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My dad's 2 rental properties.

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Me and my dad want both of his rental properties OFF OUR HANDS...especially ME.

Now I know I've been VERY disobedient to God and it feels like God doesn't want to relieve us(me) from this burden because of that.

It's like being forced to lay under a faucet where a drop falls on your face every 25 seconds but you can only bare so much of it before it starts to feel like torture.

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LORD in the name of Jesus I lift to you the sales of these properties and I ask dear Lord you make a way for these homes to be sold. I ask you work a work within Cloud Connected and you create a refreshed understanding of thy will within his life. Give unto him knowledge of thy Word let wisdom be his companion open to him the mercies of thy loving grace. Bless him Lord bless him with understanding remove the weight from their lives relieve the burdens upon their life in the name of Jesus I pray. Thank you Lord that your patience with thy saints is abundant, I ask that you lead this brother into your courts in the name of Jesus. Unto God be all the Glory, Amen

happy dance Glory Be To God happy dance

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