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♥FEBRUARY CHAT Part 7!!!!♥

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sorry, got sidetracked for a moment

TanyaRC wrote:
Hi BG!!

Hi Frannie!! thanks ... she has been in poor health for a while but she had another stroke last week ... She has basically been in a coma for the last 4 days .... I will miss her terribly, but she hasn't really been my Grannie for a while now ....

Frannie wrote:
i'm good, thanks for asking. Just wish I could sleep a whole night through. But.. when I'm done here, will go clean the kitchen and then back to bed. When I wake the 2nd time it will feel like the fairies came and cleaned

That's the good side of having a second morning!

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Morning BG and Frannie.

No Frannie, I am still doing pretty awful, even with the awesome pain pills today, I hurt terribly.

The manager keeps making excuses to come over here and check on me.... think he will end up doing my b-fast for me... which is aggravating. I am not crippled!

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Kijo, sorry to read you're having an awful day!
Still nice of the manager though, you have to admit

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<--Frannie's rule of thumb.. take help when needed... do the same when you can offer

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I know.... but I have been the same for a while now.... i dont like people treating me like I am incapable.

As Tanya knows by experience..... I am stubborn. : C

it is nice he keep checking up on me, even though he wont admit it.

I was trying to hide it from him, but he is too smart for that, and then he ended up catching me crying in a corner.... so far, ALL of the guest have ended up apologizing to me all night. Makes me feel bad. : /

Since I have a few free days that just opened up I am going to try to go back to DR on Monday. I am thinking about calling the specialist in town and seeing how much that will cost to get an appointment there..... would rather see a specialist, if only once..... will research health insurance this week too.

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watching these Bobsled guys get their medals.. kind of a cinderella story for one of them

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I had nightmares about that picture Boogie posted online, and I was reading some stuff that was posting on here, but it is not helping me out any at all.
Just making me feel worse.
I just need a Dr.

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Kijo, I know how that feels, I'm rather stubborn too when someone offers to help and it is hard to put it aside sometimes. But if they offer to help, accept it and don't feel bad. you're having a rough time and you didn't choose for it

I think it's good for you to see the DR and to get informed about the specialist

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sorry to disappear ..... crappy wi fi here .....

Kijo, he is helping because you are valuable to him also .... One of the things about growing up is learning to accept help gracefully .......

back to the bear ..... most animals have pads on their palms and bott of feet ..... could that be it ot part of it??

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inu-kijo wrote:
I had nightmares about that picture Boogie posted online, and I was reading some stuff that was posting on here, but it is not helping me out any at all.
Just making me feel worse.
I just need a Dr.

Stop reading, I mean it!

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yes you do... and some hugs..

I know chronic pain, suffered many years before the knee replacements - and will always have the fibro. You get tired of griping - even more tired of feeling like rubbish

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have been rading back ....

please take advantage of this bad situation and go to DR.......

We need you well and healthy ......

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I knOw I know Guys.
and yes, I am tired of whining all the time, especially to you guys.... you must grow tired of me.

I could supply you an endless amoutn fo wine for your cheeses.

I thought about that too tanya--- the pads, but it was a stuffed bear costume, so wasn't sure... I can go back and add them and see what you think??

Yes, I think this was a blessing in disquise, no matter how much i was looking forward to the weekend.
A day to see the Dr, and perhaps a day to rest up and get meds in me to feel better. because if I would have left would have been Friday before i even had the time to go, if they can fit me in that is.

But he might be booked Monday.... i am just going to have to call and hopef or the best.

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alright girls.. gonna go.. Robin just got home.. and then going to clean

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Oh yes, i miss those days Frannie... back in the good ol days.

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Kijo, take this from me: you are NOT whining.
You know we are here for you and try to help you through this rough period

For me it's devastating to see you having pain and not be able to help you more and just giving you advice and sharing what I've been through. I really wish I could do more for you!

And do make the call to the Dr and explain to them why you need to come earlier, they might fit you in!

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I'm going to tell them my arm was severed from my body, and I need a check up on the status of that.

Hehehehe just kidding.

I am goign to try really hard to get fitted in on Monday though.
i dunno if you missed this part, but i have to leave at 4:00, have some extra stuff to take care of before b-fast BG.

So like 5 more minutes??

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TanyaRC wrote:
inu-kijo wrote:
 tanyat11.gif tanyaa11.gif

You think it is missing something??

I don't know how you scaled this ... Is this like the Hideeni costume??

The head seems a bit -- not much - big, and if you look at the stuffed bear, you can see the bottom of his feet ....

honey, you know that you are welcome to unload on us at any time about any thing ...... If yo get too whiney , I will let you know ...congratulations

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yes, they are scaled JUST like the Hidenii costumes (and do you reqlize how big their heads are???)

Maybe in the pic where she is sitting down she should have feet pads, that pic was a last minute thoguht, so didn't really think about it.

Laughing you wouldn't ever tell me no such thing!!!!

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Well, that is what I get for thinking ......

ok, I will promise to tell you if you are too whiney ..... OK??

Zoonie is so cute as a tiger!!

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Alright time for me to go. I cant move quick enough to slack off.

see you guys in about an hour and a half.

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It was pretty quiet, didn't get to do much (except cleaning and working for school)

was going to meet with a friend Friday evening, but her meeting kept on going until really late and I wasn't feeling too good. And same for the movies, was going to see one yesterday with my sister, but she had too much to do and I still didn't feel better... Think I have something coming down

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sorry that you are feeling under the weather ...

how is your friend who is pregnant?? I haven't heard you talk about her lately..

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Kijo im so sorry I had no idea that what I posted would upset you so much, I am very very sorry, I had no intention of upsetting or scaring you Sad

I am very worried about you though and really hope you manage to get in the Dr's on monday its not right that you are in so much pain

And I really am sorry from the bottom of my heart for making you feel worse Sad

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She's doing fine, she knows if it's going to be a boy or a girl, but wants it to be a surprise for us : D I haven't seen her in a while, but we mail each other daily and we really have to meet again next weekend (we're going shopping for a birthdaypresent for another friend who's throwing a party the weekend after)

Morning Boogs!

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Hi Boogie..

she is not here right now ... she had to go make bfast .....

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Morning BG & Tanya

Ive missed her Sad better send her a pm then

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well, that is not fair ..... how are you supposed to buy presents?? Can you tell if she is buying/decorating with a b/g in mind??

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She's having a list somewhere at a store, but she only wants us to get it when the baby's born... But I was wondering, what to buy if you go to the hospital to visit them?? Even though it's great she wants to keep it a surprise, for me it is hard, since I want to give the baby something I made myself. It's possible to make something for both sexes, but still...

She has done decorating the baby's room, but I think I'm not allowed to see it Laughing

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I was thinking of making something they could hang on the wall or use as a mobile (but they probably have something like that already)...

I remember having a hand print of mine in plaster and I've always loved that... Maybe I should find a kit somewhere to give them so they can make a foot/hand print of the baby and hang it somewhere. But then again, that's nothing self-made.

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hmmmm ..... well, here when someone is expecting, they eithor don't know themselves so it is a surprise, or they are telling eveyone so that they get gender correct gifts. It is hard to buy a present for the room without knowing how the room is decorated...

Do you know how to sew??

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Well, they wanted to know, to find a name, but they're keeping it a secret for friends, as I THINK they have given the list already to the grandparents, so I am guessing they are the only ones who know. She told me that if you have the list, you know if it's a boy or a girl.

I think I only know the basics of sewing (and it's been ages)

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Sjeesh... My sister just rang to tell us she read on facebook one of our nephews has gotten a daughter. Since Friday...
Didn't think that's the way of letting people know?

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something that is always a good present is a light weight receiving blanket. They can be used as a burp cloth, a changing surface, a swaddling cloth, or even a blanket .... If the mom is going to breast feed, they make handy modesty covers.

It is fairly simple to add a bit of lace, or just some blanket stitch to the edge of a premade blanket to dress it up a bit or even do nothing ... they are great gifts. Maybe a book of fairy tales for the new parents to read to the child?? maybe some soothing music ??

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Tanya, those are GREAT ideas! Haven't thought of that yet!

I was firstly going to make an album, with pictures of the expecting Mom and then of the child being born and give that on it's first birthday. I still think about doing that, but it will take some time for me to make it and I will need a lot of photos. So far I have none!

Yes, we did know the couple was expecting... Through his twin brother and this one's wife. And Facebook.

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Those are some of my favorite gifts to give. If you can find cloth diapers, not the kind with the thick pad in the middle, they make a great present too ... They can be used for so much ..

That sounds kind of like my brothers kids ..... He has step-twin sons ..... we always find out after things are over with them too ....

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I really love the idea of making a blanket, so might go out and look for some materials (Mom will have to help me though). And I love the idea of the fairy tales book!

Yeah it's a strange family over there. They have 3 kids: 2 twin boys and one girl (they're all older then me). There's one brother that's completely different then his other siblings - even his parents (we've been joking he might have been switched at birth) and we get along with him really good and we've been in touch quite well, so he and his wife give us the heads up.

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I am 44 and I still have some of the presents that my mom received when I was born ...... I have a stuffed animal, a hand made sweater, and several blankets ..... most of the blankets have been washed so much the pattern is barely visible.

Do they do the fleecy blankets there where you shred the edges and tie the fringe together ?? sorry, that is a poor description .... but they are really cute!!

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it is amazing how different some people are being born and raised in the same family .....

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