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♦ !! MARCH chat - part 1 !! ♦

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I hope to feel better soon, but I'm afraid I have something coming down.
Bought myself extra vitamins, will start to take them tomorrow and I hope they help really quick

I feel very lazy Laughing
It's been "The Vampire Diaries" the entire day (and one episode of The Big Bang Theory)

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Sad boo on the house front

They can have 10 days and thats what I am asking for, but she want to check their sick record first grrrrrrrrr.

Many mums said just do it, she is just being a B**ch, Oh how I miss Mrs Rich the old headmistress, now that was a wonder woman and all us mums miss her alot.

Funny thing is the Junior school for my eldest, said yes in 30 seconds flat!!!

Im having hot&sour soup, prawn toast and singapore rice noodles Yummy congratulations

I worried about her too BG, hope she pops in to let us know whats happening.

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Take care of yourself hon - make sure you stay warm and well. It's nice to be able to have a lazy day. congratulations

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I understand she has to do her job, but still... It was one day they would miss if I read it right?

Yeah keep hoping to hear from her soon because I should go to bed soon congratulations

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Sorry BG I ment to say lemon & honey & hope you feel better soon, but posting without a multi quote to a me is impossible sometimes as I have the brain of a goldfish!

but I only use the multiquote if it does not have lots in it or we move pages ahead. can we change it so there are more posts to a page?

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BooBear wrote:
Take care of yourself hon - make sure you stay warm and well. It's nice to be able to have a lazy day. congratulations

Oh I will, thank you
Am going to make myself some tea & honey before heading to bed
I am glad I had a lazy day, although I feel guilty I didn't do much for school today

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bogie wrote:
Sad boo on the house front

They can have 10 days and thats what I am asking for, but she want to check their sick record first grrrrrrrrr.

Many mums said just do it, she is just being a B**ch, Oh how I miss Mrs Rich the old headmistress, now that was a wonder woman and all us mums miss her alot.

Funny thing is the Junior school for my eldest, said yes in 30 seconds flat!!!

Im having hot&sour soup, prawn toast and singapore rice noodles Yummy congratulations

I worried about her too BG, hope she pops in to let us know whats happening.

Grrrrrr! Sending bad vibes her way and hoping she suddenly becomes a nicer person overnight. For goodness sake H is only in reception what on earth damage is 10 days out going to do him.

Oooooh - that sounds lovely! Mmmmmmmm!

Is kijo OK? Has she been diagnosed with arthiritis - from what you were saying the other day it seems like that might be what she has. Hope she is OK.

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bogie wrote:
Sorry BG I ment to say lemon & honey & hope you feel better soon, but posting without a multi quote to a me is impossible sometimes as I have the brain of a goldfish!

but I only use the multiquote if it does not have lots in it or we move pages ahead. can we change it so there are more posts to a page?

that's okay honey, I don't think we have lemon, but will make some camomille and honey

I have no idea if you can change the number of posts per page Ashamed

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Don't feel guilty hon. You work really hard so you deserve some time off if you are not feeling well.

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BooBear wrote:
Is kijo OK? Has she been diagnosed with arthiritis - from what you were saying the other day it seems like that might be what she has. Hope she is OK.

I hope she's okay. As far as I know, she has been diagnosed RA a couple of weeks ago, it went better but seemed to go downhill the past few weeks.

BooBear wrote:
Don't feel guilty hon. You work really hard so you deserve some time off if you are not feeling well.

I know, I still have time tomorrow to get some things done and this weekend - at least on Sunday, because I am going shopping with my pregnant friend

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sorry im behind food is here, but oh is watching a pile of .. on the telly so im going to have mine here congratulations

You work so hard at school BG, everyone deserves a day off now and then

She has RA, boo Sad and has been is so much pain, I really hope the Dr does something for her.

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It felt good though, doing nothing, but still... I read a couple of texts I meant to summarize, but will have to do that tomorrow.

Yeah that's what's been worrying me for a bit now, her having so much pain again (I know you will read this Kijo congratulations ), from my experience it had to go better, but maybe it's because she didn't get the right meds. For me it was all good from the start and didn't have to change ever since. I hope she gets the right help, that'll make her feel much better

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Ahhhh - RA - I thought that the other day while you were finding things for her but I didn't want to ask as sometimes people don't want to talk about it do they. Smile

You definitely need to find the right combination of meds to take and I know that can take a while. Hope she gets some relief soon.

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Toulouse wrote:
It felt good though, doing nothing, but still... I read a couple of texts I meant to summarize, but will have to do that tomorrow.

Yeah that's what's been worrying me for a bit now, her having so much pain again (I know you will read this Kijo congratulations ), from my experience it had to go better, but maybe it's because she didn't get the right meds. For me it was all good from the start and didn't have to change ever since. I hope she gets the right help, that'll make her feel much better

Thats whats been worring me, that she is not getting the correct treatment Sad Fingers crossed she comes back with some good news and in no pain hopefully

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Going to grab something to eat - will be back in a bit. Save a space for me. Smile

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BooBear wrote:
Ahhhh - RA - I thought that the other day while you were finding things for her but I didn't want to ask as sometimes people don't want to talk about it do they. Smile

I think (and hope) talking about it helps her deal with it, and keeping it inside isn't really good. I've been ashamed for it for a bit at the beginning and still have troubles saying it to others, but then again, I can't help it to have it and it's just who I am.
For me it's always been helpful talking with others, but mostly I dealt with it on my own (which was hard sometimes).

bogie wrote:
Thats whats been worring me, that she is not getting the correct treatment Sad Fingers crossed she comes back with some good news and in no pain hopefully

Yeah gave her some info on my meds, so I hope that will be helpful for her and the doc. It would be good if she got to see a specialist, because they are supposed to know more, but it's a completely different situation. Have been wondering how I could help her out

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See you soon Boo hope its something yummy congratulations

I breaks my heart for both of you and your both so young Sad I do not understand this world sometimes.

I know that you are getting the best treatment to help you, but Im so worried about Kijo this could cost her a fortune Sad (gonna pm you in a bit but do not stay up as it can wait until tomorrow)

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Boo, bring me something too Laughing

Thanks Boogs.
I sometimes don't understand it either. I didn't know in the beginning there was something like juvenile RA, I always thought only old people could get it, but it seems even babies can be born with it. I have to admit this too... At the beginning I really wondered and was upset why this had to happen to me too (I've always been the only "normal & healthy" kid at home) But stopped asking myself that question because it just is the way it is. You have people who get high blood pressure and have to be on meds too their entire life or other 'illnesses', it's not something you ask for, but it just happens. I tried to deal with it and live with it as much as I can. I don't have to complain, really, I'm in not much pain anymore since I got these meds. Sure I have bad days too, but then I'm just whiny and I know the day after it will be better.

For me it's easy because I know the health system over here is way easier and simpeler then everything Kijo has to deal with. I just wish I could help her you know...

Going to be right back, going to make myself some tea!

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There I'm back
Made myself some camomille (love that!) and noticed I only have two bags of lemon tea left, so will have to go to the store to buy me some more

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WB BG will be with you in a moment Im just busy pm'ing at the moment congratulations

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Take your time Boogs, my tea isn't finished yet and I'm watching the end of Trinny & Susannah : D

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Im back but yawning my head off Laughing (keep making my eyes water)

Think I will be in bed soon too.

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If you don't mind I'm going to head to bed Ashamed
I have an early class tomorrow, but will try to get out of bed earlier to see if Kijo made it here

Goodnight sweetie!

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Sweet dreams BG see you in the morning hope you feel better tomorrow

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I'm back for a few -nighty night Toulouse. Sleep well hon. xxxx

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Thanks hon. Not nearly as good as yours sounded! Chicken pie, roasties and broccoli. Smile

Have you had you safe trader application sorted yet?

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We love pies drool but my oven is strange and burns them around the edges and will not cook the middle properly its very odd Sad (note to self, find a new oven)

Yes congratulations and im on it hooray

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Our oven is just bobbins! It takes ages to cook anything. Laughing See we really are twins!

Woo hooo!!!!! Excellent news - well done.

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how funny

Thank you, they did it really quick less than a day and it would have been sooner but they could not see my friends list so a delay Whooot congratulations

Now we are both on there congratulations

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Yay for us super safe traders!

Now I just need to sell my 1 extra fox. Smile

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Nope! Keep looking but it seems to have died down a bit. Smile Every time I think I might put it up, there seem to be at least another 4 or 5 for sale at the same time, so I figure I'd be better of waiting!

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Very true, Basil just gave 9 away for people to trade so there have been lots over the last 2 days.

Keep and eye out and im sure you will get a great price for him congratulations

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Sorry me Boo but I have to hit the sack my eyes keep watering where I am yawning so much Sad

Hope to catch up with you real soon

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I was just about to say the same to you too!

Sweet dreams me lovely twin. See you very soon.

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Night night, sleep tight, hope the bed bugs don't bite!

Sweet dreams me Boo

oh my I almost turned my head inside out then yawning!


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Was just reading back, and sitting here on the verge of tears......

thanks so much for all of your concern, it touches me greatly for sure, sorry i did not stop by in earlier as I have had a very busy day.

will put up the full update when there is someone here.

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Okay I read back, sorry you are feeling so bad Kijo, I have to get to bed, I"ll see you later

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inu-kijo wrote:
Was just reading back, and sitting here on the verge of tears......

thanks so much for all of your concern, it touches me greatly for sure, sorry i did not stop by in earlier as I have had a very busy day.

will put up the full update when there is someone here.

I hope everything went fine hun and you got the help you needed!
And you know we all care for you!!

I will check back later (going to have breakfast now and get ready for school, have a class in an hour and a half). Will check back when I'm home again too, that's in about... 4 to 4,5 hours (depends on the bus and how fast I get one lol)

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awwwww rubbish I missed you BG!!! I was hoping that I would see everyone if I got on at this time.

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I am still here Sophie!!!

How did your DR visit go hun? i know you were in a lot of pain recently....

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Hi boogs.

read back and saw all your guys posts..... thanks.

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Ashamed We have been worried how are feeling today, what did the dr say?

Sorry bombarding you with questions

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