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Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer!

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Time for us to play a game on this here forum! Very Happy

Here's how it works:
I will start us off with a stupid question, from there the next poster must answer said question with a stupid answer. That poster then makes there own stupid question, and the cycle continues. It's more of a game of creativity, and trying to make people laugh.

Let's begin shall we. Smile

Why do trees hate old people?

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Because 1 tree was able to turn human while the others stayed the same. I heard he's also a Doctor.

Why did you kill me?

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Because he somehow built a machine in SMP that can get into the dreams of other people.

How does 42 potato a monopoly-money fairy-godmother?

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Guest Eeyle
Because Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo Buffalo.
yes, that's an actual sentence ._.

Why do you hate me? D:

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I hate you because your sentience is not valid. You never start a sentience with "Because".

Is Dick Clark's death a sign that the 2012 apocalypse is real?

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HollowThanatos wrote:
Why is this puppy eating my liver?

Because its actually a Hellhound.

Why do people call me "special"? scratch

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DallinMinecraft wrote:
Because your avatar!!!!

Who let the dogs out?

Mojang in Beta 1.4

If you were a ice cream flavour, which flavour would you be?

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green tea.

how many experts does it get to fix a lightbulb?

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cause 7 ate 9.

how many legs does frogger have?

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HollowThanatos wrote:
Are you a gay robot?

No but I think Chirstain has one. Wink

Whats the meaning of life?

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because of the secret photon laser reactors i created and hid in the forums somewhere and everyone was too busy looking for it to look at this.

Why is it that whenever you are at an exciting new place you always get bored?

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Because I'm a magical fish that destroys all excitement

Why am I a Chocolate Fish named Ryum?

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Because you like chocolate fish and you like the letter r and u think everything is yum yum.

Why did the author say the sky was blue?

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pssst why are artisans light blue? It seems that the light blue-ness seems to be spreading to their display pictures :O during my inspection of the two peoples above me.

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It's a Jamaican man that goes around poking people.

Why am I so sexy?

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you live too much in your imagination.

if Lemmy and god had a fight, who'd win?

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The carrot.

Who am I?

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Canada's b****

How many beavers does it take to chuck a woodchuck?

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He is blue.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

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Indeed, perhaps, maybe.

Who is MisterOh and why does he think Choc is a "he"?

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Necroing rhymes with orange.

Why must Johnny drag this topic back thru the gates of forum hell?

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