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♪ The FEBRUARY chat - part 6 ♪

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bogie wrote:
BG you are so kind to all around you, I hope they appreciate what you do for them

Experiment :whoot: Better ask SIB/Chupa he's very good at them congratulations

I hope they do, because I don't just help anyone!
Lol, I just read his story about the Dr. It's really good!!
I know this experiment is less... experimental lol, as I just have to give my opinion on ads

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Wish Fairy wrote:
sorry ..am on phone ...

hiya boogs

chup....you're new thread is hilarious Laughing

Wish How's your day been?

Chupacabra wrote:
bogie wrote:

Chupacabra wrote:
Oh dear. Doctor Cabra has found his way over here!
Read the news so you can stay safe!!...lol Laughing


SIB off to take a look now congratulations brb

hahah Have fun reading Great to see you also!! I know it has been some time!

It has been far too long

Wish Fairy wrote:
sorry ..am on phone ...

hiya boogs

chup....you're new thread is hilarious Laughing

Hiya wish! Glad you enjoyed it!

I will be back. I am leaving work now so I thought I would post this before I go. Hopefully I can log in later this evening but definitely tomorrow.
Great to see you all! 8)

My sides still hurt, that is one of your best (allthough all have been classic) I could not visit elvis without seeing a pineapple hat on his head for weeks congratulations

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Toulouse wrote:
bogie wrote:
BG you are so kind to all around you, I hope they appreciate what you do for them

Experiment :whoot: Better ask SIB/Chupa he's very good at them congratulations

I hope they do, because I don't just help anyone!
Lol, I just read his story about the Dr. It's really good!!
I know this experiment is less... experimental lol, as I just have to give my opinion on ads

Your an angel to offer help over and above all the work you have to do

BooBear wrote:

Me Boo How are you today?

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bogie wrote:
Your an angel to offer help over and above all the work you have to do

I wouldn't call myself an angel congratulations
I just like to help them and learn a bit, as I can use tips for next year for my own thesis too Smile

I'm done working for today, it's nearly 10pm, I deserve some time off now!

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Good thanks Boogs but something wierd is happening to my keyboard. Every time I press to put an apostrophe in I am geting a pop up at the bottom of the screen for Quick find(links only) and the rest of my message is going in there. Arrow keysnot working either. Also found I cannot type anything into my chest in PS to find stuff which is really frustrating! May not chat long if this continues. Smile

How are you?

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Hey Boo Smile

How are you ? That spunds weird about your keyboard.

Sorry everyone ...was on the phone again - this time to OH ..not good news as French air traffic control are going on strike from tomorrow and only <50% of flight are expected to leave from Orly on Wednesday .....of course, we are flying to Prague on Thursday morning, I do hope he can get back in time.

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Sorry if im behind but im chatting to 4 people in ps at the same time, which is hard work as you run out of space and then have to visit to answer the second page. (seem to chat in ps alot lately)

Toulouse wrote:
bogie wrote:
Your an angel to offer help over and above all the work you have to do

I wouldn't call myself an angel congratulations
I just like to help them and learn a bit, as I can use tips for next year for my own thesis too Smile

I'm done working for today, it's nearly 10pm, I deserve some time off now!

You are and Angel and if it helps you too is neither here nor their your offering your help x

BooBear wrote:
Good thanks Boogs but something wierd is happening to my keyboard. Every time I press to put an apostrophe in I am geting a pop up at the bottom of the screen for Quick find(links only) and the rest of my message is going in there. Arrow keysnot working either. Also found I cannot type anything into my chest in PS to find stuff which is really frustrating! May not chat long if this continues. Smile

How are you?

Thats very odd!! have you done a scan recently? seems odd that lots of keys are playing up!

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Wish Fairy wrote:
Hey Boo Smile

How are you ? That spunds weird about your keyboard.

Sorry everyone ...was on the phone again - this time to OH ..not good news as French air traffic control are going on strike from tomorrow and only <50% of flight are expected to leave from Orly on Wednesday .....of course, we are flying to Prague on Thursday morning, I do hope he can get back in time.

Hi Wish!

It is really wierd and really annoying me! I may re-boot and see what happens. That is always the technical advice you get anyway!

Oh blimey mate - hope he makes it home in time for your trip. What a pain.

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LOL me too

Not sure what to do right now. He booked that flight because he can fly back direct to southampton, he's staying until Wednesday becos last time he almost missed his flight the night before...you can't win.
Worst case he has time to try to get Eurostar tomorrow pm or Wed am.. and could try to get a direct flight to Prague whenever he can

Sorry all....I must sleep now...two days of training ahead of me..
great to see everyone :love3:

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Well I've re-booted and my keyboard is fixed! I can use as many of these ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' as I like now! congratulations

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Wish, I'm keeping my fingers crossed hun!!!

Haha, Boo, you could have an entire conversation with ''''' now :p

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It's really quite frustrating to try to type without them! How are you hon?

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I'm fine thank you, glad today's over now! Will be heading to bed soon as I took something for my headache a couple of hours ago and it's still present (at least for a bit, but still...)

How are you?

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Good thanks, but like you - tired! I stayed up too late last night and I get up early every morning so think it might be time for an early night tonight. Smile

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Lol, I did that in the weekend (go to bed very late and wake up early because of the noise here). So I have to pay for that now I'm afraid.

I hope you don't mind me heading to bed, but I am falling asleep and it would be very uncomfortable to fall asleep here


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"Allllllll by myselfffffff! Don't wanna be, allllllll by myself anymore!"

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Sorry Im back got side tracked in ps and sending some bits to Kijo who I hope can help with a new poster for the pre-school with her talent congratulations

Also D and then K have both been back up out of bed Grrrrr but for once the little man is soundo congratulations

Glad your keys are now working properly """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" congratulations

I totally missed Wish Sad I hope it all works out and he makes it.

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Grrrr! Kids! Mine took forever to go to sleep tonight but I have to say he is usually pretty good once he is asleep. Smile

Oooh - the poster sounds good! She's a good one isn't she. Smile

Have you seen Zoonie at all?

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BooBear wrote:
Grrrr! Kids! Mine took forever to go to sleep tonight but I have to say he is usually pretty good once he is asleep. Smile

Oooh - the poster sounds good! She's a good one isn't she. Smile

Have you Zoonie at all?

I know H is normally my non sleeper, D is asleep but K keeps waking up saying she is hot! (she is not hot temp wise) just given her a blanket instead of her quilt, whats the betting she will wake me up in the middle of the night because she is COLD we cannot win can we?

I "have" ^^ Zoonie this morning congratulations

she was poorly yesterday and I only saw her briefly

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See - even when I get my keyboard to work I still can't type!! congratulations

Of course she will wake up and be cold later. If your heating is on at the moment I'd be tempted to leave her with the blanket for now and when it goes off throw the quilt back over her.

G is still a terrible wriggler. He has a double bed (long story :rolleyes:) and I often find him either lying across it or head facing the foot of the bed on top of the quilt! Laughing Until the heating goes off I tend to leave him as it is warm enough in his room.

Sorry to hear Zoonie is not well. If you're reading hon, feel better soon.

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How lucky is G congratulations What I would give for a double bed to myself!!

Great minds think alike congratulations I was thinking when I go to bed I will swap the blanket for the quilt

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I know its prob far too early but do you have your Safe trader confirmed yet?

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See - I know I'm telling you something you already know but one of my ex-bosses used to tell me never to be afraid to state the obvious as it was usually the obvious that everyone forgets about. congratulations

Ahh bless him! He has it by default. We bought it to put in the bedroom when it was the spare bedroom and we decided to sell. Needed to have a bed in there and it's a big room so double bed - ideal in case anyone came to stay also.

Not sold the house, got sick all ALL of G's toys being in my dining room (through lounge and dining room so couldn't hide them!) so moved him from the small bedroom to the bigger bedroom but can't get rid of the bed as it is brand new. Smile

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What a great boss! What they said is very very true! but we are twins so of course we would see the the same

That is a perfect solution to the over run by toys drama.

Wish I had a room to somewhere to put all of the toys here Sad

No matter what room you go to there are toys even in my kitchen and bathroom EEK

Have you had any more viewings? Shame the market is sooooo slow Sad

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No confirmation on the Safe Trader yet - still waiting. Had to open up my friends list (I had the privacy settings high so only friends could see them) but only did that this evening so probably need to wait a while longer. Smile

Have you done yours yet? Didn't take too long - I just wanted to make sure that I got ones where we all confirmed received and sent as that is what a lot of people seemed to be failing on. That and multiple accounts! :eek:

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Well G was in the small room - now the computer room where I am sat chatting. Smile Big enough for bed and furniture, chair etc but not for all the toys as well. It made send to move him into the bigger room and let him have his toys in there.

I have to say we still have toys just about everywhere - as he picks them up and brings them to whereever we are to play! Just means more picking up now! Laughing

I would love to have a toy room and that it another good reason for moving, we may be able to get that if we can sell here! No ore viewings as yet but no rush! Laughing

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No not done it yet but need to and because I done quite a few recently I should do it soon!

I had so much fun yesterday in the trading forum, I have giving her the link to here and C&G on FB but she registered here but cannot find how to request to join and to be honest Ive given up too. on trying to help people get here Sad Such a shame as it was her first ever trade and many of us spent a couple of hours making sure it went ok for her as it involved cash coins!
Been chattting with her agian today but no matter what link I give she has not managed to find us here

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boo thanks for the RL phone chat far easier xxx

Ok Off to bed to who ever may be about. see you in the morning

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Cannot sleep worried that I have upset Gill Sad

Which would be the the last thing I would ever want to do Sad

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Ok must go or OH is gonna shout at me some more! (get in bed you loon is what he is yelling)

Hope to see you ALL soon, if nobody is about check back, I know many of you look in!

just say hi so anybody about knows your here x

Love & miss you all xxxx

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ok..... Canda, USA, and Russia ...... I think that the USA had the best last skate ...

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thats cool. you know... the olympics are up in Canada... and I have seen more Canadians this past week than like.... ever.

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hmmmmm... You would think that the snowbirds would already be here ..... The Olympics are not over yet ..... very curious ...

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I dunno what that is... forgive my internet is molasses slow tonight.

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snowbirds -- northerners who escape the snow by coming south for the winter ....

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oh... lol well its been less snowy in canada than it has been in the US!!!!

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did you know that the petlings will ask for a sandwich?? I didn't know that they ate sandwiches ....

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you know, I am a little better today... I tried a trick yesterday, and I am not sure if it was just a coincidence that I feel better, or because of what i did, so I am going to try it again tonight and see how I feel tomorrow. : D

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I think the dog eats a sandwich... if oyu go into the food store it has a petling menu up, and those are the things they ask for.

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I wish that PF would name things with normal names .......why are some ornaments ornaments and some baubles ???

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