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Christmas Time Chitter Chat ~ Daily Thread

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happy new year...!
i just came back from the party, and i have a headache.... -.-

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Hey!! remember what we were talking about yesterday?

my lil project?

lemme send you a PM!!!

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Yeah I sent that after nto seeing the other message, I am pretty pleased with the, so hopefully she will be excited too, better than what we have been dealing wtih.

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yes.... I was wondering if I could suggest that we hold a contest for a logo/picture. What we have is working right now, but it would give the new people a chance to get involved ...

I do not mean that I don't like yours, this is what I was thinking about before I saw it ...

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Laughing I got what you meant, and even if we did it now, I wouldn't be offended, silly!!!

I used Zoonie, and kittie on the pictures, seemed most logical to me.

I like the random tentacle pokin out one of the boxes, and think Zoonie is just ADORABLE!!!

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ooooo.... guess what ?? I won one of those big black feather headress things in a posting contest!!! I love it!!!!!!

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I think that the detail in the whole thing is adorable ... I knew that we came over here quickly and hoped that what we were using was temp ... I thought a contest would be a good diplomatic way to change things up a bit without offending anyone ....

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I am watching the 3 stooges on tv..... I had forgotten how funny they are ....

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I might have missed the edited post... not sure. hahaha

Oh, go look at your holiday message thread for a second. : D

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Oh and i LOVE that headress!! i need to ask BG if she has one, and If not, she can have mine. : D

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ok, gonna go look .... I think the headress is awesome!!!! I got that and the mask .....

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yeah, lil Joki wears that mask all the time. Took me a long time to find that!!
(I think I told someone I had been hunting it for a while, and was gifted to me, but still, i was SOOO happy to have it!!!!)

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Not that I know of, I asked, and no one seemed to know of one.

it came around the time of Madi Gras.

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can you see improvement?? The main pet is a bit bigger than anyone else. the pets in the back are smaller to try to give a perspective of depth .. I added the snowflakes to the PS background ...

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I was playing then, but I was a very new player .... It must have beeen very expensive ...I probably couldn't have afforded it then ....

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I did notice that hun! and the Font is 100% leiable, and even has a border around it! ; D

very very nice!!!

Oh, I have some good-(ish?) news... my fav aunt just came to visit.

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That is good .... where does she live ??

thanks .... I won the contest with it !! But I have to be honest and say that I was the only entry ..... LaughingLaughing

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Oh she lives pretty close. My Aunt Flo. She is a bit of a pain though. : /

Laughing well, still i think you did a great job!!!!

I just made a resolution thread for everyone to put their year's goals in. : D

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well, I am glad to know that you have family near .... How is your hand today??

I will go check the thread in a minute .....
My hubby's resolution is to gain weight ...... His reasoning is that he never does it anyway .....so why not try reverse psychology .... LOL

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:LMAO: its funny cause I dont think you quite get it.... But maybe it will hit you in a moment or two......
maybe read the last post again??


I made some goals for myself this year, and gonna try and get em done! : D
my hand is actually better today!!!! it is LESS swollen, and hurts less as well!!! Still a good bit tender... but making a sudden recovery!!!

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omg .... they are so funny ..... Larry picks up a nail and the point is facing away from the wall .... Moe stops him from using it and whacks him and says ..... See the way the nail is pointing ?? Don't you know that it is a nail for the other wall??

LMAO >>>>> of course it might be my second glass of wine .....

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he he he he he .... It is the wine ,.,..,.. I get it ....... ok .......ha ha ha ha

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I used to love watching the Three Stooges, It used to come on this channel really early in the morning, and I would watch it after getting dressed, while waiting for everyone else to get ready for school and work and what not.

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My Grandma sent me a Christmas Card.....

It told me how much she cries for me, and how she believes that she is never going to see me again, and whatnot.
Pretty much the most depressing Christmas (and only) Christmas card I got.
Then the only gift I got was a gift card to Walmart from work, which was spent on Gasoline and groceries.
Oh, and my Dad called me, and left a voice mail that said to call him, but he left no number, and the other number does not work....

Merry Christmas to Kijo.

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ughhhh.... the only problem is that it is on AMC and I HATEcommercials!!

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I am sorry, but my card is late .... It is probably waiting in the PO box now .... You might get more than one present ..:whistle:

Where does your Grandmother live? is she mom's or dad's mom??

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You should get a DVR. then you could jsut fast forward through them, best thing EVER made!!!!

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I have one ..... but it has to be recorded .... Iam not willing to do that right now ... It is just background noise ...

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I really hope that you didn't get me anything.... unless its like a random squiggle on a card, and some boxed up love in an envelope..... : /

My grandma lives in Jesup ( a couple of hours from here) I just haven't been able to go get her (money issues obviously) She's my Mom's mom. and she practically raised me growing up.

And my phone is really crappy lately... and randomly shuts off while I am sleeping, so it was off while he called. so I didnt get a number or anything..... : /

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Your card is filled with love!! and a squiggle ....

I have friends in Jesup.... a guy that I worked with lived there. do you want to go see her .... How much would some gas cost??

I hate cell phones .... I never give my # out because I always have it turned off.

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<<<<<< hey I just realised..... I am a big tree ..... like Gill!! woo hoo!!

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Laughing I just turned into a regular Member. : D

Well usually when I go to see her, I pick her up, bring her back to my house, let her stay a couple of days, then take her back home.
A usual stay for her cost me somewhere around 100 bucks.

Around Feb (tax rebating time) hopefully I should get a little bit of a rebate (and relief) so I am hoping I can go get her then, and spend some time with her then.

I was born and raised in Jesup.... not a lot of fun, can tell ya that.

I had Alltel, but ever since Verizon has bought them out, my phone is literally USELESS. it shuts off randomly for no reason, and CONSTANTLY roams. its AWFUL.
if I wasnt still under contract (just renewed in June) i would switch companies.

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you didn't run me away ..... hubby did .... he has tendonitis and needed some help .....

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kijo. so you by any chance know the Lynne family?? Dad is Lonnie and I think he has two girls ..... They should be about your age ...

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