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♥FEBRUARY CHAT Part 7!!!!♥

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Me loon better get the waterproofs out the forcast for sunday is grim at the met office Sad but then it could change as they do update it every hour.

Thought it might me her :p She is taking advantage of your kind nature to be lazy herself which is not nice.

Foxy is very busy Marlies, and working hard, she pops in from time to time to say hi.

Frannie congratulations are you off to your brothers? and when?

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off to my brothers March 9.. probably will meet up with Kim, provided she is feeling better. will be there till the 17th! Then april 10 hubby and I are off to his brother's in Dallas, TX

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Frannie wrote:
you know.. I dislike Rain even more than snow.. for being out in it.. However, you don;t have to shovel rain.. Best of all 12 more days and I'll be .............. in the desert!!!!!!!!!!!!! my favorite of all

We've got a few flooding problems in the area here Frannie, and the trains were affected on Monday.

Yip Yip for your trip congratulations

Marisol says Hi to everyone by the way.

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I bet you cannot wait Frannie

I really hope Kim is ok by then

Hi and big to Marisol

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bogie wrote:
I bet you cannot wait Frannie

I really hope Kim is ok by then

Hi and big to Marisol

yeah.. even though we don't do much more than sit in the spa at night and get loaded and view stars... it's just good to be with him

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bogie wrote:
Thought it might me her :p She is taking advantage of your kind nature to be lazy herself which is not nice.

Yeah, but I could change that too you know, not be that nice, helpful girl...

Be back in a few, dinner's ready

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So exciting for you Frannie, how is OH doing now?

OMG I was just watching Coach Trip on Channel 4 and we're in fits. They're in Switzerland but the activities got cancelled due to the weather there, so they spent a long lunch, with lots (too much) Schnapps after.
This really big guy got wrecked and was sobbing in the street about missing his boyfriend, and wanting to bring him over there to meet everyone, the rest of the party (the ones who weren't drunk) were looking like this

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Ooh ok, if someone sees her, can you say I said hi?

I have to go now, dinner.

Talk to you later

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and I am stepping away for a few.... be back in a bit, going to walk Robin out to the car for work

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I'll be here!

Have just awarded Tanya a Name The Differences comp - despite her being the only entrant...think I might have to rest them, or revamp them or something Sad

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sorry, have started emailing for school, so want to get this done as quickly as possible

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aww Gill I feel badly about that. I just have not had the time and what little time I did have I soent on visits and the hunt... Yours are fun, even if they are difficult

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No worries BG, school work must come first!

Don't worry Frannie.
Do you think I make them too hard then? I thought I had to keep up to the standard of the Scavenger Hunt (which I find too hard) - maybe more people would do it if it were easier?

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i think you might get more if it was easier... but you kjniw me, I just like to complain LOL.. new MB's are out.. very cute

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Frannie wrote:
i think you might get more if it was easier... but you kjniw me, I just like to complain LOL.. new MB's are out.. very cute

No, I don't take it that way, constructive criticism, that's good!
I might try one more, but make it less daunting.

Frannie wrote:

Oh yes, nice, they are cute.

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am trading as we speak.. i just can't buy those darned boxes any more

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Grrrrr, the lazy girl just made me get a fine at the library!!!!
She's using my card because her card was already full (we can only lend a certain amount of books and I offered to help her out) and I emailed her a couple of days ago the two books on my card were expiring today... Offcourse she didn't bring them back in, one is reserved for someone else, which makes that I have to pay because SHE is a day late! (I know she will repay me, but still!)

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BG, next time, don't let her borrow your stuff - and if she says why - the reason's clear.

Here I can renew my books online, even if on request - but for just a week rather than the usual time frame.

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I got to renew one, but wasn't able to renew another one...
I'm getting fed up a little - and probably it's my own fault because I want to help her...

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well girls.. am going too go sew for a bit.. Robin brought my television downstairs for me today.. I need to get this quilt finished before my trip. Have a good day.. and if I don;t see you Gill... have an awesome time Sunday!

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Well, that's a trade off between how much you want to help and how irritated you get.
If you help her, you have to do it because you want to do it, not to feel good about yourself, but then resent the help you give her, if you see what I mean?

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I don't mind helping her, it's something I like to do (and not just to feel good), but I'm just frustrated I have to "run" behind her (not quite sure how to explain). If someone borrows me something or helps me out, I always try to return something as quick as possible, without having others asking me to return it, you see?

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Toulouse wrote:
I don't mind helping her, it's something I like to do (and not just to feel good), but I'm just frustrated I have to "run" behind her (not quite sure how to explain). If someone borrows me something or helps me out, I always try to return something as quick as possible, without having others asking me to return it, you see?

Of course, yes, I understand, but you stress too much over it, you either need to do it, and accept that she's the way she is (you wont be able to change her) Needing 'mollycoddling' (that's what we call it when you always have to be behind someone, checking them) OR, you say, this is too much stress for me, and bow out.
Otherwise you just make it far more of an issue for yourself than it should be.

From the outside looking in, and from what I've learnt over the years, that's my take on it anyway.

(BTW, completely aside, grammatically,
you lend something TO someone
or borrow FROM them e.g. if someone lends me something, or, if I borrow something from someone.

May I borrow your...
Would you like to borrow my ...
I could lend you my ...)

I was brought up to always return swiftly, anything I'd borrowed - or not expect to be able to borrow anything again.

It's a very common mistake, even with native speakers, so no offence meant by the way - just trying to help, hope that's OK?

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Absolutely agree with what you say, I think I have to decide what to do in the future. Thanks!

Oh and I'm not offended by the explanation of borrowing/lending, that is quite helpful! Thanks (again)
congratulations We only have one word for that, so I think I'm confused because of that.

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I THINK I'm done with emailing for today. I have sent so many emails I cannot even say what I've done!

Oh I got an email concerning pilates, I'm too late to get accepted in this years class, so I have to drop that. I didn't go to Zumba last Tuesday - hurt my leg, so will take a test lesson coming Tuesday (but RA doc told me it might be too hard for me). I think I will go swimming and use the hometrainer often.

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Apoogies got phone call after phone call and now need to cook!

Haven't even done any PS visits today yet :girl_witch:

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No problem sweetie, started working for school (even though I should be relaxing lol, can't help it)

what's for dinner? :p

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Bolognaise made earlier this week - served with linguine, and a green salad on the side Smile

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sorry, was making copies for a class tomorrow
Maybe you'll see me in the evening, might not come online tomorrow morning and might be out in the evening (visiting that pregnant friend - at least as her meeting is done in time)

bon appetit!

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CRUD!!! caplocks. sorry, promise I am not yelling.

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I was about to say .... I didn't mean to make you angry .... lol

I am here till about 10 tonight ..... I need to find a few more things fot the hunt ... and I want to get my visits done ... right now I am concentrating on my visits ....

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I wont even see you at Hmapton at all.
I guess I am ditching the book then.

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well ..... I got to thinking about it ..... I will probably be up later .... Smile

Ladies figure skating is on tonight I think ....... congratulations

I have a 7 tomorrow, but I have to go in at 6 with Ken because my car is in the shop ....

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Laughing alright.
After you left last night I had a bad spell.
No idea why but it was the worst I have been in a while.
Crying at b-fast and all.

I am getting some Loracets from Someone I know, and I hoping that will help me out until next Dr visit.

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awww honey ..... I am so sorry ..... Where is my magic wand ????

just be careful with your meds ..... Maybe the reason you had a problem was that you didn't take something right ...

I have an idea ,,,,, If you are up to it and like it of course ..... How would it be to get all the C&G people who are here to dress up in birthday clothes and make a birthday picture for the PSFC forum .......

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sure, that sounds like a good idea!
(and might put us in better graces with the PSFC people here. : D )

I am pretty good about my meds.... but been forgetting stuff lately.... I was going to go pay my car payment tomorrow, and called to let them know I would be in, and I already paid it!!!!

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are we in trouble??

forgetting things could be a side effect of the meds .. Does that mean that you have extra money ????

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Not really "extra money" but not as bad off as I thought I was!!!
: D

Besides..... car payment is $350.00!!!!

I think forgetting things is a sideeffect of working too much and forgetting my days.
Today I feel really nauseas. But that is a side effect of taking too many of the wrong kind of tylonel (I ran out and dont get paid til tomorrow) and no milk either....

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Sad I am sorry ......

How do you keep up with your bills ?? I like to keep a notebook and write down when I pay something. I also keep my checkbook on Quicken. It keeps it balanced with minimal effort from me ...

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:LOL: Miss Fancy-pants.

Like I said... I am pretty good at keeping track of everything in my head... when I start writting things down I get muddled up.

ugh. How do old people get so mean and rude???
> : C

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I am sorry ..... I didn't mean to be rude ... Smile But I bet you are talking about guests ......

You just have to kill them with kindness ..... There is no other way to treat someone like that when you are in the service industry ...

I understand about getting muddled, but it might be something to think about ... Wern't you the one talking about making a spreadsheet about pets the other day ??

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