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Christmas Time Chitter Chat ~ Daily Thread

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Bee wrote:
hello everyone

Hi Bee - how are you doing

I've got to run now - i have a tonne of stuff to do.
Great to see you all.

Gill - check out those wellies Laughing

Happy New Year if I don;t make it back for then!

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@ WishFairy .... nice to hear you had a nice Christmas .... how lovely having your 90 yr old Gran (is that granpa or granma?) .... I wish I could have spent it with my family especially with my grandma .. she is 88 and I miss her a lot ... I'm hoping to go visit them sometime in the next couple of months

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TanyaRC wrote:
Bee wrote:
hello everyone

Hi Bee!! How are you?? How was the wedding?? Was it worth the train ride??

I didn't stay long - got there about 40 minutes late (my fault - forgot the invite and we couldn't find it) and then we had some meze that was on tables while there was lots of dancing going on and then they brought main course and I had about 3 bites from it - my stomach went wild and I ended up in ladies being sick so I left the party.

Mr B gentelmenly took me home. So that was my brief introduction to Turkish wedding - I think we stayed litlebit over an hour Sad

How are you and your working christmas? hope you had some rest

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I've done something stupid yesterday and as a restult of it I've been in tears most of the day today .

Well it's not really that big deal but I guess I'm just taking it worse than expected

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Wow... taht message took a while to send! : /

anyways I have just goten BACk from b-fast. HAHAHA

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Bee wrote:
I've done something stupid yesterday and as a restult of it I've been in tears most of the day today .

Well it's not really that big deal but I guess I'm just taking it worse than expected

awwww sweetie ....come here and get a big HUG

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inu-kijo wrote:
Wow... taht message took a while to send! : /

anyways I have just goten BACk from b-fast. HAHAHA

how was your christmas hunnie? peaceful I hope

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inu-kijo wrote:

Lol! It's my lunch break now, so thought to drop by until we are going to eat
How are we feeling today?

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Princesita wrote:
Bee wrote:
I've done something stupid yesterday and as a restult of it I've been in tears most of the day today .

Well it's not really that big deal but I guess I'm just taking it worse than expected

awwww sweetie ....come here and get a big HUG

thank you - I guess for most people it's not a big deal. No crime has been commited and no-one died.

I went out with a guy last night - few drinks as promised several months ago. Not a big deal, we had nice chat and it was not awkward at all through out the evening. Then it was time to go home and he took underground with me but only one stop appologising that he leave me to travel on my own - then kissed me on a cheek and left.

Later I got a text from him wishing me safe journey home.

Like I said not a big deal - it was not suppose to be a date and I was not expecing anything else to happen - it just what I did - that I've agree to this in a first place - I'm obviously not ready for stuff like that yet and for some reason I can't stop crying today. Luckily Mr B's at work today so I don't have to explain anything.

I thought I was doing well so far but I feel like I'm back at square one

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Bee wrote:
TanyaRC wrote:
Bee wrote:
hello everyone

Hi Bee!! How are you?? How was the wedding?? Was it worth the train ride??

I didn't stay long - got there about 40 minutes late (my fault - forgot the invite and we couldn't find it) and then we had some meze that was on tables while there was lots of dancing going on and then they brought main course and I had about 3 bites from it - my stomach went wild and I ended up in ladies being sick so I left the party.

Mr B gentelmenly took me home. So that was my brief introduction to Turkish wedding - I think we stayed litlebit over an hour Sad

How are you and your working christmas? hope you had some rest

Ohhh Bee, I am so sorry that it made you sick. I was hoping that you had a great time..Sad

Bee wrote:
I've done something stupid yesterday and as a restult of it I've been in tears most of the day today .

Well it's not really that big deal but I guess I'm just taking it worse than expected

Here is a big for you .... maybe it will help make you feel better ...

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Princesita wrote:
hi Zoonie!!! I think I saw you here .... sorry I am slow posting but every time I refresh it takes forever and it's kinda laggy .... one of these days I'll be able to get a fast computer

I disappeared for a bit, capturing cats in from the rain, feeding them, making myself a drink for my throat.
I should be dressed as it wont be long until Maureen comes to take Socks for his jabs, but I'm staying in my dressing gown and will run shower afterwards.

Wish Fairy wrote:
Gill seriously what are those oil people thinking ????
That's ridiculous !!

ooh - now, wellies Laughing I got some very nice new ones for Xmas from Santa. They are Welligogs - bright red with black dog paws on them - very nice indeed !! 8)

They're mad!

See you later Wish.

Bee wrote:
hello everyone

Bee wrote:
I've done something stupid yesterday and as a restult of it I've been in tears most of the day today .

Well it's not really that big deal but I guess I'm just taking it worse than expected

Bee - I really don't see what the issue is (from the outside looking in) you had a pleasant and sociable evening - that's all. Please don't beat yourself up, or think too hard about things, it just was what it was.
Sorry you were ill at the wedding feast

Toulouse wrote:
*walks in wearing her invisability cloak*
whispers : I am NOT here

Not Hello then


WB Kijo.

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Toulouse wrote:
inu-kijo wrote:

Lol! It's my lunch break now, so thought to drop by until we are going to eat
How are we feeling today?

Im okay. My hand is more swollent han yesterday, and actually a bit painful, but it is super cold here today, so I am hoping it is jsut because of that.

Awww poor bee, dont worry!

I went to Walmart a couple of days after Christmas, and it was sooooo busy. well I got like... overwhelmed somehow, and by the time I got home, I couldn't stop crying or throwing up for a couple of hours. then suddenly I felt better.

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awww Bee ... You didn't do anything wrong. We talked about this remember... It was just a drink... If it is the kiss that is worrying you, quit worrying about that. that is just the way some people are ...

You can do this. It takes a while to heal when a relationship goes awry, but you are a strong person and you can do it ..

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TanyaRC wrote:

Ohhh Bee, I am so sorry that it made you sick. I was hoping that you had a great time..Sad

my stomach has been dodgy for a while now - I have not been eating well recently and it must have been something that I've eaten there - the food was quite greasy so i guess that must have set me off.

Yes it's a shame I couln't stay but i felt that it's better for me to leave that be there feeling uncomfortable.

The hall was really full and we were seated on the other side to toilets - you had to make your way throught the always full dacefloor to the other side on the hall - that was challenge by itself

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Princesita wrote:
I disappeared for a bit, capturing cats in from the rain, feeding them, making myself a drink for my throat. I should be dressed as it wont be long until Maureen comes to take Socks for his jabs, but I'm staying in my dressing gown and will run shower afterwards.

Toulouse wrote:
*walks in wearing her invisability cloak*
whispers : I am NOT here

Not Hello then


If you make warm drinks, honey should do the trick for your throat too. I've read you have some kind of spray, hope that helps! Hope you feel better soon Barry Zoonie!

Lol congratulations

inu-kijo wrote:
Im okay. My hand is more swollent han yesterday, and actually a bit painful, but it is super cold here today, so I am hoping it is jsut because of that.

I hope it's because of the cold, it's the hand you hurt from last time?

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No the broke hand from a while back. : D

Can't even draw today, which sucks.

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TanyaRC wrote:
awww Bee ... You didn't do anything wrong. We talked about this remember... It was just a drink... If it is the kiss that is worrying you, quit worrying about that. that is just the way some people are ...

You can do this. It takes a while to heal when a relationship goes awry, but you are a strong person and you can do it ..

You can do it Bee

and as for a kiss - I kiss people all the time, even my osteopath congratulations

Well, I'm not kissing her all the time obviously, I'm not some kind of crazed snogger woman, just socially as a pleasantry.
It would have been odd to shake hands don't you think?

@BG I just made hot lemon and honey, it's very comforting as well as hopefully helping ease my throat.
The spray is called Difflam, it has benzydamine hydrochloride in it, whatever that is!!!

@Kijo, do you think you had a minor panic attack?

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Bee - I really don't see what the issue is (from the outside looking in) you had a pleasant and sociable evening - that's all. Please don't beat yourself up, or think too hard about things, it just was what it was.
Sorry you were ill at the wedding feast

inu-kijo wrote:

Awww poor bee, dont worry!

I went to Walmart a couple of days after Christmas, and it was sooooo busy. well I got like... overwhelmed somehow, and by the time I got home, I couldn't stop crying or throwing up for a couple of hours. then suddenly I felt better.

TanyaRC wrote:
awww Bee ... You didn't do anything wrong. We talked about this remember... It was just a drink... If it is the kiss that is worrying you, quit worrying about that. that is just the way some people are ...

You can do this. It takes a while to heal when a relationship goes awry, but you are a strong person and you can do it ..

thanks guys - I knew you would understand and help me to feel better.
I know that it's nothing that anyone done - nothing went wrong there - I guess it's just that when I was sitting on that train home last night (and I guess this morning when I got up too) it finally sunk - stuff I have been lying myself about last few weeks - pretending like all is fine - it was like a slap in a face. Proper wake up call and I'm not sure I was ready for that yet.

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I dunno. I was a bit drugged too (taking Vicodens from my Sprained knee) So I am not sure what it was. I was only grocery shopping, but that very well may have been the case.
After throwing up a bit, and a shower and a meal I was fine again. So nothing major by any means.
Just glad no crazy woman in the store tried to kiss me, who know what I would ahve done!!!

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inu-kijo wrote:
No the broke hand from a while back. : D

Can't even draw today, which sucks.

That sucks indeed!

Zoonie, sounds good! I hope the spray kicks in soon, so you have a great NYE!

Bee, I have been reading back a bit:

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Zoonie wrote:
TanyaRC wrote:
awww Bee ... You didn't do anything wrong. We talked about this remember... It was just a drink... If it is the kiss that is worrying you, quit worrying about that. that is just the way some people are ...

You can do this. It takes a while to heal when a relationship goes awry, but you are a strong person and you can do it ..

You can do it Bee

and as for a kiss - I kiss people all the time, even my osteopath congratulations

Well, I'm not kissing her all the time obviously, I'm not some kind of crazed snogger woman, just socially as a pleasantry.
It would have been odd to shake hands don't you think?

maybe I was secretely hoping that it would have been more that just a peck on a cheek. I thought we had good time - we met at 4pm and were leaving at 11.30pm - not really realising it's been that late.

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inu-kijo wrote:
I dunno. I was a bit drugged too (taking Vicodens from my Sprained knee) So I am not sure what it was. I was only grocery shopping, but that very well may have been the case.
After throwing up a bit, and a shower and a meal I was fine again. So nothing major by any means.
Just glad no crazy woman in the store tried to kiss me, who know what I would ahve done!!!

so sorry hunnie
glad you feel better now - yes life is anything but boring rigth now

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It was just a moment of strange events. I think I just didnt feel well that day, and was trying to do too much despite that fact.

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Glad no real harm came to you Kijo, you probably just should have been at home tucked up in the warm, and safe from strangers' advances congratulations

Bee honey, I think you're coping well considering. You're still living under the same roof and that probably isn't helping now, is it? so it's natural that you're in a kind of no-man's-land.

And so what if you were hoping something else might happen? just knowing you could go out and have a good time is a great step forward when you think about it.
But in your head you probably know that gently does it, you don't want to be on the rebound, so taking things slow is exactly right

Personally, I really wouldn't worry my head too much, let alone cry, unless you're crying something out of your system.
You're doing well ? <-- and now I kissed you too! congratulations

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Has anyone seen anything of Frannie?

I hosted her Carol competition, but only Tanya played so far, and I don't have the answers anyway congratulations

I hope she's ok.

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Seems it's my cue to go, lunch is ready.
See you all later, hope you all stay safe and good!

PS: reminding you all for the Bunny Girl quiz!

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Bee wrote:
Zoonie wrote:
TanyaRC wrote:
awww Bee ... You didn't do anything wrong. We talked about this remember... It was just a drink... If it is the kiss that is worrying you, quit worrying about that. that is just the way some people are ...

You can do this. It takes a while to heal when a relationship goes awry, but you are a strong person and you can do it ..

You can do it Bee

and as for a kiss - I kiss people all the time, even my osteopath congratulations

Well, I'm not kissing her all the time obviously, I'm not some kind of crazed snogger woman, just socially as a pleasantry.
It would have been odd to shake hands don't you think?

maybe I was secretely hoping that it would have been more that just a peck on a cheek. I thought we had good time - we met at 4pm and were leaving at 11.30pm - not really realising it's been that late.

Maybe you were .... Maybe it scared you shi#less.. I do not know how long you have been with flatmate, but even if it were two months, it takes a while to get yourself sorted out. Don't be in a hurry to start developing a new relationship. You need to remember who you are, by yourself without being part of a couple .. Don't get me wrong, I love men .... my hubby specially ..but you need some Bee time ...

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I will have to go soon too, Maureen has rung to say she's on her way here (to take Socks for his jabs)

After she leaves I'm going for a nice hot shower.

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Frannie has been getting on earlier,.... she has already came and gone

BYE BG!!! ?

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Zoonie wrote:
Has anyone seen anything of Frannie?

I hosted her Carol competition, but only Tanya played so far, and I don't have the answers anyway congratulations

I hope she's ok.

She was here earlier .... Wasn't she Kijo??

I forgot to ask her about the comp. I am talking to several people right now ... Smile

Bye BG!!

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Zoonie wrote:

Bee honey, I think you're coping well considering. You're still living under the same roof and that probably isn't helping now, is it? so it's natural that you're in a kind of no-man's-land.

And so what if you were hoping something else might happen? just knowing you could go out and have a good time is a great step forward when you think about it.
But in your head you probably know that gently does it, you don't want to be on the rebound, so taking things slow is exactly right

Personally, I really wouldn't worry my head too much, let alone cry, unless you're crying something out of your system.
You're doing well ? <-- and now I kissed you too! congratulations

I guess I am - I'm finally facing the truth. I can't lie to myself anymore.
Mr B's been great - we had lovely Christmas - went out for drink in the afternoon and then had meal early evening, botle of cava and lovely red wine to go with it.

I've cooked on 24th while he was at work and then on 25th he done the rest of cooking, then he fell asleep while watching Dr Who.
26th we took the dog our for couple of hours to work off the calories. Unsucessfully tried to talk about what will happen in January.

27th - sales shopping - got some lovely new undies in M&S sales - he was wandering around other shops while I was fighing my way throuhg M&S - it's always like a battle field when there is a sale on

28th - Mr B's bday - took him out for breakfast to Cafe Rouge - Kir Royal and eggs benedict, then we went to Orpington in search for a bottle of "single barrel" Jack Daniels. He had a mate coming over to go out with in the evening and this was suppose to be belated bday present for his mate. Didn't find the bottle so went home. They went out in the evening and his mate stay the night in spare bedroom.

29th - trip to Borough to pick up Mr B's bday present - wine aearator. then pub lunch in weatherspoons by Bank Station and then I went out to my meeing with that guy

Considering the circumstances - I can't say I had bad festive period.

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TanyaRC wrote:

Maybe you were .... Maybe it scared you shi#less.. I do not know how long you have been with flatmate, but even if it were two months, it takes a while to get yourself sorted out. Don't be in a hurry to start developing a new relationship. You need to remember who you are, by yourself without being part of a couple .. Don't get me wrong, I love men .... my hubby specially ..but you need some Bee time ...

we were together 9 years - I guess that makes it so much harder.

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Hiya Lyn, sorry you got here just as I'm off.
I'll catch up with you soon hey? xxx

Bee, sounds pretty good really all things being equal - you did a heck of a lot more than us!

Bye BG, bye everyone see you later on x

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lyniroquai wrote:
Hellloooo I finally found the new thread LOL!!!

How is everyone??

Hi Lyn!!Glad that you found us!!
Bee wrote:
TanyaRC wrote:

Maybe you were .... Maybe it scared you shi#less.. I do not know how long you have been with flatmate, but even if it were two months, it takes a while to get yourself sorted out. Don't be in a hurry to start developing a new relationship. You need to remember who you are, by yourself without being part of a couple .. Don't get me wrong, I love men .... my hubby specially ..but you need some Bee time ...

we were together 9 years - I guess that makes it so much harder.

that will make ti very difficult. You have shared a lot together and it won't be erased overnight... It sounds like you had a nice weekend though. Much better than mine .... lol
Zoonie wrote:
Hiya Lyn, sorry you got here just as I'm off.
I'll catch up with you soon hey? xxx

Bee, sounds pretty good really all things being equal - you did a heck of a lot more than us!

Bye BG, bye everyone see you later on x

Bye Gill!! Stay warm!! ha ha

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Zoonie wrote:
Hiya Lyn, sorry you got here just as I'm off.
I'll catch up with you soon hey? xxx

Bee, sounds pretty good really all things being equal - you did a heck of a lot more than us!

Bye BG, bye everyone see you later on x

byeee hunnie

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Zoonie wrote:
Hiya Lyn, sorry you got here just as I'm off.
I'll catch up with you soon hey? xxx

Bee, sounds pretty good really all things being equal - you did a heck of a lot more than us!

Bye BG, bye everyone see you later on x

Ok Gill, No worries congratulations

Speak to U soon xxx

heya Bee, Are you ok now??

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lyniroquai wrote:

Ok Gill, No worries congratulations

Speak to U soon xxx

heya Bee, Are you ok now??

hello lyn
lovely to see you here
I'm Ok and I'm not Ok - I'm trying to get my life together after break-up of my relationship not so long ago - keep boring people here with my problems.

How are you? I hope you had nice Christmas

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Bee wrote:
lyniroquai wrote:

Ok Gill, No worries congratulations

Speak to U soon xxx

heya Bee, Are you ok now??

hello lyn
lovely to see you here
I'm Ok and I'm not Ok - I'm trying to get my life together after break-up of my relationship not so long ago - keep boring people here with my problems.

How are you? I hope you had nice Christmas

awww bless ya

Love is such a hard thing to deal with....I reckon being in a relationship is harder than anything else, Havin kids, moving home etc... I've had more than my fair share of a broken Heart and It does get easier with time and having a great family and friends to talk to helps as well.... I am totally here for you if you ever wanna get things off your chest and ask for someone elses opinion congratulations

Dont you worry about thinking that you're boring people!! we're your friends thats wot we're here for silly!!!!!

I did have a great xmas and hope that New Year is even better than the last...Big huge hugs for u Bee (((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) xxxxxxxxxxxx

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inu-kijo wrote:
alright guys, time for me to head home, see you all later!!! : D

Hello and byeeee Kijo

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bye Kijo!!

Bee --- What Lyn said!! We are all here for each other ... Burdens shared become lighter ....

Bye ladies .... My spelling is getting really bad which is a sign for me to go to be d ....

love to you all !!

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TanyaRC wrote:
bye Kijo!!

Bee --- What Lyn said!! We are all here for each other ... Burdens shared become lighter ....

Bye ladies .... My spelling is getting really bad which is a sign for me to go to be d ....

love to you all !!

Byeeee tanya hunny, sleep well xxx

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lyniroquai wrote:

awww bless ya

Love is such a hard thing to deal with....I reckon being in a relationship is harder than anything else, Havin kids, moving home etc... I've had more than my fair share of a broken Heart and It does get easier with time and having a great family and friends to talk to helps as well.... I am totally here for you if you ever wanna get things off your chest and ask for someone elses opinion congratulations

Dont you worry about thinking that you're boring people!! we're your friends thats wot we're here for silly!!!!!

I did have a great xmas and hope that New Year is even better than the last...Big huge hugs for u Bee (((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) xxxxxxxxxxxx

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TanyaRC wrote:
bye Kijo!!

Bee --- What Lyn said!! We are all here for each other ... Burdens shared become lighter ....

Bye ladies .... My spelling is getting really bad which is a sign for me to go to be d ....

love to you all !!

I know but i still feel bad about it - everyone has got enought on their plates without me adding to it.

I'm very gratefull to have you all here and for all your support.

sweet dreams hunnie

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