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Important: New Members

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This topic is for people who are new.

Creating an Account: 

When you create an account, it is for ForumsClub.   After you login, you can join any of the websites on ForumsClub if they allow you to join.  When you are looking at the homepage/index of a website, you will see a green join website button at the top right corner.  Important Note:  If you are a Foumotion founder who transferred your forum over to here, you and your members just need to login with your account information from the forum.   If you have more than one forum that has been transferred over, you will have more than one account, you can ask to merge all the accounts.

Creating a Website:

This is referring to this:  https://forumsclub.com/gc/

It is not a place to advertise.  You are creating a website with forums, discussions, galleries, events, blogs, etc.  Forumotion users (founders) can exactly transfer their forums and members over to here.  After the transfer all activity will occur here.  When someone visits your forum and tries to interact with it, they will be transferred to here. Important Note:   It is a one way transfer.  You can not transfer back to your forum. 



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I have noticed many members have an email address as their username.   You should not do that on a PUBLIC site.  You can change your username.

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