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Does it makes sense the thing that the text on is a cannon ball??

i wasnt sure if it would translate or not......

Will be leaving momentarily... cannot dally today.

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Morning Gill, I'm good , thanks for asking... How are you?

Have service man coming for microwave so I can't hang much, until I get my kitchen spiffy. Then I have all day.

While I'm here (and looks around furtively) and Kijo is gone.. anyone got a crowfish from Halloween?

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Sorry I don't Frannie.

IMOM called and I wandered off upstairs.

Such a silly thing, when I cleared out the bathroom about 5 weeks ago, and took his stuff into our ensuite, his comb disappeared. Seriously, one side of the house to the other,a nd we've searched and searched.

Anyway, he said, go upstairs, go and look in the guest bathroom - and there's his comb on the side of the washbasin rofl, it had apparently fallen into a basket of laundry waiting to be ironed (I guess that tells you how long the ironing pile has sat around! Eeek, how shameful)

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Hi Frannie!
It's been rather quiet this morning, I didn't have to read back much

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I am sort of here. Boss wen tot school, so until b-fast is over here, I can sort of lurk around.

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My shoulders are hurting, I really need a break from the lap top - be back later

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I know... I saw hehehehehe.
Funny either way.

its ok. I am so so... was stressing out about a bunch stupid things, and actually don't feel very well, but it is starting to pick up... just can't wait until 3 when I can go home and just be done with this day.

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and I have to go at least clear the counter for the microwave man.... now watch,.... he won't be here until noon!

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Laters Zoonie, hope the shoulders feel better!!

Later Frannie! Good luck with the cleaning

I hope you feel better soon sweetie, I read something you weren't feeling too great before. You still have a shift now?

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Wish it got warmer here, I had to wait for the bus a bit and I'm still an ice cube...

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Even dropped my cell because my hands were cold. But the cell's just fine! Not even a scratch :good:

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yeah a second shift. It wouldn't be so bad if not for the RL drama.
: C

Condensed version is I got 1st paycheck at new job yesterday and was looking forward to a little bit of Kijo luxeries (a haircut and some new undies....)
anyways, the cable got turned off and they were demanding like 400 dollars from me!!!
I eventually worked it out with a different lady late last night. but it still took my whole check to get it up and running again.... So I guess I am just disappointed to say the least.

And I have started swelling again(mostly feet and calf muscles)
and found 2 big random bumps on bones (one on elbow bone, and one in my right hand on top)

So.... half of it is me just being a brat I guess.

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Pooh, that's a big bummer about the cable!! Be sure to get yourself pampered with the next paycheck, because you deserve that! I'll keep my fingers crossed!

The swelling isn't such good news, how long before your appointment?

Wouldn't say it's about being a brat, it really is a struggle you're going through!

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a little less than a month.... : /
my knees are not really ever swollen (if so, only a tiny bit)
and as long as I am standing or sitting they don't bother me at all.... its the act of standing up that hurts to be honest... then it takes a second before I can move.

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like a little old lady, it really sounds familiar : D
I hope time flies by and the checkup is nothing but good news

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how are you holding up sweetie?

Gill said you have an appointment tonight, is everthing going well??

What all meds are you taking, (if you don't mind me asking)
Do you ever get little bumps on your legs that look sort of like pimples.... but don't pop? I have been getting little patches of them ever since I started all these strange meds.

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speaking of little old lady.... I found a really long strand of completly WHITE hair in my head this morning. I was like geez... its like I am 60 for real.

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back... and kitchen not half as bad as it looked. Just a few large tihngs.

really sorry you're not feeling well again Kijo.. and bummer about the check being used up. same thing happened to daughter, but at least she was able to move back home.

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I'm fine, better then last week when I PMed you, still a bit down-ish, but nothing to complain about really (just frustrated by a lot of ppl around me - but that's such a different story hahaha)

I have a check up every three months (with the last one I even had 4 months inbetween), and everything feels fine. I have to take along my Xrays this eve and we're hoping to get more info about the high liver values a while ago. I even exercised this week, so I'm more than okay on that level Smile

The only meds I take are methotrexate and folic acid. I have to take painkillers, but I rarely do that actually. Let me see if I can find something online to show you.
I haven't noticed any bumps actually, only things I got were a crooked pinky and a 'fatter' index finger because of bone erosion.You should ask about those bumps nxt time you go!

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Yay! you are back... going to beg more people for stuff now?

I always like reading back over your pathetic pleas... next week I don't think you are going to be my friend anymore though.. planning something devious.

I think I would be doing better if it were not for all the stress RL stuff going on.... and the cold! brrrr!
But that sort of thing always makes it seem like you are sicker.

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bet you're gonna do all fish.. but I'm a step ahead of you.. evil grin... started my plan this week!

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Stress is always bad hon, I notice it too when I am in exams or have a stressful period, then I really get more inflammations and pain. And the cold, yes... the cold...

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inu-kijo wrote:
Yay! you are back... going to beg more people for stuff now?

I always like reading back over your pathetic pleas... next week I don't think you are going to be my friend anymore though.. planning something devious.

I think I would be doing better if it were not for all the stress RL stuff going on.... and the cold! brrrr!
But that sort of thing always makes it seem like you are sicker.

I've found my first grey at 15.. have been solid white (if I didn't dye it) since late 20's.

and I don;t actually beg... Ijust ask...

and not to worry.I will be your friend as long as you allow

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inu-kijo wrote:
speaking of little old lady.... I found a really long strand of completly WHITE hair in my head this morning. I was like geez... its like I am 60 for real.

thats clydes Laughing

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and right before "your time" too. Gosh isn't that awful.

They have me on mostly Naproxin if you have ever heard of that.
Yeah I was worried about something being wrong with my bones to be honest with you.... : C
Had a dream where they had to cute off my right hand (that is where one painful bump is right now) and if that happens..... I think I would just be done with life in general. : /

HAHAHAHA. no Frannie, sorry there is no preperations for nexts weeks Hell I have in store. :devil:

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Laughing I meant the word "beg" lossly silly.
I just love reading them all.
like when Adam showed up and you posted in here, like, whats this one?
or that one. that was the best. : D

no it wasn't Clydes...... it was growing out my head.

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Just a quick hello from me *waves*. I have about 5 mins of lunch left and wanted to say

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day and good luck with your appointment BG, sending hugs.

Gotta run Bye for now x

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hmmmm Kijo can be truly evil when she wants... have you noticed that, BG? well not EVIL... torturous is the word LOLOLOL

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I'm pretty sure they won't cut off hands, but probably check what it is, maybe it's some kind of fluid accumulation, or some kind of erosion as I have
I haven't heard of naproxin, but googled it (and they also have it here for RA), the side effects are edema and swelling because of fluid accumulation, so that might be those bumps you're havng?

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gonna buy her a Domimatrix outfit.. she can wear the boots when the swelling goes down

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inu-kijo wrote:
Laughing I meant the word "beg" lossly silly.
I just love reading them all.
like when Adam showed up and you posted in here, like, whats this one?
or that one. that was the best. : D

no it wasn't Clydes...... it was growing out my head.

I liked that one too!

Grey hair... Isn't that also a sign of wisdom?

DawnyDawn wrote:
Just a quick hello from me *waves*. I have about 5 mins of lunch left and wanted to say

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day and good luck with your appointment BG, sending hugs.

Gotta run Bye for now x

Thanks honey!!

Frannie wrote:
hmmmm Kijo can be truly evil when she wants... have you noticed that, BG? well not EVIL... torturous is the word LOLOLOL

I know and it is quite funny congratulations

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OMG!!! There's a girl that's really stalkign me with emails, she like sends one every 5mins or so!

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maybe thats why my feet are sweeling?

no edema is where if you take your thumb and push in on the swollen part, it takes a little while before your skin "bounces" back, does that makes sense.... it leave a little dimple in your skin for a while.

Does your meds make you sick? amybe I should ask to switch?
I know they wont cut off my hand... like i said it was a nightmare (probably a result of the pain)

I can't help it Frannie... you have sort of fed this little demon, cause I enjoy the past couple of weeks of hunter terrors you guys have been having.

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Frannie who says I dont already have that outfit?
I mean Joki wears fishnets and a spiked bracelt all the time, where do you think she gets that?

and lets not forget BG was in on the "O" sticker dilemma, and we both thought it was equally humerous!!!

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It could be a side effect though
understood the edema-explanation : D

Hmm, lemme see, in the beginning (and now too sometimes) I felt really tired, but that was also because I was really tired acting like there wasn't anything wrong with me, but it was a side effect of the meds, but now I feel great. Only thing is that I really have to avoid milk when I take my meds, because then I really feel sick. Other than that, I'm fine. Just have to be careful with my liver, so I try not to drink too much alcohol or just overload.

you should talk about it with the doc, if it wouldn't be better for you to switch. It could take a while to adjust, but I know some people had to change their meds because they had some side effects or they just didn't work

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ok ok so birds of a feather stick together......

and you might already have the outfit.. but don't forget. *I* am the one who attended a bdsm wedding in real life

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inu-kijo wrote:
Frannie who says I dont already have that outfit?
I mean Joki wears fishnets and a spiked bracelt all the time, where do you think she gets that?

and lets not forget BG was in on the "O" sticker dilemma, and we both thought it was equally humerous!!!

ROFL Laughing

I first thought it was a socket, but then Kijo told me Frannie, and I wasn't supposed to tell, but gave hints like mad, putting 'ooooooooooo' whenever I could : D

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Frannie wrote:
ok ok so birds of a feather stick together......

and you might already have the outfit.. but don't forget. *I* am the one who attended a bdsm wedding in real life

so that means she HAS the outfit too!

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I wonder if the milk thing would apply to me? cause that is pretty much what has been getting me through the last few weeks to be honest.

I feel fine as long as I am moving, its when I stop that it becomes a problem......
oh, and my right knee has started to pop when I walk now.... : /
I will just have to make a list of everything to discuss with Dr. when i go to see him.
But I still feel a LOT better than I was not too long ago.

I know the tired feeling too.... before I would sleep like 10 or more hours everyday, just because it hurt to move, and it seemed like there was no point in getting up except to go to work, but now, I don't do that.

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