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Happy New Year!!! 2010 Is Finally Here

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Its not actually 2010 yet but tomrrow it will be.

A new year equals a new start for everyone.

I hope the mayor got a visit from the 3 ghosts of Christmas this year and he gives us more gifts in 2010 lol.I doubt it though...He's Scrooge reincarnated.

Anyway...Just incase im not on later (Ill probs be to drunk) i want to wish you all a verry happy 2010.

Hope you all stick to your new years resolutions... Although i know mine is going to go out the window within the first few seconds of 2010.


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Happy New Year everyone. I just got home and am exhausted. I will post more tomorrow or Monday. But, I wanted to let you all know that I got back from the North Sea coast and am totally famished.

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