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♥C&G Christmas Daily Chat♥

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inu-kijo wrote:
Im in and out.

drawing a dead tree with snow on it.
I am sorry ..... my computr deciced to hiccup on me ........ Mad

Is drawing the tree helping ..??

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Im just bored. started the drawing yesterday.

dont think its helping, cause i think I rebroke my hand.... so drawing with it actually kind of sucks.

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inu-kijo wrote:
Im just bored. started the drawing yesterday.

dont think its helping, cause i think I rebroke my hand.... so drawing with it actually kind of sucks.


rebroke ?? from when .... the other day ?? how did you do that ...

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Oh no,.... i broke my right hand a couple of years ago in between the first knuckle.

It hurts pretty ferociously, and its really swollen, so I think I may have hurt it again somehow.

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Toulouse wrote:
Morning all and a Merry Christmas!

Good morning BG!! Merry Christmas !!

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couple of days. Hasnt really bothered me until today.

i suddenly hate this picture as well... : /

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inu-kijo wrote:
couple of days. Hasnt really bothered me until today.

i suddenly hate this picture as well... : /

Part of it might be the weather .... I broke my ankle 13 years ago ... It doesn't swell often -- unless I turn it -- but this weather brings out the worst in it ......

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Yeah I was wondering that too, cause my bursitis only gets super terrible when its cold.

Who knows? Def not a big deal or anything. : D

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inu-kijo wrote:
Yeah I was wondering that too, cause my bursitis only gets super terrible when its cold.

Who knows? Def not a big deal or anything. : D

Have you got any plans over the next couple of days ??

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Morning Tanya & Kijo
How are you both?
(sorry, had to order a late present for my sister who assumes we ordered it and she has to wait... so now we HAVE to)

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Hello all ... checking on on the Christmas morning chat action ... MERRY CHRISTMAS! How is everyone?

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Toulouse wrote:
Morning Tanya & Kijo
How are you both?
(sorry, had to order a late present for my sister who assumes we ordered it and she has to wait... so now we HAVE to)

I am good ... putting the final touches on food to take to work tomorrow...
mindyjoy wrote:
Hello all ... checking on on the Christmas morning chat action ... MERRY CHRISTMAS! How is everyone?

Hi Mindy!! Merry Christmas ..
inu-kijo wrote:
Lots of sleeping. I slept like 10 hours today.

You needed it after working extra yesterday ....

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Hi Tanya, you are up late, you must be at work. Sending some extra Christmas cheer your way.

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mindyjoy wrote:
Hello all ... checking on on the Christmas morning chat action ... MERRY CHRISTMAS! How is everyone?

Morning, Merry Christmas to you too!

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Kijo, read you're feeling a bit bummed (you and me both )
A little cheer you up:
Vampire weekend - A Punk
(i rock this one in Guitar Hero lol)

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Merry Christmas to you then, hun! It's 1am here and I should really be sleeping, lol

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mindyjoy wrote:
Hi Tanya, you are up late, you must be at work. Sending some extra Christmas cheer your way.

Thanks ... I am at home .. it is Monday evening for me .. I am up a bit late because I am finishing up a pasta salad for work tomorrow ....

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mindyjoy wrote:
Merry Christmas to you then, hun! It's 1am here and I should really be sleeping, lol

Thanks Smile
It was past 2am this morning when I finally got into bed and I believe it was around 8 I woke up, so I decided to get up. Am pretty awake though

TanyaRC wrote:
mindyjoy wrote:
Hi Tanya, you are up late, you must be at work. Sending some extra Christmas cheer your way.

Thanks ... I am at home .. it is Monday evening for me .. I am up a bit late because I am finishing up a pasta salad for work tomorrow ....

Mmm, pasta!!

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Toulouse wrote:
Kijo, read you're feeling a bit bummed (you and me both )
A little cheer you up:
Vampire weekend - A Punk
(i rock this one in Guitar Hero lol)

is that a song?? Laughing

i must not know that one.

Yeah I wish I was working all day orsomething.

this weekend is weighing heavy on me the closer it gets. : /

I even drew a picture for you.... but it didnt turn out so well....

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Toulouse wrote:
TanyaRC wrote:
mindyjoy wrote:
Hi Tanya, you are up late, you must be at work. Sending some extra Christmas cheer your way.

Thanks ... I am at home .. it is Monday evening for me .. I am up a bit late because I am finishing up a pasta salad for work tomorrow ....

Mmm, pasta!!

yes, I think it is going to be good!!

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Toulouse wrote:
Kijo, read you're feeling a bit bummed (you and me both )
A little cheer you up:
Vampire weekend - A Punk
(i rock this one in Guitar Hero lol)

is that a song?? Laughing

i must not know that one.

Yeah I wish I was working all day orsomething.

this weekend is weighing heavy on me the closer it gets. : /

I even drew a picture for you.... but it didnt turn out so well....

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My eyes are starting to droop, I better shut down the lappy and get my Christmas snooze on! Happy holidays to all! see you tomorrow! xoxo

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inu-kijo wrote:
is that a song?? Laughing
i must not know that one.
Yeah I wish I was working all day orsomething.
this weekend is weighing heavy on me the closer it gets. : /
I even drew a picture for you.... but it didnt turn out so well....

It is congratulations
I was playing Guitar Hero yesterday and got tired of playing the same songs, so I discovered this one, really cheered me up and still does, has something quite happy I think congratulations

hon, must be hard for you
Still curious about the pic!
(and it probably did turn out well!)

thought to drop by this morning, since I won't be around until Monay (get home back Sunday eve)

TanyaRC wrote:
yes, I think it is going to be good!!

send me some leftovers

mindyjoy wrote:
My eyes are starting to droop, I better shut down the lappy and get my Christmas snooze on! Happy holidays to all! see you tomorrow! xoxo

See you later!

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Merry Christmas Mindy!

I've got the page open but am at the kitchen table with the girls and Mr Z and a kitchen of cats congratulations

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mindyjoy wrote:
My eyes are starting to droop, I better shut down the lappy and get my Christmas snooze on! Happy holidays to all! see you tomorrow! xoxo

Night Mindy!! Merry Christmas!!
Zoonie wrote:
Merry Christmas Mindy!

I've got the page open but am at the kitchen table with the girls and Mr Z and a kitchen of cats congratulations

Hi Gill!! Merry Christmas!! Did you take your allergy meds??

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Zoonie wrote:
Merry Christmas Mindy!

I've got the page open but am at the kitchen table with the girls and Mr Z and a kitchen of cats congratulations

Morning Zoonie! Merry Christmas!

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inu-kijo wrote:
I sent you a PM BG.

Going to ahve to leave for B-fast momentarily.

thanks hon, just noticed Smile
Mmm, breakfast! Had mine already, but it was something small, since I overate yesterday...

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Gill!!!! Did you see??? Did you see???? I won third place in the GMB lottery!!

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TanyaRC wrote:
Hi Gill!! Merry Christmas!! Did you take your allergy meds??

congratulations nope lol. Nose is running and itching, very attractive congratulations

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Sorry I have to go, present opening scheduled congratulations
Catch you all when I can x

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Time for me to go as well, b-fat time.

hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas.

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There all packed Smile
Will be back in a bit, am going to see how the birthday one is doing

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Whoot for Guitar Hero ( i like rockband a little better to be honest. : D

Cause I have to switch over to left handed playing (who knows why I am right handed but play guitars left handedly.... o__o)

Just edited my BG quiz! ; D

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Hmm, rockband, have to take a look at that : D
That's weird! Luckily I can play right handed too lol, but having some troubles switching beween my ring and other fingers lol (playing with 3 notes atm, tried expert yesterday, but can't run before you can crawl lol)

Gonna take a look congratulations

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:goog: about the quiz! (although, the quote in question nr 12 isn't still the one I'm talking about lol - saw a performance of Jeff yesterday, amazed how he cracks me up)

(don't like olives either, yuk!)

And the black & white cat is the one that stalks me at night now, he sleeps in my room (with the cold), he's next to me now, fast asleep

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Toulouse wrote:
Hmm, rockband, have to take a look at that : D
That's weird! Luckily I can play right handed too lol, but having some troubles switching beween my ring and other fingers lol (playing with 3 notes atm, tried expert yesterday, but can't run before you can crawl lol)

Gonna take a look congratulations

I can play hard in most everything in Rockband, and I love how they make their Guitars better than Guitar Hero. PLus you can always sing, play bass, or drums on rockband as well!! ; D

I do like the story mode in Guitar hero though. so both has its perks, but you can play with more people in Rockband, which is always a blast when drunk.

I am sure you will get on your way to becoming an expert.

have you ever youtubed some expert videos, its crazy! ; D

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inu-kijo wrote:
I can play hard in most everything in Rockband, and I love how they make their Guitars better than Guitar Hero. PLus you can always sing, play bass, or drums on rockband as well!! ; D

I do like the story mode in Guitar hero though. so both has its perks, but you can play with more people in Rockband, which is always a blast when drunk.

I am sure you will get on your way to becoming an expert.

have you ever youtubed some expert videos, its crazy! ; D

Lol, seems like rockband is something for me too!
It sure is a good game for a party : D

Hmm, expert, doubt that, the 5 keys are difficult, but I think that when I practice a lot, it eventually will work out

I haven't youtubed yet, but they have filmed me yesterday, was quite funny (seems I stick out my tongue and bite it when it's hard Laughing )

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