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Why do I miss him?!?!

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I just graduated middle school last Saturday. I miss my homeroom teacher (Mr.M) and I have no ideas why. I've been in that school for 2 years and I miss the people. I was in the school before that for 8 years and no part of my missed that place too much. My teacher isn't one of the best. He lacks patience and he always yells. Sometimes, he makes fun of certain people (its always a joke but it really angers one of his students) and he sometimes is unsympathetic towards me (BTW: both my knees and my ankle are a problem now). Now, I wonder why I don't miss my other (Mr. D) teacher as much (he's retired, buts he runs the after school program). He and I almost always play dominoes. He's more sympathetic towards me because he has leg problems and other stuff too. He has an awesome teacher. He was a dedicated teacher (40 years in the same place!).

Anyways, back to my own home room teacher. Please pray that God will tell me why I miss him and if he's to stay in my mind for some reason (he has some problems so maybe God wants me to pray for him.)

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i was trying to figure out what to say to you about this

the REASON you miss him is because of what you already said:

he was Sympathetic toward you and played dominoes with you

he made you feel comfortable

13 year olds can develop *attachments* like that sometimes.

on top of this, you probably wouldn't be wrong for praying for him.

just don't become obsessed...that part of your life is done...have some wisdom.

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