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Taking a Toll on me

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Hi everyone its been awhile since being here and I am asking for prayer for me and my family we moved into our house six months ago and I am so thankful to God for blessing us with this home for without him none of this could be possible :glory: We started going to a new church in a dream God showed me where my husband was going to eat with Pastors and Bishops and he was excited and happy, two weeks later I left from a church where we weren't receiving the true word of God to be with my husband at this new church, the Pastor and his wife are very nice and are some prayer warriors, they have been so nice to our family, the dilemma started when this one family that we have had problems with before we started this church I didnt know they went there, instantly the problems started with this family for whatever reason this family has a problem with us and we have not ever done anything to them sigh On Monday morning we got a knock at our door from CPS stating that they had a report stating that our daughters were being physical abused without any scars and they had to stand in line at church and we were emotionally abusing them crying crying this is what I did when I heard this I just couldnt believe that this could be happening to us why when none of this is true so they talked with our daughters who told them this was not true. I cried for two days and even went on my face before the Lord, I called the pastor and told him what had happened and before I could even say whom I thought it was he told me that it was this family that we have been having the problem with disappointed I finished talking to the pastor and told him we would not be returning back to this church he stated to me "Prove them wrong Sister" :shocking: who did I need to prove this too cause it was not true. Since then we havent been back and its breaking my husbands heart, I dont understand why this Pastor is keeping this family in the church knowing that they are troublemakers and that after church they are drinking and doing drugs and living wildly in the world. Sorry for the long post keep us in prayer

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Oh MJ...definately keeping you and the family in my prayers. That is a rough situation girl!

I agree with your Pastor...your family should go back. Not to prove the family wrong, but to go back and receive spirtual food and healing from this horrible situation. Never let people or situations move you out of where you feel God has called you to. I see this as the enemy trying to get you all out of place.

Your Pastor should probably sit down with the family...or those who are causing the trouble within the family. If sheep are hurting other sheep, it's up to the Shephered to protect. I believe church is the best place for someone with issues like them, but only if they are repentive (is that a word?) and only if they show signs of changing their ways.

My response is really about you and your family. I pray that you would look beyond the works of the enemy (because that's who it really is) and remain in purpose.

Blessings huggins

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Thank you Cholette for keeping my family and me in prayer, I have been praying that God removes this family as we are not the only family in the church that this one particular family has harassed, the mother has came to church under the influence of alcohol and told off another member and I am starting to believe that the Pastor is just tolerating them hoping that they change well obviously not they still are keeping discord among the members. I spoke with my husband and told him me and the girls will not be going back until I hear from God.

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