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Diego Urquía


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Posted (edited)
General Information: Euparkeria is a prehistoric reptile from the Triassic period, thought to be close to the common ancestor of all dinosaurs (and birds)
Creator(s): Ringo
Language(s): ENG, SPA
Expansions Required: EA
Bugs (if any): Doesn't breed. Each time the game starts it get's out f exhibit. I recommed placing rocks (with collision effect) around every fencing to prevent the animals to scape.

Extra Information:
Credits (if any): Tyranachu and Lazardi for their Decuriasuchis model (Pseudosuchia pack)

Bonus Features:
Public Domain? Yes (model credits for Tyranachu and Lazardi)
Permission to Reupload? Yes
Zoopedia? Yes

Download Link: Attached below




Edited by Diego Urquía
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This is not a fully working animal. What is the reason to place buggy animals here?

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34 minutes ago, Velociraptor said:

This is not a fully working animal. What is the reason to place buggy animals here?

You need to explain what issues you are having.

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