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bad day for me...

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i had a really bad day today...

midterms is here and my first test was today..

remedial law.. UGH!!!!

the exam was easy but i missed two questions.. i really really needed those points..
im so depressed i want to cry Sad

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Awww don`t cry hanna!
Everybody makes mistakes at tests,it`s a part of your life!

I`m sure that you`ll have a good grade!
Please update when you get one



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hugs to you hun...hopefully it will all work out in the end for you xxx

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you'll be fine... congratulations just cheer up! there's no way to know how is this gonna turn out in the end congratulations right???? -.- huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuug congratulations

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Hannah, I know it's hard when people seem to make light of something that's having a bad effect on you, but generally I find it helps to concentrate on being positive.

It's mid-term right, not finals, and you made an error that you'll now make sure you never make again.
It's a shame, but it can't be changed.

Just concentrate hard on the good and positive things, not the things that have gone now and can't be changed. If you keep dwelling on the negative things it will affect your mood going forward and you wont do as well as you can.

Like the old saying goes 'no use crying over spilt milk' - just put the work in and do your very best from now on

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i'm sorry hun! like it's already been said.... try to be positive until you'll know about the result! and even if it shouldn't be that high, think that you have probably done all you could for it!

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Please don't cry! Just try to think about something else and hopefully your weekend will be much better. HUGS

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