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The "anointing" + God + the devil

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I have some lingering questions in my mind about what is commonly referred to in Christian circles as the "anointing".

I've heard things like their is a price to pay for the anointing. I've also heard that the anointing attracts attack from the enemy. There isn't anything directly written in the bible to support these statements. So my questions are:

(1) Is there really a price to be paid for the "anointing"?
(2) If yes, to the above why?
(3) Does the anointing really attract darkness?
(4) If there is nothing explicitly written in the bible about this then why do people push
these ideas?

I have struggled with this in the recent past, since I've been told because of the "call" of God on my life or my "gifting" I will be a target for the enemy and the implication is more so than others. I have struggled with this because I have had to face alot of war spiritually. I have wondered if this was really so or if these people were unknowingly "cursing" me by saying these things.

Then in the midst of my misery I've thought why would I want the "anointing" if I am just going to suffer for it. Any light that anyone can shed on these matters would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi Lara,
I myself would like to hear the answers to these questions.
Here are some of my thoughts on the subject:
The devil would come after us no matter what (anointing or not). He hates us with passion because we are God's children and made in His Image (whether we live our lives in God or not, we all have the potential and the enemy knows it). I don't know of any human being ever born on this earth who does not have a calling of God on their life. We all do. God does not have any "accidents", mistakes or rejects among His children. The saddest part is not all of us realize it.

I believe there is a price to pay for anointing on our lives, but I do not believe its "increased oppression". I believe the price we pay is to leave our fleshly life styles and sin behind and follow God with all our hearts. I even would not call it a "price". This is actually a huge blessing once you start going this path. It's full of joy and peace!

The enemy does come after us, but I do not believe we should dwell on what he can do to us. We should not ignore him, but also not magnify his powers. When we think alot about what the devil would do to us for chasing God and having an anointing on our lives, we are falling into his trap of fear. What we need to magnify and meditate all the time is God, His love for us, His ability to protect and save our lives.

Actually I remember right when I made the decision to follow God with all of my heart no matter what I had these "thought" not to do this because I will be persecuted by the dark powers for doing so. I simply brushed them off like annoying flies and they stopped :-) Praise God, I am doing great so far and enjoying every minute of it :-) Not that I don't have battles to fight, but i know WHO is on my side and I know this is all I need to have victory.

God bless!

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These are some thoughts for you to pray about.

Let me say this about the anointing. Man would have us to believe we are special because of the anointing. The anointing is the presence of the Holy Spirit. We should safe guard the anointing. By that I mean we should be in communication with the Lord and do his will in our lives and be obedient to the call on our lives.

I believe anytime we grow closer to the Lord (anointing draws us closer) we are going to realize or recognize the attacks from the enemy that are already there. We become more tuned in so to speak. I have had people tell me the same thing. The reality is this:

It is called spiritual warfare. We are all in it. Once we give our hearts to the Lord and we get to know him better then we see the attacks of the enemy. The enemy does not want us to be close to the Lord. He wants to draw us away. The Lord tells us that if he suffers persecution then we will also. We all are anointed of God to be servants unto him and to share the good news of Jesus Christ. If we have a personal relationship with the Lord then we all experience the presence of the Lord in our lives. The closer we get to him the stronger the presence. I think when they say there is a price to pay they mean that we must set aside our own desires, wants and will for his. In this we pay a price. It is not always easy to sacrifice. Those who are willing to sacrifice have developed a strong presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives. But what a wonderful price to pay for the relationship we receive with him. How good it is to be close to him. How good it is to be under his divine protection and care.

My advice to you is this: Follow the Lord in all things and do according to his will and let him worry about the enemy. Let us not concern ourselves if our anointing is strong enough or as strong as others but more let us fully concentrate on the development of our relationship with Him. If we listen to the voice of the Lord he will show us the way to go and he will warn us of things to come so that we will be ready to stand and fight if need be. He will cover us with his feathers and be our front and rear guard. Put on the whole armor of God.

The helmet of salvation

The belt of truth

The sword of the Spirit

The breastplate of righteousness

The shod of peace

The shield of Faith

These are the things that will safeguard us from the enemy.

I pray this has been helpful. Awesome topic by the by.

Love in Jesus,

Connie huggins

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Thanks, Connie.

It did help indeed. I've been starting to realize over the last few weeks that a lot what is said by well meaning persons are unintentional lies which can cause more bondage or anguish than they can do to help.

What you said makes a lot of sense.Focusing on God is the most important thing.

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Lara wrote:
Thanks, Connie.

It did help indeed. I've been starting to realize over the last few weeks that a lot what is said by well meaning persons are unintentional lies which can cause more bondage or anguish than they can do to help.

What you said makes a lot of sense.Focusing on God is the most important thing.

Hi Lara...what you just said about "unintentional lies" is so TRUE!! That is why the Bible tells us to STUDY to show ourselves approved. Just a few yeas ago, I decided to wipe the slate of my mind clean and go back and allow the Holy Spirit to teach me, since He is the one that brings us into ALL truth. I only did this because it seemed that everythng I learned over the years wasn't panning out.

So now on to your question about the anointing (I didn't read the other responses so if I'm repeating anything, I apologize). Jesus is the Anointed One and because He is inside of us, that makes us anointed. We are nothing but flesh and blood without Him and the more we rely on Him, the more exploits we will do in the kingdom of God.

Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee. (2 Cor 1:21-22)

Is there a price?? Jesus already paid the price. The only thing we have to do is DEPEND and trust in him. We were purchased by God through Christ...that's the only transaction that will ever need to be done. There is some form of effort that we have to put forth in studying the Word and becoming LEARNED in all of who Christ is in us. It's in THAT knowledge that we are transformed (Romans 12)

There is a fight that takes place. The devil is mad because when we made the decision to follow Christ, he wants to do all he can to get us back. What we need to know is that once we are bought, it's over. The enemy loves to tell us that we are not this or not that. He loves to tell us that we are powerless when we fail, but how can that be when we have the ALL POWERFUL one inside of us? When we understand that, we connect to the power and the lies he tells us are exposed. The Bible says in Ephesians 6 that we need to STAND in the power of HIS MIGHT! So the attacks that come...those firey darts that are aimed at us won't work when we stand in the power and the victory that was purchased for us.

I also was told that because of the call on my life the warfare will be intense...and in some ways its true. Remember, satan's plot is for us to NOT walk in what we were created and called to do so the warfare will be more. I can attest to that. I didn't know until recently (within the past year or so) that I am called to be a Prophet to the Nations. That part of my gifts and callings were hidden from me because I wasn't in the right church, but I knew that there was something in me. Part of being in this office is that I can see spiritually, I can hear differently and I'm the watchman on the Wall for my local church and eventually for churches across the nations. The attacks on my life have been intense. The devil doesn't want me to say what God wants me to say because it will bring change. The devil doesn't want me to see what I need to see and most of all, he doesn't want me to BELIEVE that I am who I am. If he can talk me out of who I am (which he tries to do) then I won't be effective in my call. The more I learn of how powerless he really is and how his talk are really lies, the more I can rise above what he launches my way.

So remember...Jesus is the Anointed One...He is the One in you, the Hope of Glory. Pray and seek God more and more in His word and let Him open it up to you. It's a beautiful thing to get the revelation. People look at me strangely when I say that the devil is powerless, but it was the Holy Spirit who showed that to me. They see his attacks and see how gross darkness has come over the church and it appears that he is soooo powerful. The Bible says that we are not ignorant of his "devices"...which are tools, lies, mechanisms...but nothing says he has power. Why? because he was stripped when Jesus took the authority away from him and gave it to us. You give authority to someone you want to have the power....this is why we can resist him and he can flee. All he has is talk and when we believe it, thats when we are in trouble.

That's probably a little more than what you asked for, but I wanted to share that with you so you can understand that even thought the attacks come, they are meaningless because of who it's coming from. This is why we need to KNOW WHO WE ARE IN CHRIST.

Blessings and I pray this helps.

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