facebook settings.
You need to go into your privacy settings, contact information and make sure you have add as friend set as everyone.

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Still causing issues for new members - why oh why do FB fiddle about so much with settings?

I added a link to F how to make groups, so people worried about their online privacy can still be available without revealing all, so to speak - on the approppriate help thread.

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that is really helpfull!!! I just check it, it is ok!!! because I had a problem too when I joined!!! I hope that everyone reads that, and there are no more problems!!! please everyone check! congratulations

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