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That moment when Jesus tells you he wants all of you and you can't get it into your stone heart so you can change... Yeah. I'm in that moment!

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Yeah. I had that dream and basically the interpretation I have is that Jesus wants all of me. Shouldn't that knowledge alone be strong enough to make me wanna turn to him? I do. I honestly do, but I am so connected to my sin. I don't want to stop sinning. I feel as if our relationship will never be fixed. I don't want to feel that way. I want to go back to the days where it was easy to stay innocent and not sin. At least that's how it felt for me. How do I totally 100% repent? I want Jesus so bad!!!!!!! crying 

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Just repent...you don't have to do ANYTHING! Just read the word of God because the Bible says:

"...being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;" (Phil 1:6)

It's the Word that goes in and cuts away and puts back together. We you understand and get the revelation that you are in a position of righteousness, your behaviors will become righteous. Most times we are trying to get righteous behaviors BEFORE we get the understanding that we are in a position and place of righteousness. When you do it in THAT order you are bound to fail.

The only thing you have to do is READ THE WORD OF GOD and ask the Holy Spirit to help you. You may not have a desire to read the word because you are still attached to your sin, but when you FORCE yourself to read and keep reading no matter what you flesh says, you will develop an appetite for His word and eventually crave it.

Start with reading the scriptures on Being Righteous...and ask God for understanding in THAT area first...and the rest will follow.

Hope this helps

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Thx but I feel as if I have to actively do something. How do I get out of this mindset?

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Hi Jasmine,
You are absolutely right saying you have to actively do something. Just like Cholette said, you need to follow the right order though. First you believe you are righteous through Jesus' finished work for you, then the rest is easy.
Usually when a person feels "stuck" in the behavior area, this pretty much means there is some false belief there. In most cases we simply do not realise it and that's why these false beliefs are called "strongholds". I personally don't quite like this term. It sort of implies that it has some sort of right or power to hold us in bondage.
But the truth is it CAN'T! Again only because of what Jesus did for us on the Cross and through His Resurrection and the fact that He is SEATED at the Right Hand of the Father and we are seated right with Him.
The only way these false beliefs can keep us in bondage is through our ignorance about them. To my best understanding the way to get rid of them is to flush them out to the light (meaning so that we see and understand what's going on in our hearts and minds). We do this through prayerful meditation or pondering on what God says abou us.

So I was wondering, since you said you are having trouble repenting 100%, if you'd mind describing the best way you can what you think repentance is. I myslef had a very "different" idea about repentance than how I understand it now :-)

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That is absolutelly correct, Jasmine. However this is a very general statement and does not really reflect the details on HOW exactly to do this.
There are two main ways people usually approach this. Unfortnatelly I do not have time to get into details because Im on my lunch break and it's over very soon. But I will get back to it after work tonight.
I'd like to add only one thing right now - this is an extremelyy serious subject and it does require lots of prayerful contemplation in every single believer in order to succeed in their spiritual walk. But this is a process that is full of joy and excitement because when the Holy Spirit leads us, we walk out of darkness of not understanding things into the Light of knowing God and the way He sees us and changing effortlessly into His Image :-)

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Ok, I'll my best to describe it how I understand it. And it took me a long time and tons of hours of pondering and listening to people explaining through the Word of God.
As I was saying there are two main ways people approach repenting.
1st way, most common one, people are trying to change themselves in an attempt to become someone they are not. They are trying to stop being sinners and become righteous through changing their behavior.
All such attempts to become someone you are not are absolutely futile :-( This way is full of pointless struggle and dead works.

An effortless change happens when a saved person, redeamed from sinfull state and restored into the righteous state with God by what Jesus has accomplished on the Cross and through His death and Resurrection, realizes that he/she is NOT a sinner anymore, but instead is Righteous through Jesus already.
They do not need to strive to stop being a sinner. No man can do it out of their own efforts regardless of how hard they try.
In order to change easily we simply need to see ourselves the way God sees us already - Righteous independent of our actions.
Then when there is a temptation to sin, we can simply say "I am NOT a sinner anymore, this temptation is not for me (whatever it might be). I simply send it away because it is not a part of me. I am free from this." And then replace it with who we are in Jesus - say, for example, if the temptation was to get angry and even with a person, we can "put on" loving this person and have compassion towards them.
So to sum up, repenting is simply changing our mind about how we see oursleves in any particular situation. Instead of seeing ourselves without Christ, we need to see ourselves the way God sees us - covered, hidden in His Son and clothed permanently in His Righteousness and then act it out.

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astra wrote:
Ok, I'll my best to describe it how I understand it. And it took me a long time and tons of hours of pondering and listening to people explaining through the Word of God.
As I was saying there are two main ways people approach repenting.
1st way, most common one, people are trying to change themselves in an attempt to become someone they are not. They are trying to stop being sinners and become righteous through changing their behavior.
All such attempts to become someone you are not are absolutely futile :-( This way is full of pointless struggle and dead works.

An effortless change happens when a saved person, redeamed from sinfull state and restored into the righteous state with God by what Jesus has accomplished on the Cross and through His death and Resurrection, realizes that he/she is NOT a sinner anymore, but instead is Righteous through Jesus already.
They do not need to strive to stop being a sinner. No man can do it out of their own efforts regardless of how hard they try.
In order to change easily we simply need to see ourselves the way God sees us already - Righteous independent of our actions.
Then when there is a temptation to sin, we can simply say "I am NOT a sinner anymore, this temptation is not for me (whatever it might be). I simply send it away because it is not a part of me. I am free from this." And then replace it with who we are in Jesus - say, for example, if the temptation was to get angry and even with a person, we can "put on" loving this person and have compassion towards them.
So to sum up, repenting is simply changing our mind about how we see oursleves in any particular situation. Instead of seeing ourselves without Christ, we need to see ourselves the way God sees us - covered, hidden in His Son and clothed permanently in His Righteousness and then act it out.

Very well said!!!!

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