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♪ The FEBRUARY chat - part 6 ♪

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Hi Honey ..... I am scrambling to finsih up my hunt pictures ..... My mom called and I had to talk to her ... brb

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Oh tanya.... let me know if you add some more before 12:00.
I already sent out result emails assuming everyone was done.
If you get one more correct it will put you in the lead.... :whistleL

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I'm in and out, I'm SUPPOSED to be working on my papers. I have 2 out of 3 done but haven't even started the third one and its due in two weeks!!

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Laughing I am reupdating my petling thread. have all the missing petlings now! Whoooooot!

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Kijo .... if the picture is correct that I sent you, may I post It?? the time on the pm is before midnight ..... my computer went crazy .... Sad

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sorry that i got behind ... My mom called to let me know some things about my Grandmother .. She is in a nursing home and has had another stroke ... The outlook is not good ...

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Oh no! Poor Tanya, that does not sound like good news.

and yes the pic was sent on time, I fixed the points already, just post your pic, you are in first place!!! Congrats!!!!

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yaaaa for the petlings !! I love the thread ......

Do the eyes stay the same whatever color the pet is??

tyvm for the last entry ....

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Thanks Mindy ... I knew it was coming. She is 84, and has been in failing health for the last 3 years. It started with her heart, and then her diabetes got worse. Then she had her first stroke ..., it has just been one thing after another .... It is upsetting me, but it is very hard on my Mom ....

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: /

I dont like bad news....

Sorry sweetie.

But for the coyote and tiger all the petlings are EXACTLY the same. No differences at all unlike the kitties nad puppies. : D

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Thanks Kijo .... If she dies in the next few days, this will spoil our weekend .... I don't know what is going to happen ... She is not eating and they have decided not to do a feeding tube.... This last stroke that she had has affected her right side of her body .... It is just not good ....

Thanks for the info on the petlings ... As I have been visiting and paying more attention to them ... looking for tigers and coyotes -- I noticed lots of different eyes ... I wish that they were interactive .... That you could at least pet them ....

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Yeah. I was going to ask that... but didn't WANT to ask that (I hate assuming the worst)
If so, just give me a call if you can't reach me on here, and I TOTALLY understand.
Even if you decide to not do it now, just in case, that is okay too.

I am changing the pics now, 5 minutes, and all will be complete!!!

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I'll keep your family in my thoughts ...

I havent noticed different eyes on the tigers, how cute! I wish we could clean them or brush them or play frisbee with them, awwww. We already have the frisbee! lol

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There was a Spoiler out not too long ago with Toys for the petlings, so maybe they are still working all that out.


Tanya, if you look at the kitties and puppies on the guide you can see all the different eyes!!! o__o

But tigers and Coyote all the same

I wish there was a petling STYLIST.... or an ADOPTION agency you could go to (when you are like me and dont have the patience for them anymore....) (althought... I love my LaLa too much to give here away.... i just dont want to feed her anymore.....)

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They are very cute to watch ... I lol the first time I saw one of the pets do a flip .... I think that they are adorable when they get in the beds and fall asleep ...

Kijo, this weekend is entirely up to you honey ..... I would hate for you to rearrange your schedule and then me to cancel out on you ....

If you don't mind it being a bit tentative, come on down .... In all honesty, I don't really know how much longer whe will live .... How long does someone live if they can't eat??

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So.... I feel bad for telling one of my own stories with bad news on the table, but I waited all night to share this.

It all started out with yesterday Allen telling me I got a raise at Hampton. I ve been here almost a year, so I was like, oh cool, and didnt think anything of it.

Well i worked a double, and headed home, right when i got into the driveway my phone rang, and it was BM-the owner of the EL. He asked me if I had heard about what happened at Hampton, I was thinking there had been like a fire or something. so I was like, whats up??
He told me that Kenny (the owner of the Hampton) and Allen (manager) called him and said that he couldnt hire me to work next door!!
I was like... ive been there for 3 weeks now!!!
So we talked for another minute or two and I was like.... so are you FIRING me??? BM told me I was his best employee and he was not going to fire me...... so I was like is HAMPTON firing me then????
He said it didnt matter what happened, if I called and talked to him, he would give me 80 hours and whatever I wanted.

So I called Allen..... Allen was like WTC?!!! and told me he would call me back.

A Few minutes later, BM called me back, and said everything was fine and I still ahve both of my jobs, but If i have any problems with Hampton to let him know and he would give me the hours I wanted.

So.... Allen calls me back and told me that isnt what Kenny had said, Kenny was just mad that BM was interviewing his employees without telling him..... So.... apparently they are fighting over me.

Which would almost be kind of flattering if I didnt think I had gotten fired for a couple of hours and cried over nothing.... but still.... crazy story.

Sorry so long. it was a little complicated.

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Sometimes you would be surprised..... My grandpa was kind of like the same way at the end... and he just wouldnt give out.... it was weeks before he finally passed.

Honey, if you think it would be better for me to stay home, I have no problems and understand.
If you still think I should come, then that works too.
Just let me know.

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Kijo ..... It sounds like they are fighting over you .... GOOD JOB!! That is great about the raise ... Just one thing though .... I think that if you work more than 40 hours, they have to pay overtime ....... I don't know if it is the same all over, but that is a consideration ..... but then you wouldn't need to work 80 hours to get 80 hours of pay ........

As long as you don't mind the posibillity of me canceling at the last minute, I would love for you to come ...... Grannie has surprised us before .. I don't think she will give up easily .. What worries me is that momma said they are having trouble regulating her heart and body temperature ...

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Mindy ...... did you decide what kind of new siggy that you wanted??

I am making me and Frannie a St. Patty's one this weekend ...

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BM has 3 hotels.... so it would be the same situation as I am in now 40 hours at one and 40 hours at the other.... But I like both the jobs I have now... i dont want to quit either one, but it seems like there is a mini war going on over me...... (Kenny has never even paid attention to me before.... i dont think he even knows me by name..... and now suddenly I am getting raises!!!)
I was witha friend when all the phone crazy was going on... and I started crying, and they go... whats wrong with you??
IM GETTING FIRED!!!!! why? Cause I have 2 jobs!!!..... Laughing it was really pathetic if you were there.

Well for now, we will leave the plans the same, even if it doesn't work out, we can always do it some other time. I jsut dont want to come over when you are all preoccupied in family business and really dont need a shadow in your way.
I have someone set to watch clyde... but Friday i have to go to the vet and get him a pill..... it looks like he has tapeworms again (the ones where it looks like they have rice on their butt) so I need to medicate him before he spreads it to Gracey and Pheobe (my friends 2 kitties.)

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I like wars where you get the benefit ..... Raises are good .....

I like it .... Plans to stay the same .. I am sorry that Clyde is wormy ..... Do you really need someone to watch him ... You are not going to be gone that long ??

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ok, honey ..... I must leave you tonight .... I have to be at work at 7 in the morning .... I must get a bath tonight .....

If anything changes here, I will send you a message through FB, or .... pm me your phone # ... I lost it .. well, misplaced it congratulations

Thanks for all your love and prayers .... I'm gonna need them when she goes .... : (

bye .....

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He would be AWFUL if he didnt see someone for that amount of time.... he would tear off all my blinds. Hes been bad enough the last week, so Its better he has some company.... beside she really deosnt mind... her kitties are a diferent story..... Laughing

I dont like wars where i think Ive been fired!!!
we will have to see where this goes... apparently, the two owners dont get along.... Allen was talking a lot of rubbish about BM.... but all of them have been a lot nicer to me than any of the people at Hampton.... so I dunno....
I just want to work....

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I'll be back in a few, going to have breakfast and take a hot shower, but wanted to say hi already

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inu-kijo wrote:
Im dozin goff here... you migh have to yell to catch my attention.


♫lovin would be easy if your colours were like my dreams♫

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Karma Karma Karma Chameleon

though I know the real title is Karma Chameleon

Good morning Gill!

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I was back reading about the two hotels fighting over you. Bet you were terrified for a bit, thinking one was mad at you

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I need to read back too.

Morning Frannie, quite correct *

Sorry Kijo, but I have to sleep sometime

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back in a few.. coffee is ready and I have no reason not to drink it!

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Morning BG, I have my coffee here, still to take the first sip...mmmmm

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Morning Zoonie, how's things up there?
And the renovating, I hope everything's going smooth!

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Laughing yes, no fun thinking you are fired for no reason.
but hopefully will work out in my advantage in the end. waking up a bit now.

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Oh i updated the petling thread again!
All petlings colours are founded!!!

; D


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Toulouse wrote:
Morning Frannie, how are you today?

I'm good thanks and I hope you are happy and well

I am done working.. woooo hooooo

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Work's over Frannie? hooray!

I'm ok thanks BG, no more renovating until Friday - that's two whole weeks with it all at a halt. The builder is booked in for 8am oh, it's tomorrow isn't it.
And it should be complete then, ready for decorating.

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Great job Kijo!! Glad you were able to find them all!!!

Woohoo for Frannie!
I'm fine thank you, just waiting until it's time for me to leave for class. Hope everything goes well today!

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