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My daughter needs prayers for Gods confidence, also need devotional recommendation for mother/daughter (age 10)

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My daughter is struggling in many areas.  Math is her biggest struggle.  She is struggling in other subjects too.  Her biggest strugge is her confidence right now.  I must say I struggle in this area as well, and am hoping I am not passing these insecurities unto her.  She used to be so bold, confident, and joyful.  She gives me such a hard time with homework, and studying..mostly probably its so hard for her.  Her teachers say she is shy in class (never one of her attibutes), she is afraid of risking failure in front of classmates.  After conferences, she asked me, "what did my teachers say bad about me?' This broke my heart.  They said nothing but good things, with the exception of her being extreamly self concious, and below levels in math.  

She is starting to struggle on the playground.  Very sensitive to everyword the kids say to her.  It is starting to get clicky in 4th grade, and she doesn't feel like she is part of the 'cool crowd'. Social things have never been an issue for her in the past.  I feel like the enemy is trying to attack her! He is defeated in JESUS name!!

Please pray for my baby.  Any suggestions helpful.  

I feel like I want to find a good mother daughter devotional, that can help instil more of Gods love, grace, and confidence inside of her.  I want her to be confident in who God made her to be!!!  Any really awesome suggestions for a daughter/mother devo for a 10 yr old girl???

Thanks everyone in advance!!!

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Still struggling a bit.  Math is still a huge challenge, so are managing her emotions. Even in her extra curricular activities, she is struggling with embracing herself.  She used to love the stage, singing, dancing etc.  All her friends are into sports (which she is not a huge sporty girl).  Im finding she is wanting to 'fit' with her friends, instead of embracing herself.  As a mom, its very difficult to watch.  She had a performance (singing) tonight, and she hid her face behind her music sheets bc she didn't want her friends to see her singing.  She was so caught up with seeing who was going to see her, that half the time she wasn't singing.  I didn't criticize her afterwards, just said how great of a job she did.  But it breaks my heart to see her struggling with herself so much right now.  I just want her to be who God made her to be, and not to be afraid to let her strengths shine.  Im not even kidding when I say she has the most beautiful singing voice I have EVER heard! I don't want to just throw in the towel, and say 'just quit' if your not into it. We have invested lots of money into this choir thing. She originally chose to do it at the beginning of the year. I hate to see these talents just fall to the wayside. I really know in my heart she has talent!!  Help!!!!!  I want to encourage her to keep being herself, but I also dont want to tell her 'who' she is.  As a mom, I see her strengths, and at one time she really embraced them. Please say some prayers.  Any words of encouragement???

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I can give you my story in hopes that you will be encouraged.  My parents introduced me to piano at the age of 6.  I caught on very well because as my father put it...I could hear music well for a young child.  He said that I would harmonize with the songs on the radio while riding in the car.  He decided to put me into piano to develop my ear for music.  I would excel at my music recitals and my piano teacher, Mr. Butler (yes, I still remember him) would teach me music by ear instead of from the sheet music because even he was amazed at how quickly I could play music without being taught.

I was into piano until I was 15 years old and then it wasn't cool anymore.  I started liking into boys instead.  Anyway, I knew my first love was piano, but I wanted to have boyfriends like my friends did (without my parents knowledge of course).  Even with those feelings...deeeeeep down I wanted to still play piano because it was a part of me.  My mother didn't discern where I was, she went by how my attitude was externally and gave me a choice to whether I wanted to continue or not.  Of course I told her I didn't want to play anymore and made up an excuse as to why.  In my head I wanted to be cool with my friends, but in my heart I wanted piano, but my head won the battle.

I'm 46 years old now and WISHED my mother would have listened to her heart more so than my attitude.  As parents we have a responsibility from God to guide our children, not be led by them.  When God opens up our eyes and allows us to see HIS GIFT inside of our children, we are to lead them in the way they need to go.  Your daughter may not want her friends to see her sing, but deep down I know she wants to because you can't have a voice like hers and not be wired to use it.  Right now she cares more about what her friends think than her desire, but as a parent I would admonish you to keep her on the road to singing.  Her voice will heal many, but during these formative years, you must keep her on track because you don't want the people who God has called her to, to miss out all because you don't want her to feel out of sort in front of her friends.  That phase will pass...like mine did...and now I look back and regret it.  She's not old enough to make her decisions...she's still your responsibility.  It's not about forcing her.  When you use that word, it gives off that you are controlling he, but you are the parent and you have the ability to see the bigger picture so point her in the right direction.

I still hear and sing music well, but I know in my heart of hearts it is not God's best for me.  I'm taking some lessons right now, but I can't help to think where I would be now if I had been LED in the right direction instead of led to compromise.

Help her get to where she needs to be.  There is a generation waiting for her and those same friends that she is trying to impress will be the ones that will need the deliverance and healing that is in her voice.  She may not get that now, but you embrace it for her so it can help you lead her in those tough moments.


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Cholette! Thank you SO MUCH for what you have spoken!  You have encouraged me so much by your testimony!  The things that you speak, are anointed SO of the Lord! Only He would know the Word that he gave me for her, and you spoke it and confirmed it just now!  I have been told by the Lord that she would in fact bring healing to the nations!  Thank you for giving me the confidence to continue to guide her in the path I know the Lord has for her!  Bless you!!!!  :hooray:

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