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♥FEBRUARY CHAT Part 7!!!!♥

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Yeah got bored of cleaning, almost done though...
Oh phew, 2 more hours, you're nearly done for today!

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Sorry alundry---- last load so no more of that

Went okay.
Just now starting to hurt, but I am very tired and eyes are dry.... so thats the only reason why

want to get home and Sleeeeeeep.

How was your day hunny pie??

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Lol, I wondered if you fell in the hamper or not :p

Only one hour and a half to go!
Don't you have drops for your eyes?
I mean, if my eyes get dry when I have my contacts in, I have a small bottle I can use if they get too dry. But then again, I have very pesky eyes.

It's been quiet, but good. I cleaned up a bit and watched a couple of episodes I recorded. Wondering if I'm coming down with something, as my throat hurts

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Oh blah, seems the storm over here is getting worse (wind was pretty hard today, and it will have an average speed of 100km/h tomorrow). Another day to stay inside!

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oh no, osrry for the bad weather, its quite nice here.

I used to have a tiny bottle, but I lost it cause I never use it much.... but I ahve some at home I can deal with it then, but that has to do with me being super tired as well.

I hope you are not getting sick. its noooo fun!

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Oh my, seems "Blast from the Past" is on!

It's typical weather for us I'm afraid. We go from snow to really beautiful weather and then have rain. It really switches over here!

I hope you have a nice rest, do you have to work tomorrow?

I'm just hoping it's from fatigue, I get that a lot... I hate having laryngitis... Seems I'll never be able to get rid of that (that's why I got my tonsils removed as I had lots of laryngitis when I was little).

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yes ma'am

go home 8 hours, then back again
have to run just a couple of errands first (drop off movie at movie store, pick up clyse some mediciene and return a gadget that does not work)

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be back in a bit (Mom needs help)
if I don't catch you before you leave: see you later!

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Well... manager said I could leave... but I let someone use my car and they wont answer their phone.... so I am stuck here either way. waaaah. : C

Still only 50 minutes... I am just beat.

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And nothing to do I suppose?
I hope time goes by quick and you get your car back sooner, so you can leave early

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ITs all good, i feel bad for asking now.
I guess I should have called my friend first... this is why I do not loan out my car......

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Don't think you need to feel bad hun
What's the car you're driving? (I'm nosy :p )

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The anticipation of getting to leave soon is killing me. I want to go home!!!!

(no offesnse to you, you are making it easier to get through the time!!!)

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Cute! But I dont care too much for fords....

this is what I really want:

a honda fit, but not that colour.

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Oh I'm not offended, I am just keeping you company so time goes by faster!

The entire family drives ford, so I guess it was obvious my first car was also a ford and have to say I'm really happy with it.

Looks space-y!

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I like it, its a sub compact, and its really nice inside!!

I have no luck with fords, but maybe they are made better overseas.

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Oh don't tell me about it, my Mom had the same version of mine and she had nothing but trouble, it was really a spooky car (something wrong with the system or something...) so they sold it and bought another one. I on the other hand have never had problems.

I think I'd go for another color on the Honda, but it looks nice. Though on photo it doesn't say much

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I know I was trying to get aphoto was a good angle, its a very different looking car.....

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Yeah I was browsing for a good one of mine, but seems like they all used fish eye lenses and it's kinda deformed

I've always had a thing for old cars like this:
It's way too cute (but I could never drive with it though)

Or a mini cooper!

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The site helped, I like it much better now then seeing it on the picture!
And absolutely true about the interior! It kind of reminds me of my car

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I used to have a 76 Fiat 124 Spyder.....

but mine waws blue
(was lemon yellow when I bought it, then I changed the colour.)

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inu-kijo wrote:

I used to have a 76 Fiat 124 Spyder.....

but mine waws blue
(was lemon yellow when I bought it, then I changed the colour.)

That's awesome!!!!

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Counting down with you and trying to make time go by faster!!!

I've always wanted to paint something on my car, but my parents won't let me congratulations Oh well, might be for the best, if I ever got sick of it

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Yeah.... But I eventually just gave it away.
IT needed some work after a while,a nd I dont have the car know-how to deal with it, and was tooo busy in school to really care at the moment.

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Laughing I planned to painted Grafitti style dragons onthe fiat but never got around to it... hold on I drew a pic a while back.

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I only know cars from the exterior, I have no idea how to work on a car

10mins to goooo!

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that's okay hun
oh man, have to make myself something for my throat I'm afraid...

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Hello and Goodbye for today, am stopping by on my way to bed. Had a very busy day out before 8.30, and am now officially in love with my new hair (again! that's twice in two weeks, lol)

Had a lovely day and will be out before 9am tomorrow to head off to the cup final at Wembley - fingers crossed for Villa.

Will catch up next week also tell you about my day xxx Night Night

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No one here?????

Please read carefully:

Ok, I wanted to pop in to say that anyone who has me as a friend....if you do NOT have the Golden Carnival Headdress and white carnival mask (and either/or-from this week) and would like one, send me a message in PS. First one to let me know they read it here and who do not already have one, I will send you the set or missing piece you need. Cheers.

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