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becoming my mother

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Many people tell me I look like my mother. This is not a bad thing, because I think she was beautiful (she died in 2002), but as I get older (I'm 42) I'm finding myself in many ways becoming my mother. Again, this isn't such a bad thing because she led a virtuous life, but I'm a little afraid I'm stuck in a rut.

I don't want to miss my calling because it doesn't feel familiar--prophets keep telling me I'm going to be traveling afar, for example, and my mom was a homebody. I catch myself unconsciously doing and saying things my mom would say and do.

I know the basic answer to this question is to listen to the Holy Spirit and His prompting, but I'm wondering if anyone else has gone through this and if anyone has broken free from it or has some general insight.

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Hi Deborah...

As much as my mom and I don't see eye to eye on many things...and as many of her ways that I don't desire to have in my own life...from time to time I hear some of her come out of me as well. That doesn't mean I'm like her or will become her. Some of what we mimmick from our parents is "learned behavior". There is a saying that people say..."you become what you hang around...or "birds of a feather, flock together". Sometimes you can be around a person so much that different things they do and say rub off on you, but that doesn't mean you become like them...especially if you are in the Word and your mind is being renewed.

If I were you, I wouldn't let the enemy get you thinking anything negative about this situation. It would be like him to get you off focus. From what I've seen in your responses on the this site, you seem to be in a good place and have much to offer people here and it comes from your heart. Continue in the Word of God my friend. I really dont' think you have anything to worry about. Rest my friend because if I was becoming my mother, based on some of the "sayings" that I picked up...this board and this nation would be in trouble. (PS...I love my mother dearly...it was a joke)

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Thank you so much, Cholette! I know it is God and God alone who has begun a good work in me (and you too, and every other Christian) and He's the One who will finish it too.

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