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Do you believe your dreams

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Do you ever get to a point that you have a hard time believing your dreams? If so, what do you do to overcome it?

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Well, I normally don't DISbelieve my dreams because I normally don't have the full meaning right away. Once I know what it means, I can't say that I Don't believe it. I treat it like I do a prophetic word. It's another way God is speaking to me, but this time it's with pictures.

To overcome ANY unbelief is through prayer. Sometimes when situations come up in my life where I am forced to either believe what God's word says or suffer in discouragement, I just sit before the Lord and share with him my struggle in trusting him. When I get up, I normally feel better.

I hope this helped at least a little bit.

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Yes, mostly when I have those fantasy dreams. Like when the Rangers were playing the cardinals recently, I dreamed the Rangers won the world series. I assumed it was prophetic cause I've had loads of prophetic dreams about sports and who would win...I even told my husband the Rangers were gonna win laugh What helps me to differiciate between the ones that are prophetic and the ones that aren't is if I get those prophetic reminders where I see something from that dream the next day that reminds me of the dream. To me, this is a sign from God that the dream will come to pass. However, not all prophetic dreams come with reminders, so it's difficult to know all the time... duh

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lol! Daph you are a hoot! I do get what you're saying though. laugh

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2 grt replys, i struggle wiv this 2,, sum drms hav happened wivin hours what ,,othas hav taken yrs, nerd sumtimes i get :hmm: :hmm: ,,but 4 now i;ll jus sweet dreams 2 D

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