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Artisan Color Change

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im speaking for the artisans that were on at the time, including myself.

the artisans who were on (bloody christain poptart kschu steeler timtam and me) are requesting a color change.
the colors we were looking at were Olive and Magenta.

i dont know how to make a poll, i would have done that if i could have.

-the Artisans

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1. When making the post, poll is at the bottom :3
2. Artisans are given this colour as we feel (I think) that the Teal reflects your inner beauty and talent.
3. If we change artisan's colour what next? Yellow for Pupil? Black for Novice?

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I do agree with the colour change since I CANNOT tell the difference between masons and artisans

I also try to change the client colour but that doesn't help.

Maybe a colour for artisans could be one that stands out a lot like Orange or as rrtaya said magenta approve

Notch approves this!

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TheLostDarkness wrote:
1. When making the post, poll is at the bottom :3
2. Artisans are given this colour as we feel (I think) that the Teal reflects your inner beauty and talent.
3. If we change artisan's colour what next? Yellow for Pupil? Black for Novice?

Ummm lost you agreed for a color change before on the old topic so don't act like it's a non issue now that your a adept. Cool Owned!! LMAO!

I thing personly think we should change the color to a yellowish/orangeish color so artisans will no longer be confused with mason/adept depending on if your on minecraft.net or WoM.

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Pics or it didnt happen. Plus, Quit whining D:< Its a colour, not like you will be called Noobs by the novices or anything. Gawd.
But I can see where you are coming from. It can be hard. But can a Mason freeze :3

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We have been over this many times before, do /CLIENT COLORS

Sincerely, MattiZWE~

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MZ wrote:
We have been over this many times before, do /CLIENT COLORS

Sincerely, MattiZWE~

I also said this in the last post: I tried client colours but it just didnt help it also kills my eyes to see those retarded shadows in /client colors beta and old. approve

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We have been over this many times before, do /CLIENT COLORS

Sincerely, MattiZWE~

"/client colors" does make it easy to tell artisan from mason, but it messes up everything else. just sayin

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Rrtaya_tsamsiyu wrote:
We have been over this many times before, do /CLIENT COLORS

Sincerely, MattiZWE~

"/client colors" does make it easy to tell artisan from mason, but it messes up everything else. just sayin

Once again I am js we should be magenta... or the lime colour :3

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Lime is too close to Expert.
Magneta too close to cool.
Just give this pointless topic up ._.
To change it would involve unneeded effort.

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No one in their right mind wants the color change anymore. The whole reason this was bumped was because [cencored by the communists]

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