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A life is hanging in the ballance right now!

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Attention Beloved friends! I humbly come before you for prayer for a life that hangs in the balance right now. My friend Todd Spencer was in a horrible accident three months ago and has been in a coma living off a ventilator because of a damaged brain stem. Well my friends Connie and Bob , Todd's parents took Him off the Ventilator a couple of days ago and that is when I personally began to have a burden over Todd's life without knowing they had done that until I talked to them on the phone this morning. I was asked to come lay hands on Todd and pray for a creative miracle in His brain and life. I must say it is an honor to be asked to do such a thing and yet a heart wrenching thing at the same time!

Well time is ticking and Todd was moved to Denver Colorado at the Kindred Hospital there. I am praying for the provision or my gas to be stretchered to go to Denver, and to make it to Texas. Right now my faith is in the Lord to provide what is needed to make it to the Hospital in Denver by early tomorrow morning.

Pleas stand with me for a creative Miracle for Todd and for the Lord to have His way and His will through this. I desire to see the Lord glorified through Todd's life. My heart is broken right now for Todd and I am in tears writing this letter to you but the Lord knows best.

Please pray for Todd's Parents Connie and Bob as they are standing in faith and they need to be comforted in this time.

Please keep me in prayer for traveling mercies. I am planning on leaving tonight and driving through the night to get there by tomorrow morning. Please keep me in prayer for traveling mercies. Also please ask the Lord to provide all that is needed for this unexpected early trip.

Please send this to every prayer chain you can.


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