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♦ !! MARCH chat - part 1 !! ♦

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sorry guys, I'm back, tried to explain Mom the translate tool Smile

Frannie: Mom wanted to say thank you!

Hi Boo!
I think I have Cindy on my friends list, she plays PS

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- Fran, the status button thing disappeared in PS, I think you have to click on the LED to insert text now

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Hi Toulouse. Thanks for that - just not keen on random requests with no note. Smile How are you today?

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I'm fine, had a bit of a bleurgh day - no one showed up in class this morning, so I was there all by myself (I understand they sometimes cannot make it), but now I'm afraid I'm going to feel like they will 'use' me to get my notes because they were too lazy to make an effort to come to class.
Other than that, I'm fine, finally finished something for a course and helped my parents out a lot (they had a new TV so had to help them out - and now just Mom asked me random things to explain). Will probably introduce her to the forum one day, as she's been wondering how things are going on here (but then again, she's too afraid, because her knowledge is 'limited')

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And because of the ranting, forgot to ask you how you are today

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No problem hon! I'm Ok thanks. Nothing exciting to report.

Don't blame you for being annoyed at people for not turning up at class and tehn expecting you to hand over your notes. If it's a one off then that wouldn't be so bad but if it's a regular occurance then that's more than a bit cheeky.

Aww bless her. I bet she'd enjoy it if she joined in especially if you were with her for a while. Smile

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How to explain this... I know one was sick on Monday - she texted me to warn us (which I really appreciated) and I just figured she was still sick, so that's cool.
But the other one (the lazy one...) texted me this morning she overslept and that she was going to try to get at school on time, but she never thought of texting me back she didn't manage to come by or anything. That's why I think she texted me out of bed to 'say' she overslept and just turned around and continued sleeping. I dunno, I have such a hunch... She hasn't been the previous times either, didn't bother because it was too simple for her. That's why I was a bit upset and I'm having difficulties trusting her.

I am going to try to explain it to her, I know she's scared of making mistakes and not being able to keep up, but I said to her I would sit next to her with my laptop and help her out. I tried to show her the Google Translate tool, which could come in handy.

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Hmmm. I can understand why you would be upset with her, but people have to take responsibility for their work - it's not up to you to do it for them.

I find Google translate really useful too sometimes!!

Oh! If you are in PS get Snorks to check her door. congratulations

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I know I shouldn't bother and just let it pass, but there's just something strange about the entire story. I don't think I'm going to lend her my notes

It is really helpful, I tried to show her, but it was getting a bit too late, will have to do that in the weekend when we both have a lot of time

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Much better at the weekend when you are both relaxed and have time to concentrate on it. Smile

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BooBear wrote:
Much better at the weekend when you are both relaxed and have time to concentrate on it. Smile

Yes indeed Smile
I know she would love to hang around here, I've been talking about you guys, giving her updates about everyone and I think she's curious to meet you. I'll see what I can do, to make her overcome her fear

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Pleasure hon. congratulations Glad to help.

Bless her. We'll be gentle and try to make things easy for her. Smile

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I asked her a while ago, because she was reading along and got interested, but then she got cold feet. Now she mentioned something about it again, so will try to make some work of it

Sweetie, I hope you don't mind, but I might be heading to bed, I've been a bit tired lately and it's getting a bit late

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I don't mind at all hon. Sweet dreams. See you soon.

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OK - that's me gone too. Take care and hope to catch up with you all soon.

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love that you guys have little carebear outfits on!! who made them? paige??

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smorkle wrote:

love that you guys have little carebear outfits on!! who made them? paige??

i was just thinking the same thing!

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Hi sorry, I got wrapped up in my paper. :-/

How are you feeling today Kijo?

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Well, dunno if you saw my update. my legs are feeling soooooo much better!!!!
my knees ares till tender.... but like its so much better!

But I am on 2 more new medications (one is an oral steriod) and they both make me soooo sick. : C

But then.... i woke up with a fever! : O

Its like i can't get a break.

overall i am great though really.

how about you??

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I can't complain, really. I'm having some trouble with heart flutters and it seems to be bad tonight for now reason. Although I did have a coffee today so maybe that is why.

I have a paper due on Tuesday and I've barely started typing it. I'm freaking out!!!!!!

I havent even looked at whats new in the stores this week, that's how swept up with school I am. I hate it Sad

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I dont think I have looked in the stores much wither, but i hardly even do much more than log on to PS to check for notes andt check my trees.

you better get crackin onthat paper!!!

what is it about???

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It's about Judicial theory, I have to pick a supreme court judge and pick two cases he or she authored and write about their judicial philosophy. Are you asleep yet? lol

If you ever have insomnia, I could recommend some text books that will knock you out.

Are you at work tonight? Its almost bedtime for me.

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yes I am at work, drinking orange juice and trying to break this fever.
when i get home I am going to drug up on Flu meds and pass out.

New Carebears:

 mimiba10.png paiges10.png dawn-b10.png

I thought you were in criminal something another but i can hardly keep up with everything on here most days!!!

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Very very cute. I am a criminal justice major but I have to take this law class as an elective. It's super complicated!! I hate the class.

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awww, i am sorry sweetie. how close are you to graduating though??

i am going to try and work on your siggy tonight as well.

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Well after this quarter I only have 5 classes left, but getting those classes is proving to be very difficult. I can only take classes at night and some classes just aren't offered at night, so I'm not certain what I'm going to do yet.

I am signed up for one class next quarter but I need to get into one more to make the tuition payments worth it.

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we are only allowed to take 3 classes at a time at my school, so if we only sign up for 1 class we are not eligible for Finacial aid..... but i go to a crazy expensive private school, that i am sure i will never see again. : D

5 classes isnt too bad. I am sure you will be able to work it out!!!!

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Yeah, I will eventually, it's just been a bit of a pain as I get closer to the end. I'm SO READY to be done with school though. Like, SO READY. My mind is just not as sharp as it used to be.

I'm afraid I have to get to bed and wont be able to stay up to see my new siggy. :p I'm excited for it, though!

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oh no, yeah It might still be a while hun.
: D

But i am going to try and get it done.

sweet dreams, and good luck on the paper!!!!

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Thanks .... if you dont see me around much this week, now you know why. :p

No rush at all on the siggy ... whenever you get around to it. I'm still basking in the glow of my GRUMPY bear (yes I know I typed the wrong word on the other thread - brain fart.)

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hehehehe, its all goood.

: D

we have like a carebear club going on around here.

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Yeah, it's really fun to see them all! Brings back MAJOR memories from being a kid! Good times!

Have a nice night Kijo! I hope you feel a lot better tomorrow.

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Thanks sweetie! : D

Ill see you around, try not to work too hard!!

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Psst, just peeking in to say I just stumbled out of bed, so going to have a real quick shower and breakfast and will be back in a bit!

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hey there Kijo! I might not be staying up too long but I see BG is awake also. So glad to have read that you're legs are better. Is the fever related to this whole RA thing?

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I'm not sure.....

I just know I woke up with an awful fever. could be new meds, or that I have gotten sick.

But I can't stop being cold either... and that is strange for me....
Been drinking lots of orange juice tonight. It has gone done quite a bit. but I can still feel it.
When i get home dosing myself with some Nyquil just in case.

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sounds like a plan... do you havetime to sleep before your next shift. Funny thing about Nyquil.. now, I have been drinking since I was 21 earler actually LOL) and done my share of recreational "things", as well as heavy duty painkillers... nothing knocks me out like Nyquil! can barely make it to bed after taking it

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and these days.. you have to go through all kinds of trips to get the GOOD Nyquil.. not the one on the shelf

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