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sooo... there's news, good news mostly, but still feel a bit blah, not sure how it comes...

here goes!

first of all: I'm an odd case, since I have regenerative (recovering in case this is weird) bones. Let me explain it better: in the beginning of my RA I had erosion in my feet, in the joints of my toes, which means cartilage loss (if I'm not mistaken)... But now, years after, she took a look at every x-ray we took along, it seems like the erosion recovered itself, so there's nearly erosion left and the bone looks fine.

Second: the liver values... they were good, she had nothing to say about that, so I asked her how it came my values were so high a while ago. She didn't know, it could be because I went out pretty bed (and drank a lot, but that's never the case) or because of eating too much chocolate or ... so, we don't know and it's nothing to worry about

then my hands... they're not bad, but we have to keep an eye on them, because there's something with the cartilage and there's a REALLY mild form of disfiguration, but nothing severe. So that makes me feel a bit bad I think, scared to think of it my hands might look one day like the severe cases you find on the internet (but I think - okay, the rational side though, because I'm more emotional hahaha - that it won't be the case because my illness is being treated in a way to avoid disfiguration or bad functioning).

Also, "reading between the lines", we were looking to decrease the dosage of meds I have to take, but she strongly said we are not going to do that, because of the tiny changes, because I have a form that is sort off aggressive, in a way that if I would stop taking my meds, I would have severe malformations and pain.

The END : D

Oh. And she suggested it would be better for me to exercise more. Still trying to figure out if she means I'm a bit too overweight or that movement is good : D

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inu-kijo wrote:
I wonder when miss BG is gonna start playin again?

whenever miss BG finds more time she will surely participate again!! :p

Zoonie wrote:
I am here
I am hungry
I am thirsty
I still have 2 cats
I have one angry daughter
and I have been gardening (got weeping blisters to prove it)
and ironing - still not finished though

and now about you?

I first thought it was a song Ashamed
It reminded me of this (take a LONG stare, because it's an animated gif)

What's with the angry daughter?

Frannie wrote:
i will brb.. want to read what BG has to say.... and listen to why Gill's daughter is angry (and I hope it's not at her)

I really tried to explain it to you guys, I'm having troubles to explain it in Dutch already lol

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HAHAHAHA I am sure she meant movement is good.

Well hunny that sounds like a lot of good news to me!!!

(a few things I am taking notes on to ask about DR. cause I have been having trouble with my toes a lot and I dont want disfigured feet!)

its crazy how much a like we are.... both in the good and apparently bad ways!
: *

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OK....so G&T's for Kijo and Gill, Bloody Mary for Fran (bit early or not ?) ...and a spot of Yoga for BG ???

I;m gonna have wine I think congratulations

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well on the whole, seems like good news BG.. am sure the exercise is to keep you limber and build muscle mass. Great that you are regenerating bone. Wishing you all the best... I'd be in trouble now if I grew bone over my knee implants

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inu-kijo wrote:
HAHAHAHA I am sure she meant movement is good.

Well hunny that sounds like a lot of good news to me!!!

(a few things I am taking notes on to ask about DR. cause I have been having trouble with my toes a lot and I dont want disfigured feet!)

its crazy how much a like we are.... both in the good and apparently bad ways!
: *

I was a bit scared to put the story here, because I don't want you to be afraid or something. It's nothing but good news, since nothing really changed and that's the entire point of the treatment.

Have you gotten x-rays? (it's pretty cool to see your own bones on a black & white pic hahaha! It creeps me up, but still is hilarious to look at!)

yeah I suppose movement is good, but she said it in a way which makes you think congratulations

MWAH! : *

Wish Fairy wrote:
OK....so G&T's for Kijo and Gill, Bloody Mary for Fran (bit early or not ?) ...and a spot of Yoga for BG ???

I;m gonna have wine I think congratulations

Pleaaaase give me some alcohol congratulations

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Oooh before I forget, look at the new banner up above *whistles*

inu-kijo wrote:
oooh Gill, you sound a bit like me with the cable company earlier..... you need a hug sweetie??

Please, not only are hugs good, but I really like them, TY

Frannie wrote:
this does not sound good... would a G & T help? or just a hug?

I'm fine, but never turn down a hug (see above lol) and it's a V&T with rocks of ice and a slice of lime, provided by IMOM - who says 'good evening ladies'

Toulouse wrote:

I first thought it was a song Ashamed
It reminded me of this (take a LONG stare, because it's an animated gif)

What's with the angry daughter?

LOL that's funny ♪

I like the gif BG

inu-kijo wrote:
HAHAHAHA I am sure she meant movement is good.

Well hunny that sounds like a lot of good news to me!!!

I think it sounds very positive, so I would take heart.

Have you ever thought about pilates BG?

Will type about daughter, she was on the phone, but she's gone now, IMOM is cooking and I am going ommmmm on Wish's advice!

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Frannie wrote:
well on the whole, seems like good news BG.. am sure the exercise is to keep you limber and build muscle mass. Great that you are regenerating bone. Wishing you all the best... I'd be in trouble now if I grew bone over my knee implants

I think you're right too, we were discussing the ski trip for a bit and I just said: well, nothing but good, only a bad physical condition, so I'm guessing she was talking about that too
and to stay flexible ofcourse!

I have... what's it called? superflexible joints, my arm bends farther then it's supposed to bend congratulations

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Laughing at first BG i thought you drew those pics, reminds me of the stuff you do. : D

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*********handing over the wine to BG******** (Yoga - very good for you,.and gentle )

Gill....are you still here ? What's the story with ED ? I was thinking it was a great gardening day today, but was too busy with other stuff

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brief aside
daughter is angry, this is ED btw, as she keeps encontering such incredibly rude people, and that includes her boss and colleagues.

I'm trying to school her in the art of keeping her cool and perfecting an air of impervious professionalism - she's still at an age when it doesn't come easy.

I think I have an irritating habit of giving advice which is far easier to feel when you're not standing in those shoes Ashamed >

moving on

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Zoonie wrote:
I think it sounds very positive, so I would take heart.
Have you ever thought about pilates BG?

Pilates... Now THAT's a good idea!!
Oh and I needed to ask you something too, because of your advice with the Arnica... Might be an odd question, but here goes: Is there any supplement you know off that improves the creation (or something) of cartilage? Like... Drinking milk helps you strengthen your bones (because of the calcium)

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Oooh I forgot to answer.... BG i have had a couple of X-rays done before... even a CT scan on my face.... but not anything for whats wrong with me recently.

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inu-kijo wrote:
Laughing at first BG i thought you drew those pics, reminds me of the stuff you do. : D

HEY!!! congratulations
Don't laugh with me :p

Wish Fairy wrote:
*********handing over the wine to BG******** (Yoga - very good for you,.and gentle )


inu-kijo wrote:
Double jointed BG??

Had to google it and it says hypermobility, so I am guessing it's that!
But only in a normal way, I can't do tricks :p

Zoonie wrote:
brief aside
daughter is angry, this is ED btw, as she keeps encontering such incredibly rude people, and that includes her boss and colleagues.

I'm trying to school her in the art of keeping her cool and perfecting an air of impervious professionalism - she's still at an age when it doesn't come easy.

I think I have an irritating habit of giving advice which is far easier to feel when you're not standing in those shoes Ashamed >

moving on

I think one day she will realize you have tried to teach her that

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Frannie I kept looking for a new banner too, but she means that Zoonie is on the main banner at the TOP top. : D
just figured it out.

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inu-kijo wrote:
ugh. double posting computer.

that was kind of ironic as you were posting about being double jointed congratulations

*SHOUTS* banner people, banner!

Toulouse wrote:
Zoonie wrote:
I think it sounds very positive, so I would take heart.

Have you ever thought about pilates BG?

Pilates... Now THAT's a good idea!!
Oh and I needed to ask you something too, because of your advice with the Arnica... Might be an odd question, but here goes: Is there any supplement you know off that improves the creation (or something) of cartilage? Like... Drinking milk helps you strengthen your bones (because of the calcium)

I haven't tried it, but I always think pilates sounds a great idea, for everyone really - in your case especially.

I'm not sure about growing cartiledge, but they always say to take fish oil supplements for good joint care, for the lubrication and movement aspects, so I guess that might be a good idea too?

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Oh BG Pilates - AWESOME. I have been taking classes for a year and they are really tough but very gentle (it really changes your body shape too) I heartily recommend it !

Sorry for delay in replying my laptop is behaving oddly (and am watching womens dowhill Ashamed )

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I commented on the banner earlier GIll.
: D

Thought you were here, but you had disappeared.

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OK Kijo.. I changed 16 entirely... hope you don;t get the red x any longer

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inu-kijo wrote:
Frannie I kept looking for a new banner too, but she means that Zoonie is on the main banner at the TOP top. : D
just figured it out.

inu-kijo wrote:
I commented on the banner earlier GIll.
: D

Thought you were here, but you had disappeared.

Oops yes, grabbing stardom Laughing
Zoonie is up there playing the trumpet (having ignored the instruction not to wear white, oops!)
Sorry it's been a bit of an odd day, and my shoulders are achy today for the first time in a while. I took advantage of a much better day, it wasn't too cold and it was sunny, so quite nice for the time of year.

I went out gardening, and Socks 'Kaytoed ' me for my trouble, attack-cat!

Wish Fairy wrote:
Oh BG Pilates - AWESOME. I have been taking classes for a year and they are really tough but very gentle (it really changes your body shape too) I heartily recommend it !

Sorry for delay in replying my laptop is behaving oddly (and am watching womens dowhill Ashamed )

No worries Wish, we know you're here, did you not get my email containing some questions?

I really want to go to pilates, I must make more effort to do the stuff I think about.

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Zoonie wrote:
*SHOUTS* banner people, banner!

I haven't tried it, but I always think pilates sounds a great idea, for everyone really - in your case especially.

I'm not sure about growing cartiledge, but they always say to take fish oil supplements for good joint care, for the lubrication and movement aspects, so I guess that might be a good idea too?

Here banner banner banner!!!
Zoonie rocks!!

I actually have a yoga "game" for wii, but I am doubting it will be as good as when you go to a class... So it's between yoga and pilates (and YES they have it hear, only have to find out if our uni has it too, that's a lot cheaper)

I heard that too, about the fish oil supplements, so I take it for real now... maybe a good idea to take some (or just eat more fish... that might be 'healthier' because I've always had troubles believing things like extra supplements would work : blush : )

Wish Fairy wrote:
Oh BG Pilates - AWESOME. I have been taking classes for a year and they are really tough but very gentle (it really changes your body shape too) I heartily recommend it !

Sorry for delay in replying my laptop is behaving oddly (and am watching womens dowhill Ashamed )

You're making me curious now!!!

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oooo From Lisa.. our Roboslobin.. Cricket:

Lisa Martin Burk
Good News!! William's swallow study went well today! He is good with pudding and honey thickness. So, as soon as we get the word from the doctor, the Mister is going to be able to take some food by mouth again (since July)! I'm already planning menus! Smile

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Frannie you are set to go my dear.

ooooh soon it will be sleepy time for keeeey-Joeeeeee!

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Great news from Lisa, what a trial this has all been for them.

Of all the supplements BG, I think you can perhaps rely on fish oils, but yes, I eat a lot of salmon, and mackerel, I love smoked mackerel.

Speaking of which have to go and eat, we have smoked haddock tonight,

Byeee for now

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yay for Kijo.. pretty soon sleepy time for me too! Lord, I lov my naps!

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inu-kijo wrote:
Frannie you are set to go my dear.

woo hooo thank you!

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Mmmm, smoked salmon!! That's about the only fish I eat ?
And fish sticks, but not sure you guys know what that is

A bit annoyed atm by my sister, but I'm letting her vent...

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awwwwwww my big ol hairy dog is asleep at my feet.. chasing a bunny or squirrel or maybe she's just herding... but her legs are moving like a puppy's

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Toulouse wrote:
Mmmm, smoked salmon!! That's about the only fish I eat ?
And fish sticks, but not sure you guys know what that is

A bit annoyed atm by my sister, but I'm letting her vent...

ahh fish sticks... the mystery fish.. but I love them!

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Oh Frannie, push the dog over here! I'm still cold, having trouble warming up today and I could use a big hairy dog as a blankie : D

Fish sticks are sooo gooood!
makes me want to eat them right now hahaha!

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Fish Sticks Laughing (gag me with a spoon !!)

Aww Frannie- I have one dog asleep and dreaming of squirrels too, the other one is out chasing foxes and creating havoc in the garden Ashamed

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well she snores and has bad breath... still want her? she is BIG and Hairy though

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Wish Fairy wrote:
Fish Sticks Laughing (gag me with a spoon !!)

Aww Frannie- I have one dog asleep and dreaming of squirrels too, the other one is out chasing foxes and creating havoc in the garden Ashamed

maybe they can team up and catch that darned squirrell

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well girls.. hubby is pulling into the drive, think I'll go greet him like the wonderful wife I am.. and then talk him into napping with me. see you later

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Bye Frannie....I'm off too - sorry to leave you BG but must eat something before OH gets home from France


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Oh no : /
I get downstairs for like a couple of mins and it's deserted here!


oh well
will start singing a song, but which one

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It's actually quite depressing this song...

I'm singing a song to myself
Cause I don't belong any longer
Just making it up in my head
This feeling is strong and getting stronger
You see the light?
Tell me you see the light
Just making it up in my head
Cause I need someone to sing along with
Sing along with

It's called Song to self by Travis - a band I love actually (although they are sometimes depressing hahaha)

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Might look for not so depressing songs lol, don't want to scare everyone away!!!

Am emailing in the meantime, to get more information about an initiative for swimming for RA patients and now for pilates, if it is possible to start lessons now... So that means I can go swimming on Wednesday, Pilates on Thursday and maybe Zumba on Tuesday - if that's not too hard for me (she warned me though)

Kitty's looking at the screen, wondering what I am doing!

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Hey BG just read back a bit, you here alone hun?

Haven't read too far so how did your appointment go?

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Lol, they all left me congratulations

Appointment went well, thank you
I think it was nothing but good news, only have to keep an eye on my hands because there's a slight change in them, but nothing severe

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Sorry hun, got distracted with PS (still hunting for the last item which I think I just found)

That's good news, I'm glad you're happy witht he outcome. So your liver count is ok now? Did they tell you why it was high?

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Good luck with the hunt I've been out for a couple of weeks and I'm still figuring out my schedule for school, so not sure when I'll be able to participate again

The liver count is okay, there's no explainable reason why it was so high (she suggested too much alcohol, but I rarely drink and never too much, or maybe because of too much chocolate hahaha)

How are you hun?

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Thanks hun, I just posted my last piccy so very pleased with myself, and Frannie of course my collaborating partner. We're early with our answers this week cos Kijo made it a little easier , but I think we're in for it next week Laughing

We miss you over there but I know how hard it is when you have heavy schedules...

I only really have time to do visits and hunting and sometimes don't believe what I put off in order to fit hunting in :JC_lol: :

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I think she's going to be very evil next week!

Once I found my way in the schedule and have adjusted a little, I might find some time for the hunt. For now I even have to ask Mom to play with Snorks some days (she loves to do that hahaha, so I don't mind), because sometimes I even don't have the time for it.

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Yes it's very time consuming and even all consuming at times!! But I love it, it's so much fun.

At least your Mum is happy to play with Snorks, if I don't get on here poor Sparkle is left alone Sad

Hunny, I hate to leave but it's half time for footy and hubby just made me a huge bowl of fruit salad and yoghurt and so I have to run.

Have a great evening *waves*


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See you later sweetie!!!

I'm still here, until I go to bed, just stopped working and turning myself in front of the TV in the meantime, watching 'you are what you eat'...

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