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Infertility and marriage strain

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hi, I would like a prayer about my marriage situation. We have been trying to conceive for more than four years, and that has taken a toll at our marriage. I also am getting more and more frustrated, even tough I know that God has his perfect timing. I also know that the Lord wants me to adopt, and I want it too but my husband is not on board yet.

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I understand how that can be frustrating. I would lay it all before the feet of Jesus and cast your care on him. He will direct the path that you should take. Trust him. Your hubby will come around...just give it all to Jesus.

Love in Jesus,

Connie huggins

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I agree with Connie!! Also, have you gone to the doctors for tests to see what the problem could be?

God is the Author of conception, relax and let things happen naturally. Sometimes we can get so focused on the conceiving and not really enjoy the one we are conceiving with. The baby is the fruit from the love so just enjoy each other...laugh...vacation...and let it happen naturally!

Praying for you and your hubby!

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I certainly appreciate your prayers! That's what it's so frustrating about it, is that the docs can't tell me what's wrong. I had an invasive procedure done and nothing! But all in His timing.

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