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Extinct Animals Remakes

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General Information:
Creators: Lgcfm (skinning and coding) and Ulquiorra (modelling)
Language(s): Any (English for name changes and new items)
Expansions Required: EA, MM
Downloads Required: Radical RemakeCrocodylia Animations, Variant Selector Script
Bugs: None known

Extra Information:


Iben and Milchman for base slow growth coding
Thom for help with bugfixing many animals

Quagga -AD (Simba) for model, Bunyupy for base skin, Eryel for skin components
Velociraptor - HENDRIX for base model, HENDRIX & MrGorsh for skin components
Giant Warthog - AD for base model and skin (Okeanos and Eryel)
Deinonychus - HENDRIX for base model, HENDRIX & MrGorsh for skin components
Deinosuchus - HENDRIX & Zerosvalmont for base model and skin, Scott for edited model, Zhadow for teeth fix
Giant Camel - Maxforever  for base model and skin
Doedicurus - Bill for base model, Verdant Gregor for node set
Diprotodon - HENDRIX & Zerosvalmont for base models, Verdant Gregor for node set, Demon Hunter for model fixes
Giant Ground Sloth - HENDRIX for base model & animations
American Mastodon - Aurora Designs (HENDRIX) for base model
Elephant Bird - Jannick & Tyranachu for base model, Jannick for skin components
Protarchaeopteryx - HENDRIX for base model, HENDRIX & MrGorsh for skin components
Steppe Lion - Zebrasorus for base model & skin
Warrah - HENDRIX for original model & skin components, Bunyupy & Whalebite for edited base model
Grasslands Burrow - ZTABC for model & texture, Aurora Designs for grass & rocks
Woolly Rhinoceros - HENDRIX & Zerosvalmont for base model & animations
Saber-toothed Cat - Zebrasorus for base model & skin
Giant Short-faced Bear - HENDRIX for base model & pawpad skin
Dimetrodon - Acinonyx Jubatus for base model, HENDRX, AJ and MrGorsh for skin components
Bush-antlered Deer - ZTABC for base model & skin
Killer Penguin - Aurora Designs (HENDRIX) & JimmyzHoopz for base model & skin
Eurasian Aurochs - ZTABC for base model & skin components, Summjoke for some behaviors
Utahraptor - HENDRIX for base model, HENDRIX & MrGorsh for skin components
African Sivatherium - Aurora Designs (Simba) for base model
Bluebuck - ZTABC for base model & skin
Dwarf Sicilian Elephant - Aurora Desifns & Whalebite for base model, Eryel for skin components

These are remakes for animals from the Extinct Animals expansion pack, with color schemes based on the original animals created by Blue Fang (unless there is scientific evidence of their actual coloration).

All remakes override the original in every way (meaning they can be created at the lab from fossils, guests will have them as favorites, donate to them, buy gifts, etc.)

All feature juvenile stages and at least 3 "regular" variant skins, plus a rare skin (albino/leucistic), all feature slow growth (meaning they will get slowly bigger with time instead of turning 3 times bigger in 5 seconds), and have "baby variants" which are consistent as they grow up. Rare variants are also linked to genetics (recessive/dominant). This means you will have a hard time breeding an albino variant from regular animals, but breeding albino animals has a high chance of albino babies. Make sure you have the required downloads, otherwise variants won't work!

These remakes might conflict with other remakes, hacks, filters, etc. affecting these animals. If they are not working properly for you, try renaming the file and adding more zzzz to the name, until they are last in alphabetical order, and remove files that might be conflicting.

Some names, biomes and behaviors have been edited for the sake of realism.

This download is Public Domain, but please credit the original creators for their skins and models we used as a base (listed in the spoiler above).

Giant Warthog
Giant Camel
Giant Ground Sloth
American Mastodon + Tusk fragment (toy, also dropped by mastodon when it breaks a tusk)
Elephant Bird
Protarchaeopteryx - includes temperate nest
Steppe Lion (Cave Lion remake)
Warrah - includes grasslands burrow remake
Woolly Rhinoceros
Saber-toothed Cat
Giant Short-faced bear
Bush-antlered deer
Killer Penguin + optional adoptable hack
Eurasian Aurochs + Scratching post remake and scratching brush
African Sivatherium
Dwarf Sicilian Elephant
Rock shelter remake
Enrichment hack (makes the glacier, misty spring and tar pit work for animals in AD's new biomes)
Time Periods Filter (also adds Cenozoic filter to AD's dodo and thylacine)
Caveman entertainer
Elephant enrichment logs remake (regular and tiny)
Dinosaur meat remake
Planter feeders with ferns, horsetails and grass
Polypodiopsida pack (2 ferns and 2 horsetails)

Bonus Features:
Public Domain? Yes

Hacks, Variants, Patches, etc.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Steppe Lion BF variant.z2f

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Killer Penguin Adoption Hack.z2f

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Diprotodon BF Variant.z2f

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Bluebuck BF Variant.z2f

Animals, Enrichments, Shelters, etc.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Saber-toothed Cat.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Giant Warthog.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Giant Ground Sloth.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR PlanterFeeder.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Enrichment.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Caveman Entertainer.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Woolly Rhino.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Warrah.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Utahraptor.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Steppe Lion.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Quagga.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Killer Penguin.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Giant Short-Faced Bear.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Elephant Bird.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Diprotodon.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Dimetrodon.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Deinosuchus.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Deinonychus.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Bush-Antlered Deer.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR American Mastodon.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Time Periods.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Rock Shelter.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Polypodiopsida Pack.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Elephant Log Remake.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Dino Prey Dummy Reskin.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Dino Meat.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Velociraptor.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Protarchaeopteryx.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Giant Camel.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Eurasian Aurochs + Scratching Posts.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Dwarf Sicilian Elephant.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Doedicurus.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR Bluebuck.z2f zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz EAR African Sivatherium.z2f

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Attachments for the rock shelter and the caveman entertainer has been added.

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Thom fixed an animation bug on the Dimetrodon, please redownload.

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Re-download the Dimetrodon and the Deinosuchus will work properly again.

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Happy Halloween

The killer penguin has been added.

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Please download the killer penguin again.  It has been updated.

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@lgcfm has released the auroch remake.   Also she updated some other files so it would be best to download all the files again.

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EAR Recoded

No "new" content this time, but I've gone through the EAR files and updated all animals so they are on par with the coding on latest releases (except for Velociraptor, Deinonychus and Protarchaeopteryx, which are getting revamped in due time).

What's new:

-Now all animals have a minimum of 3* "regular" variants, and a rare albino/leucistic variant. This meant some new variants for quagga, warrah and giant warthog.
*Killer penguin only has 2 regular variants since it seemed like more than enough for this animal.

-All variants are consistent through all lifestages (young/juvenile/adult/old), for any animals that are placed, created at the lab, or born/hatched at the zoo.


-Rare variants can be obtained by placing or creating at the lab, with a 5% chance. They can also be obtained by breeding, but using two normal colored parents means a really low chance (0.5%) which becomes much higher when one parent (45%) or both (90%) have the rare coloration themselves.


-On the other hand, "regular" variants are completely random, to ensure that you don't end up with all your animals looking exactly the same after a few generations.

-Deinosuchus, Diprotodon and Elephant Bird also have their "patternless" variants coded as genetically different, meaning that if you breed two patternless adults, babies will also be paternless 90% of the time. I did this because I know some people are not too fond of the BF patterns, so by doing this you can use (almost) only the paternless skins if you prefer.

-Slow growth added to all animals (earlier ones were missing it).

-Added compatibility with more enrichment and shelter items such as heat lamp and dino prey dummy for Deinosuchus, extinct shelter for cats.


-Scaled down the resolution of some young skins for smaller animals, the difference is barely noticeable ingame but results in reduced file size. I've also been able to reduce the amount of xmls by a lot, which results in slightly smaller file size and hopefully also better performance.

-Various fixes, such as:

  • Updated model for Saber-toothed cat based on feedback


  • Resized several animals to more accurate sizes
  • Fixed issue with food floating outside the mouth of some animals when they eat
  • Added missing sounds to juvenile animals
  • Fixed a bugged behavior on Diprotodon
  • Other minor fixes

Also to reiterate, you absolutely need my variant selector script for variants to work:.


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@lgcfm has updated some of the files.  Please download all the files again.

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Just a small bugfix this time, a typo fix so super Deinosuchus can now grow into their old lifestage properly.


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Deinonychus (re)release!

I've also updated the Velociraptor and elephant bird with the new brooding behavior.


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Ulquiorra as updated the elephant bird models,.

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Quote from @lgcfm


Just a small update to finish the year. As you've probably noticed, we've been adding model variants to our latest animals, well we figured some older releases could use an update. So the bush-antlered deer and woolly rhino now have some model variants as well! All by Ulquiorra.


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Ulquiorra says:


I've made a couple of new things that add some addition content to EA, which I'm surprised BF did not include, Horsetails and more ferns

Not only that, but the ferns and Horsetails are also included in a new food container for dinosaurs

The 2 downloads have been added to the first post.

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Things have been slow lately, but here is a small update for you.

Demon Hunter kindly made some edits to our Diprotodon model, adjusting the feet shape as well as fixing some weightpainting issues, so they can now move their mouth properly.

I've also taken this as an opportunity to rework the skin. At the start of this project I wanted to stick as close as possible to the BF colors. Down the road I've realized that it's often hard to match the colors of the cartoon version perfectly and still have a realistic, natural looking animal. So I've muted the red and yellow to a brown and cream color, still keeping the stripe pattern from the BF skins.

Like with the lion and bluebuck, I've kept the more colorful variants in an optional file for those who still would like to have them.


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dwarf Sicilian elephant

has been released.

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There has been some updates, please re-download.

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@lgcfm quote:


Hey all, long time no see almost a year but who's counting, been busy with, a lot of stuff

Today I bring you a new release (not an animal though), courtesy of @Tyranachu who's been contributing to this pack as well:
Some time ago he made a reskin for the Dino Prey Dummy that I love, and he's allowed me to release it as part of EAR! Here's what it looks

The first post have been updated.

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