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Village Mayor-petsociety

Tromo3 New Years Resolution Diary

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Here are my Resolution:
1. I won't annoy anyone how our books that we have for asignements are boring
2. I will pay more attention to school
3. I will save my pocket money
4. I will start cooking
5. I will start doing art
6. I will do decorating more
7. I will write my ideas not to forget them
8. I will re-open my club and finally give it a name Laughing
9. I will stop being: ''I will start over again.''

Welcome to your new years resolution diary, here you can post every so often to let people know how your getting on, if your still on track, if you've went slightly off track or if you have failed, you can also ask for advice on how to complete them, and other members can post their messages of support. So good luck with your resolutions!!

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I cooked Instant Meatballs without burning and my parents weren't home. My mother told to me to cook them cause They were going tto buy something.

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Tromo3 wrote:
I cooked Instant Meatballs without burning and my parents weren't home. My mother told to me to cook them cause They were going tto buy something.

good job hun! cooking is great fun!

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Hi Luka,

How are your art projects and cooking going? I have been working on my cooking skills as a resolution this year and am enjoying the results.

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1. This is getting really good (except once I was non-stop saying :who will possible want to read this)
2. For History I will just see today, geography started really goo (no 4s)
3. This is getting really bad (Must resist to Fruit Yogurts and chocolate)
But the positive is I found something not expensive to eat at lunch time (plus it tastes goo and has Garfiled Stickers)
4. Wasn't cooking but when A lot vegetables comes I will experiment with salads(Make my own recpes)
5. No good ( Need to get inspiration and money for special methods)
6. I did no Decorating this year Sad But when I buy books from the Book markets I may arrange books
7. You know this if you read the Wish me Luck thread
8. My BBFF Will open the club again
9. I only started all over again this year with:Kinder Suprise Eggs toys.

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I started painted with window colors. I showed my 2 stained glass pictures to my art teacher and she asked to make another one to put it on the window of the Art cabinet in school.

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Tromo3 wrote:
I started painted with window colors. I showed my 2 stained glass pictures to my art teacher and she asked to make another one to put it on the window of the Art cabinet in school.

Oooh wow, so is your art now displayed at school?

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Village Mayor!!! You are totally a Sagittarius like me! I know you will be able to do all those things! ^.^

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The art resolution is doing great. I am learning to paint Post-Impressionism style.

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How do you like this Oil Pastel painting?

Sorry, for the too big Image but I don't know hot to make it small. Sad I made it small in Irfan View but is still the same size here. And usually there isn't the black background.

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New Year 2011 REsolutions Diary:
Give myself 20 golas every month:
1.Give names to till now Created Creatures
2. Create a total of 10 Creatures
3.REad 5 Books
4. Earn 50 Marks (34 Dollars) for Nintendo DS
5. Draw Marie (My Imaginary Character) (Old and New version)
6. Create a total of 3 Creature Places
7. Arraneg all books in my house
8. Start a Diary
9. Have at least 10 Dreams in the Dream Diary
10. Create a total of 2 Griddlers
11. Solve 20 Griddlers
12. Increase Care for Beauty
13. Play to E2 at the Trumpet
14. Know at least one song
15. BE Apprentice Chef at PS
16. Create a Restaurant at RC
17. Create a Stained glass for my Room
18. Create a LEgend for the Creatures
19. LEarn to Dance
20. Create a Short Comic

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