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Admitted to the Exam and happy!

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I am currently in the final year of a 2 year taught masters course and one of the courses this semester had the stipulation that students must either submit 2/3 of the assignments done at a satisfactory level or receive a grade of 4 or above in the end of term test to be admitted to the final exam.

For some reason...things always came up and I couldn't seem to bring myself to complete the assignments and it got to the point where it made no sense trying anymore since I wouldn't have the required number assignments anyway. When that realisation hit home, I became increasingly anxious as I remembered how things had gone for me last semester in another course taught by this professor. I'd missed the required number of assignments and I had messed up the test and I had to end up doing supplementary assignments to be admitted to the exam.

At the beginning of the semester I'd prayed that I would be able to submit the assignments and that I wouldn't find myself in that predicament again but some how it seemed as though that that prayer had gone unanswered. The week of the test I was under a lot of pressure as I had a presentation for another course due the same day as the test. During that week I prayed for guidance as there was so much material to cover and I really hadn't done any reading in weeks for the course.

I remembered a course from my undergrad days that I'd struggled with and how I'd had the idea to look at the past exams to prepare and how I'd come out of that skirmish with an A- which wasn't bad considering I'd failed the midterm.

I decided to do the same thing.I was worried all the time however. I ended up pulling an all-nighter and went to the exam with only 2 hours of sleep. I did the test but didn't finish and the question I didn't finish was worth 30%. I was disappointed but still encouraged by the fact that I'd "heard" right in terms of how to focus my studying.

When I looked at the test solutions I wasn't very hopeful of getting the required 4. I remember praying to God and asking him to change my answers and make the wrong things right. I had a dream the following night and part of the dream was that I had received a test I'd taken from one of the teaching assistants in my department who'd just finished marking it. Some of the answers had been wrong initially but then they were marked right because of some mistake on their part. When I looked at the grade on the paper in the dream it was a 6 which is the highest grade possible. I remember feeling so shocked in the dream that I'd done that. I wondered if that was a sign of things to come but I thought to myself no way. There is no way what I wrote deserves a 6.

Anyway, last night I received an email from my professor telling me that I'd been admitted to the exam and I was so happy. I got a 4 which was the required grade. I'd been so worried that I wouldn't make it. He also said that he'd made mistakes in his solutions so he had to update the solutions he'd posted online since they may have been misleading. So there was some correlation between that part of my dream and what happened in reality.

I am just grateful to God that I passed and that I didn't have to the face possible alternatives of what would happen to me if I hadn't gotten the required mark to be admitted to the final exam.

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