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Body hurts! My knee and ankle!/ I'm sick of this!

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My knee and ankle have been hurting since December. I've gone to the doctor and now I have to go to a different doctor but in March! That's kinda far and it hurts when I sit, walk, and go up and down the stairs. If I make the slightest move, I feel a little sharp pain sometimes. It's also uncomfortable. Please pray that the pain lessen, especially my knee. Also, today the back of my legs were hurting and yesterday my other ankle began to hurt. My doctor advised that I loose weight, but it's kinda hard. I'm lazy, there's not a lot of healthy food in the house and it's hard for me to exercise. Plus, can u give me some exercises that I don't have to use my legs much? Please pray. My old teacher (retired) said I was a mess when I told him. My mom says I'm falling apart. For pity's sake, I sometimes feel like crying when I wake from my school to my mom's job. Well, I have to go soak my ankle. Bye.

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Praying for you Jasmine. You can do anything sitting down, in order to exercise. When I hurt my heel and couldn't go to the gym, I would sit in a chair and "shadow box" with my arms to get my heart rate up...that's what you need for cardio. You will be surprised how that will help you...AND make your arms look great too.

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Shadow boxing is pretend boxing. You do jabs like a boxer does...sort of like you are hitting a bag, but you are really hitting air. I hope that makes sense because that's the only way I know how to describe it...LOL! It sounds easy, but if you do it for a few minutes, your arms will begin to feel like they are 100 pounds. Be aware, if you do it right, your arms will be sore the next day...which is a good sign...

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thanks wow i can just sit in front of the tv and play with the wii!

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