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Deliverance Needed--Speedily

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About a month ago I had a dream about my husband being unfaithful--with our adult daughter of all things. In the dream I confronted him and he behaved like I was making a big deal out of nothing! My daughter just seemed to be unconcerned about the situation. When I awoke, I realized immediately that the dream was not literal but I pondered its meaning for a few days.

Within a week, he began giving me the silent treatment, a method of emotional abuse that he has employed often over the past 21 years of marriage. The began 2 days before our 21st anniversary--which I spent alone with our kids--and has continued for about a month. He drives our daughter and me to work each day; he laughs and jokes with her and excludes me from conversations on the way. This continues in the evenings on our commute home. When any of our other kids are in the car he says things briefly...they don't know what the past month has been like for me but have noticed that I have not been very happy lately. When I asked my daughter if she had noticed anything different about his behavior, she said "Yes, but don't put me in it". We just moved back together after a 3-year separation due to abuse. My daughter was a daddy's girl who spent most of her life trying to get the attention of a detached father, so I get why she's enjoying being in the spot-light right now. It makes me angry that he would use her in this way and mess with her head to spite me. I need Godly wisdom and soon because I believe the "reconciliation" has been a smoke screen to pay me back for leaving.

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What type of things did you see differently in him that caused you to go back after the separation? Was there a period of time where counseling was done...marital counseling?

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