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♪ The FEBRUARY chat - part 6 ♪

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WB Kijo

How about that, your eyes having 2,000,000 different parts!

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bogie wrote:
WB Kijo

Congrats on the level up Armell :cheer:

Thanks hun xox, okay i think i am going to go now, see you in the morning hugs to you all xoxo

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Bye Army, and belated congrats too.

Oooh Kijo no, I didn't see that - thanks honey. How are your aches and pains doing?

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Its on the home page of the site, thoguht you would like to know.

Eh... about the same. : /
my knee really hurts today, so i have been walking a bit funny because of it and got a charliehorse earlier... other than that... nothing new or exciting, working another shift after this.

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ok guys - I've gotta go now

have a great day and I will keep you posted on my moving situation

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inu-kijo wrote:
Its on the home page of the site, thoguht you would like to know.

Eh... about the same. : /
my knee really hurts today, so i have been walking a bit funny because of it and got a charliehorse earlier... other than that... nothing new or exciting, working another shift after this.

Absolutely, I came straight in to C&G.

What's a charliehorse honey?

Bee wrote:
ok guys - I've gotta go now

have a great day and I will keep you posted on my moving situation

You must Bee, am rooting for you obviously.
Take care x

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a charliehorse is that SHOOTING pain you get in your calf muscle where it hurts so bad you can't move, but you can't do anything about it til it passes??

do you know what I mean?
When I was young i used to wake up screaming in the middle of the night with them. But haven't got one in a long time until today.

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Oh ok, we'd usually say that was 'cramp' as in
'aaaagh I've got cramp' OH leapt out of bed with that the other night.
I don't get it, except sometimes I get cramp in my toes, which is agonising.
Either that or we'd call it a 'dead leg'


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Well, i mean we call them cramps too, but that particular cramp in that part of the leg is called a charliehorse..... like if you say I had a bad charliehorse last night, you would know what the person is talking about, savy??

; D

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oooooooh I am only missing one BLUE COYOTE, and I will have gotten ALL the special coloured Petlings!!!! Mwhahahahahahaha!!!

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Dead leg sounds like something someone would say if their foot is asleep.
: D

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Sorry Im back, had a visitor. but now Im way behind on the housework

But the sun is shinning with clear blue skies, was very different a few hours ago, got soaked on the scool run.

Only down side of the sun is I can now see how dusty the living room is

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No sun here Boogie! Sad

Hmm, possibly not a coyote, more likely a kind of dog Sad

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ive not come across many different coloured ones at all on the tiger and coyote front defo not a blue one yet, will keep my eyes peeled though Kijo

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Awww dang!


I found the tan tiger I was having trouble with (tweet40 found it!!!)
So just the one, and I am seeeeeet!

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tweet40 wrote:

i found some coloured tiger pics congratulations

Look how cute this is!!! One RICH pet though!
maybe I should ask them to get a coyote for a pic op! HAHAHAHAHA!

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Alright guys, well I am out!!!!

Gotta get dressed for my other job and what not!

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See you Kijo will keep looking for you. Those pics are in IMOM's account, not tagged yet though.

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not but a minute today.... as I slept all the way until the alarm (I was up for 2 hours in the middle of the night!)

Starting tomorrow I will have all kinds of time to chat etc. wanted youu to know I had not abandoned you all

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What kept you up in the middle of the night?

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Oh Frannie, you're as bad as me! I was awake twice last night but willed myself back to the land of nod - otherwise routine goes out of the window.

Well found Boogaloo.

Sorry guys I have to shoot off, back later though xxx

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bogie wrote:

What kept you up in the middle of the night?

nothing really. If you recall. I am the 2 morning girl! Normally I would have stayed awake to greet you girls.. but I knew I had to get some sleep for today.

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(I am not here)

I Lurves you!!

Now I have them all, will update my petling threrad later!!!!!

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tsk.. Boogers should have sent them to me so I could send them to you and get points!!!!

omg I can't believe I typed that. I AM obsessed!!

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Of course, it's your work pattern at the moment, is that what will soon change?

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HAHAHAHA, she even sees me here this time... Frannie you have now lost all shame!!!

(technically it still hasn't been posted in the hunt thread and is still up for points.....)

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Kijo, I gave up on searching every room on my visits and went of a different hunt for one Laughing

Frannie wrote:
tsk.. Boogers should have sent them to me so I could send them to you and get points!!!!

omg I can't believe I typed that. I AM obsessed!!

what points? Im lost now

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bogie wrote:
Of course, it's your work pattern at the moment, is that what will soon change?

Today is my last day.. and I have decided that my hair will pass... so no shower, just a w-wash at he sink will be enough!

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thanks Boogie... but that pic won't do.. had to have one in a room... Or will it work, Kijo?

Boogie.. we were getting bonus points in the scavenger hunt for certain items.. You really should play!

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Frannie Last day :cheer: Then we will have you back

Hi lurking BG how are you today?

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I'm fine Boogs, thanks, I paid a lot of attention in class, so I am pretty proud of myself and then I hung out with some friends (at least for lunch, as they had class and I didn't). So I am home now and have the afternoon off, woohoo!

How's things in here?

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No rules for the petlings. it was a free for all point event for my personal needs.

Did you see hte one tweet posted??
they got the 5 points for the missing tan tiger.

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Frannie. I know I should but even while im chatting here Im running off and doing the next bit of housework congratulations Its keeping me fit running around like a maniac cleaning so I can then pop back and chat a bit more Laughing

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Toulouse wrote:
I'm fine Boogs, thanks, I paid a lot of attention in class, so I am pretty proud of myself and then I hung out with some friends (at least for lunch, as they had class and I didn't). So I am home now and have the afternoon off, woohoo!

How's things in here?

Im ok still trying to find my house and clean it properly after the kids trashing it all last week :lol;

Sound like your work is done for the day, time to put your feet up and chill congratulations

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OK girls... I have to skedaddle (God I AM old!) and get ready.

Thanks for the coyote pic Bogie
Thanks for letting me use it Kijo
Thanks BG for being a good girl at school - tomorrow I go to the PO!

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inu-kijo wrote:
(BG are you done lurking because I am here??/ : 3 )

I just noticed you here and was reading back in the meantime I was lurking actually :p

bogie wrote:
Im ok still trying to find my house and clean it properly after the kids trashing it all last week :lol;

Sound like your work is done for the day, time to put your feet up and chill congratulations

Lol, I should come over and help you, i've got some kind of a cleaning mood... dunno how it comes, but it feels like spring cleaning and I like it. Have done a lot yesterday and will try to get the rest done by the end of this weekend

I have nothing to prepare or do for tomorrow or the day after, so I can be VERY lazy congratulations

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Frannie wrote:
OK girls... I have to skedaddle (God I AM old!) and get ready.

Thanks for the coyote pic Bogie
Thanks for letting me use it Kijo
Thanks BG for being a good girl at school - tomorrow I go to the PO!

I love that word (skedaddle)!!!

Lol, I'm an angel congratulations
Sooo exited to know what you've been scheming!!

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