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Diego Urquía


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Posted (edited)
General Information: Euparkeria is a prehistoric reptile from the Triassic period, thought to be close to the common ancestor of all dinosaurs (and birds)
Creator(s): Ringo
Language(s): ENG, SPA
Expansions Required: EA
Bugs (if any): Doesn't breed. Each time the game starts it get's out f exhibit. I recommed placing rocks (with collision effect) around every fencing to prevent the animals to scape.

Extra Information:
Credits (if any): Tyranachu and Lazardi for their Decuriasuchis model (Pseudosuchia pack)

Bonus Features:
Public Domain? Yes (model credits for Tyranachu and Lazardi)
Permission to Reupload? Yes
Zoopedia? Yes

Download Link: Attached below




Edited by Diego Urquía
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This is not a fully working animal. What is the reason to place buggy animals here?

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34 minutes ago, Velociraptor said:

This is not a fully working animal. What is the reason to place buggy animals here?

You need to explain what issues you are having.

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Doesn't breed. Each time the game starts it gets out of the exhibit.

Unable to breed = bug. Escaping out of its exhibit when unable to fly = bug.

I can see no sense in placing buggy animals here. Sorry.

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2 hours ago, Velociraptor said:


Doesn't breed. Each time the game starts it gets out of the exhibit.

Unable to breed = bug. Escaping out of its exhibit when unable to fly = bug.

I can see no sense in placing buggy animals here. Sorry.

Bugs (if any): Doesn't breed. Each time the game starts it get's out f exhibit. I recommed placing rocks (with collision effect) around every fencing to prevent the animals to scape.

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2 hours ago, Velociraptor said:


Doesn't breed. Each time the game starts it gets out of the exhibit.

Unable to breed = bug. Escaping out of its exhibit when unable to fly = bug.

I can see no sense in placing buggy animals here. Sorry.

I mean, those bugs were inherited from the Pseudosuchia pack animal I used as a template base, and I think they also inherited the bug from the WWD pack. There are tons of dl's released with similar or even worse problems (e.g animals crashing the game when being born), I'm just being honest and preventing it.  I have this very same animal in one of my zoos and the bugs do not affect the game experience badly, and  as said it's not the only downloded animal with similar issues. Even some of Hendrix' animals have similar bugs, and it is perfectly fine. At the end, all of us did this in our free time and offering these downlaods absolotely FOR FREE, so we have no reason of giving any kind of warranties. I mean, as long as it doesnt crash the game or anything similar, I don't see why this have to be a problem. If you consider is that bad, just remove the download.

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