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Testimony of Christ in my Life

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Praise God for this site and the many brethren and seekers within, may we come together in unity and oneness and I pray God’s truth and will be done within each of our lives.

Hello to all I am a single mother of 6 daughters and I was called to be a servant of Christ’s glory in 2009. I came to know Christ through deliverance, Jesus delivered me from seducing spirits at that time I only knew I was cursed and very sick in my mind. I was a women of the world broke every commandment given to us by the father yet his grace and loving mercy saved me when I believed my life was over. I recall the day Jesus came into my life like it was yesterday, I knew no one who loved Jesus so it was not hard to ignore and acknowledge he even existed. The day of my 33rd birthday had come and that day a close friend gave me a picture of the last supper as a gift. I looked at her and said “Are you serious, why would you give me a picture like this I don’t even know who this is” Well to cut a long story short she explained who and what this picture meant, on the outside I pretended I knew what she was talking about but in all honesty what she told me didn’t mean a thing to me, I thought the gift was great but the understanding of that gift flew over my head. My intent when I walk inside a little while later was to store the painting away but for some reason I walked into my lounge and hung it in the centre of my wall. I loved the gift, yet why I loved it I couldn’t explain but to cover my embarrassment and my eagerness to hang it, I said to my friend I would hang it up because she gave me the gift, and I didn’t want her to think I didn’t appreciate it.

Well after I hung that picture darkness became evident in my life, satan started to manifest in my life. I was seeing things no one would believe, it only happens or you only see the stuff I’d seen in the movies. At first I thought I was imagining it but then reality took a punch for the worst and I started hearing voices and strange occurrences started happening in my life. I am New Zealand born and here my culture believes highly in the spiritual gifts our ancestors had and if we were lucky we were blessed with their gift. I could see things and was trained to believe that this gift was special (yeah right) I used this gift to control situations yet I spoke to many spirits, I know now I spoke not to the one who gives me life. Since receiving the picture from my friend, my gift I had inherited from my pares(Which at the time I believed was truth) was no longer a blessing it had became a curse all that I knew started to back fire. I got that bad I had to go visit what we call an elder a man who see’s all things and can speak directly to the source of the problem. I didn’t know but God knew that I was going to see Jesus, I rung a local marae (gathering house) and asked to see this elder at the marae. At this time I had all my family with me, we all have some sort of special gift but I praise God his gift that lives in me is to glorify his name now not that of the thief. We went to this house and I met a lovely gentleman, usually I was intimidated by these elders because we were made to fear them because of their stature, respect was demanded while in their presence. When I went into this building I was silenced I met the most humblest man, there was something different about him but what it was at that time I couldn’t fathom, I now know this presence to be the light of the Holy Spirit. His voice when he spoke was full of love I found that confessing my woes to him was easy like a conversation shared within your own family. I told him everything that I was being attacked physically and that my mind was in overdrive over the voices I could hear and that the situation had gotten out of hand because now my family within my home were feeling and seeing these manifestations as well. He prayed for me but I felt no change in my circumstance but was shocked into silence when he told me he was going to take me to see the greatest tohunga (Doctor) that lived. I was thinking I was ready for the mental hospital because I believed if he couldn’t help me my life was over. He told me he wanted to take me to meet his pastors and I just stared at him, like “What! are you serious” He explained that there I would find the greatest healer that ever lived, I felt in me I had no other option it was either go to meet these pastors or admit myself to the mental hospital. We went home I didn’t know what else to do life was at its ends for me I couldn’t sleep I was hearing voices and worst of all I could see them who spoke and they were all ugly. That evening my children all six, 2 sisters my niece and her 2 children plus my brother and his 3 children all went to see these pastors at this church. I didn’t know what to expect but I feel I was the only one who hesitated. After my family went through the door I stood outside Just knowing there was something in that building and I feared the unknown. 33 years of my life I lived as a sinner and I served the thief without even knowing it, I was almost ready to turn around but I saw the pastor coming toward me and I stopped and stared at her. She waved at me to come in and that is exactly what I did when I entered the door I felt warmth immediately touch my forehead and then that feeling spread right through me to the bottom of my toes. It felt to me as if someone was hugging me and I missed the question the pastor had asked me so I said pardon lol and then she asked again “what can I do for you dear” I told her what I have confessed in this testimony and she looked at me and smiled she said “Not a problem dear, not a problem to Jesus” That night the church anointed my whole family with oil and they prayed for us I did not know what to expect but I felt whole and for once the voices had stopped. I asked them if they would bless my house because I feared entering my home because of what I was seeing. They agreed and came to bless my home; unbeknownst to me this would be the night the worst manifestation I’d ever seen would come to pass. We had made arrangements with these pastors for us all to be baptized a couple of days later. The night before our baptism my family and I were sharing the Word of God and we were witness to a manifestation of the Spirit of death. I’ve only ever seen what I bore witness to in a horror movies, my whole family witnessed this event. We have a double ranch slider door and this is all glass, we were reading scriptures then all of a sudden we could see maggots coming in through the cracks of the windows. Because it had been raining we took no notice of the commotion outside the door. We didn’t know anything about the word of God but I felt to read the word I picked up the bible and started to pick at random any scripture to read out loud. Whilst this was happening my brother who was upstairs was feeling like he was being strangled by something, then he felt something enfold itself around him and this force tried to crush the living breath out of him. My brother at the time was 40 years old and he has had no qualms about spiritual entities and never before has he encountered their presence this night though the devil tried his hardest to manifest to us in the flesh. My children were waking up in the middle of the night because they could hear knocking but when they went to the door no one was there.

Through baptism of the water the old me died, I thank God for resurrecting me from the dead and giving me life, I praise him for his forgiveness toward me and the remission of my sins; I praise him for the gift of the Holy Spirit. God’s wisdom through his spirit giveth unto me understanding of any circumstance and through his truth the loving gospel we learn as we read to claim the blood of Christ against any force. In the name of Jesus we receive truth, love, peace and Joy in abundance through his spirit. I share this testimony with you in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. He delivered me and my family from the bondage of the world (satan) he came to me and saved me from eternal death. I love the Lord with all my heart, mind body and soul; I sup with him every chance I get for Christ mercy is great upon my family and my life. Through his grace I share my testimony and I proclaim that without Jesus in our lives we are dead.

In the name of Jesus Christ Jesus is the Son of God I declare Jesus was born of the flesh and did take upon himself the sins of the world. Christ Jesus was crucified on the cross of Calvary and rose 3 days later, he now sits at the right hand side of our father Almighty God in heavenly place’s and maketh intercession on behalf of all the saints of the most high God, In the name of Jesus, Amen

Glory Be To God

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What an awesome testimony of Jesus saving grace! Thanks you so much for sharing it with us.

praiseGod praiseGod praiseGod

Love in Jesus,


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I agree with Dove, thank you for this amazing testimony MamaZ. I think its amazing that the Lord drew you into His love and salvation using a painting of His likeness. All things are possible with God.


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Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I read your testimony I thought of this verse:
For this I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
(Romans 8:38/39)
By the way: to the site!

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Blessed peace and Love to you all in the name of Jesus
Thank you for the blessing, as I read the replys I felt the spirit fall upon me thank you each individually from my heart I praise God for such Love....

Love always

Glory Be To God

Rejoice in the Lord ye rightoues and give thanks at the rememberance of his holiness

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