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Christmas Time Chitter Chat ~ Daily Thread

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My hand has to be broken. : (

It hurts SO much today! I really didnt even wanna come to work : C
can't even hold a pencil today.

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inu-kijo wrote:
My hand has to be broken. : (

It hurts SO much today! I really didnt even wanna come to work : C
can't even hold a pencil today.

did you get it an xray

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If its not any better by Friday I will have to go to the clinic..... just sucks, i was just at the clinic LAST weekend. : C

I really dont like to go.

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I know. being its my drawing hand and all. But tomorrow is Thursday,s o Friday isnt too far away.
I am hoping it will miraculously heal itself, like it magically became hurt...
How are you???

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inu-kijo wrote:
I know. being its my drawing hand and all. But tomorrow is Thursday,s o Friday isnt too far away.
I am hoping it will miraculously heal itself, like it magically became hurt...
How are you???

i am fine but i worry about you, Sad

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Laughing I know? I keep getting hurt these past few weeks, and have no idea how or why!!!!
Honestly I dont like being hurt. its no fun at all!!!!!!

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inu-kijo wrote:
Laughing I know? I keep getting hurt these past few weeks, and have no idea how or why!!!!
Honestly I dont like being hurt. its no fun at all!!!!!!

hopefully you will be on the mend soon hun

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Kijo..... Are you hurt again?? Quit picking on the cat!! He is beating you up in your sleep ....

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inu-kijo wrote:
yeah, by the time this is fix, something else will be hurt! : D

we will have to put you in a plastic bubble so that you won't get hurt anymore Smile

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remember how last Friday was Christmas ..... This friday is new years day .....

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TanyaRC wrote:
remember how last Friday was Christmas ..... This friday is new years day .....

yes it sure went fast , how are you hun

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big tree is after regular member for some reason... hahaha

i should be a regular member soon as well!

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i am really feeling awful , i was suppose to send some kitchen stuff to someone tonight and for the life of me i can't remember , i think it was for wish to send to a little girl ?????

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inu-kijo wrote:
I am "attempting" to work on some graphics for the forum ... : /

i am positive that you will do great sweetie

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the kitench stuff was suppose4d to go to Tanya, to help out someone she knows. : D

I sent a whole set of counters/stoves/ cabinets and whatnot.

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inu-kijo wrote:
the kitench stuff was suppose4d to go to Tanya, to help out someone she knows. : D

I sent a whole set of counters/stoves/ cabinets and whatnot.

thank you i knwe that you would know should i send some kitchen items such as dishes and things like that ??

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Yeah, I think that would be the best bet, some decorative little things! Tanya, said she had a fridge and a table for her already as well. : D
A blue fridge, and i sent the whitish grey (glacious) kitchen set.... dunno if that helps you decorate or anything

where did TanTan disappear to??

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sorry honey .... my computer had a heart attack ..... I had 16 IE windows open !! Don't know how that happened ..... had to restart ..

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TanyaRC wrote:
sorry honey .... my computer had a heart attack ..... I had 16 IE windows open !! Don't know how that happened ..... had to restart ..

hey sweetie i sent some stuff for your friend

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and whoot she is back! : D

Clyde was playing with the sheets again today, so cute... she doesnt like the wrinkles.... I will have to record him tomorrow and show you guys, : D

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armellproctor wrote:
i bought a whole bunch of kitchen stuff , i am going to send it be right back

inu-kijo wrote:
Yeah, I think that would be the best bet, some decorative little things! Tanya, said she had a fridge and a table for her already as well. : D
A blue fridge, and i sent the whitish grey (glacious) kitchen set.... dunno if that helps you decorate or anything

where did TanTan disappear to??

You guys are the best!! Thank you on behalf of Alexis ... She will be so excited to see all the packages!!
inu-kijo wrote:
and whoot she is back! : D

Clyde was playing with the sheets again today, so cute... she doesnt like the wrinkles.... I will have to record him tomorrow and show you guys, : D

is Clyde a boy or girl??

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I know... i typed the "she" by accident. Clyde is a boy (man's name?)
I made a typo. : /

But everyone calls him a girl.....

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inu-kijo wrote:
I know... i typed the "she" by accident. Clyde is a boy (man's name?)
I made a typo. : /

But everyone calls him a girl.....

I have a girl cat named Jake ... She was my mom's cat and momma thought she was a he, hence Jake.... Boy was my mom surprised when Jake got pregnant .... Jake had 7 kittens!!

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Hahahahaha awww thats hilarious!!!

I think everyone calls him a girl cause he is too pretty. : D

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It wasn't too funny when she started popping out kittens .... and did not stop!! lol

Has he been neutered??

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Yeah I got him from an adoption agency, and they nuetuer them for you.

He was actually adopted twice. the first family that had him, allowed him to be an outside cat, and he got a severe case of ear mites that was never treated. So it got so bad his ears started to bleed, and he got physically violent with the family (biting and whatnot) so they brought him back and said he was too violent, when it was their fault!!!!!
He was 11 months old when I adopted him, and I was living with a guy named David at the time. the day we went and got him, another family showed up to get him as well, the lady who wanted him kept telling the adoption people that we wouldnt take care of him while I was filling out the papers, I was like, lady, REALLY??
It took him a while to get used to us, by eventually he warmed up, and now is the Pain in the butt we all know and love today.

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aww ... what a great story ...

Both my girls are shelter cats. I can't remember why Sheba was turned in ... we have had her 10 years ... My youngest girl, Rosie, was turned in because her family had a new baby :mad: She is such a sweet cat. When I was bringing her home, she tried to claw her way out of the carrier and injured her feet ....

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I can't believe Clyde was at the place as long as he was with those pretty blue eyes of his!!!!

Cats can give pregnant women's babies, and newborn children seizures though. so they might have gotten rid of her due to health reasons....

not a GOOD reason to get rid of a pet, but some people dont take care for their animals.....

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inu-kijo wrote:
I can't believe Clyde was at the place as long as he was with those pretty blue eyes of his!!!!

Cats can give pregnant women's babies, and newborn children seizures though. so they might have gotten rid of her due to health reasons....
not a GOOD reason to get rid of a pet, but some people dont take care for their animals.....

that sounds like an old wives tail ...

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Night armell!

apparently (just looked it up) its a parasite that you CAN (not highly likely) get from messing with the cat litter, that can harm your fetus.

Rumors about cats smothering babies, or breathing their air(?) was around, but those are just silly.

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I know about the cat litter thing ... they reccommend that pregnant women not do anything with a litter box ..

The smothering thing is a wives tail. The ONLY truth to it is that cats like to sleep close to you and a baby might not have the strength to move away from the cat..

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what r u working on for the forum .... Is it the christmas picture?? :eek: I don't think that I turned one in .....

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No, not yet (still dont have my computer, so photoshop is a MUST to do that, so you have time.. infact I need to send out a message about taht since I only have about 10-15 pictures.)

Working on a thing for the chat thread (like a logo type thing, but more in depth??)

then something for the gift registry thread as well.

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Laughing I agree, but some people try, and you can't fault them on that....

These are actually pretty cute, i hope she likes them. (as if she wouldn't....)

she snet me a PM asking me to do some for her, and I havn't had the chance to finish them yet. (might have them done today)

MM, just warmed me up some food... yummy!!

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I know, I try very hard ...

But at least I know my limits .....

speaking of which ... look at a siggy that I just made ..

this was for another Elvis ...

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lol sometimes I have to post in order for it to show up....

which I was just about to ask you, do you cut your pet's out by hand or what??

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Don't you love the fireworks!! I had so much fun playing with them !!

by hand do you mean with the eraser??

no, that is way too much work ..

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