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♦ !! MARCH chat - part 1 !! ♦

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Mindy, did you see the avi hun?
Is it ok, or do you want me to add/change anything???

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inu-kijo wrote:
Maybe. My meds are almost doubled at this point, and I cant tell the difference between sickness, and what the meds are doing cause they both started at the same time.
Pain is mostly gone, except for tender bones, and moving how I shouldnt still.
But there is still a lot of swelling in the muscle areas... (especially backside of calf..... one leg is twice the size of other leg on this area.)
so I am not sure what to think atm.

awww get well soon!
Frannie wrote:
doing well here thanks for asking! How are you? How are the babies? What in the world happened to your little girls face from that other kid?

the other gal is my hubby's grand niece, she younger than my gal by 6mths. dun noe y, she's been attacking my gal that day during a family gathering. then that gal grandma(my hubby's sis) she also did not scold her nor stop her. my hubby was angry, so when he saw that gal going near my gal, he stop her, and warned that if she dare pinch my gal again, he will pinch her back! so that day, hubby becomes my gal's bodyguard, following her everywhere....

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my goodness! she (the other girl) certainly needs to be reprimanded.. those looked deep!


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Thanks DM.
havent seen you around much! HOW ARE YOU??
\Hope everything is well.

Where did my wifey run off to??

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inu-kijo wrote:
Thanks DM.
havent seen you around much! HOW ARE YOU??
\Hope everything is well.

Where did my wifey run off to??

I'm good... just busy and busy with RL...

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I did see the avi, I love it, thank you!

I'm way past my bedtime, I'm so bummed I have to leave all of you! I'm not sure i've ever seen this thread this busy!

Bye all!

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inu-kijo wrote:
Frannie. Yarden beat you.

running over to look and GOOD for her!

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well... I think I am going to try to sleep.. now that the hunt has been solved.. have company coming over early for a Friday sew-in.

Wish me luck on falling asleep!

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Morning, I see I just arrived a bit too late.
Let me get a mug of tea Kijo and come back to you.

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I've missed you all too, am just about on the mend now although still not feeling my best. It's been a long time since I had such a bad head, I couldn't even speak properly, it's been very quiet in this house all week.
And poor Zoonie still has boxes to open, I think they've been there for days Sad

How are you my sweet?

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I'm going to try and get those other boxes open and maybe do some decorating at Zoonie's it looks so neglected.

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I'm still ploughing through so many boxes, you loons, thank you for all the foods, thanks Frannie, BG, Boogs and Dawn - lots of notes to answer too.

Poor Zoonie wont be glad I'm back, he's dressed for Freaky Friday and boy does he look strange today rofl!

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Kijo I thought work had called you away/

DM, lovely to see you, how are you? how are the terrors doing? has your son settled down at school any better now?
Thanks for the well wishes

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the piggy is getting more and more destructive....
son is settling well now... and he's so glad that he has been appointed as a leader in his class...

ok gals... got to run... chat again....

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Nope... I straight out passed out.

I cant even remember how long you have been gone its been so long!!!!!

well, at the end of last week I was suffering pretty terribly.
Went to the DR. on Tuesday, that update is on page 21.
and now, I have gotten a fever and have come down with something despite everything else!!

: O

Kijo cannot win for losing.

Did not get to visit Tanya due to the unfortunate passing for her Granny as well.

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dylanmummy wrote:
the piggy is getting more and more destructive....
son is settling well now... and he's so glad that he has been appointed as a leader in his class...

ok gals... got to run... chat again....

Hope to see you soon DM. Congrats to your son, that's quite an achievement

inu-kijo wrote:
Nope... I straight out passed out.

I cant even remember how long you have been gone its been so long!!!!!

well, at the end of last week I was suffering pretty terribly.
Went to the DR. on Tuesday, that update is on page 21.
and now, I have gotten a fever and have come down with something despite everything else!!

: O

Kijo cannot win for losing.

Did not get to visit Tanya due to the unfortunate passing for her Granny as well.

aaaaw, sending you some love, at least you wont catch anything else from me! I'll go back and read.

It must have been a week, cos last Friday I had the day from hell, was out all day Saturday, then all day Sunday at Wembley, and woke with the migraine, which flat laid me out, I still have the remnants of it, but can cope at least now.

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I just wasnt sure if you were around at the end of the week when i wasn't doing so well.....

So now they have me on steroids.... and everything is all weird. I dont really hurt, except i can feel a tenderness in my bones when I stand.... all my bones.
but I am still swollen in parts too.... so its a bit strange.

The steroids make me hungry, but all other pills make me sick... so that is fun trying to juggle. Laughing
pretty much my meds are doubled, and this is only temporary solutions.... they still haven't really treated me as far as I can tell from what they are saying.
sometime next week I expect to be as bad as i was last week. : S

I guess I need to break my flu first though, huh??

I am glad you are finally feeling better, you had us all worried about you!!!!! and missing you TERRIBLY!!!

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inu-kijo wrote:
I just wasnt sure if you were around at the end of the week when i wasn't doing so well.....

So now they have me on steroids.... and everything is all weird. I dont really hurt, except i can feel a tenderness in my bones when I stand.... all my bones.
but I am still swollen in parts too.... so its a bit strange.

The steroids make me hungry, but all other pills make me sick... so that is fun trying to juggle. Laughing
pretty much my meds are doubled, and this is only temporary solutions.... they still haven't really treated me as far as I can tell from what they are saying.
sometime next week I expect to be as bad as i was last week. : S

I guess I need to break my flu first though, huh??

I am glad you are finally feeling better, you had us all worried about you!!!!! and missing you TERRIBLY!!!

ah sweetie, i hope you get everything straighten out i feel so bad for you

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well, its that time for me, so i am going to have to leave. be back after a while hun. ; D

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Oh you poor thing. I've just been doing some reading.

With regard to me, it was a combination of not sleeping well last week, having a very active and tiring weekend (you'd think I'd been playing in that football final the way I wrote that lol) hormonal problems, and then the combination of a really bad period and the migraine, a proper migraine not just a bad head - but, at least I knew it would pass.

Now, I'm wondering if you can do some simple things to alleviate the water retention and swelling?
Cut salt out of your diet, snack on bananas - which are an excellent source of potassium (if you don't like bananas substitute raisins instead) Cabbage is good (even in coleslaw) and drink Cranberry Juice (no fizzy drinks)

When you do get a chance to rest, elevate those legs still and apply an ice pack (say a bag of frozen vegetables) and use cold, black tea for an eye refresher - which always makes you feel a bit brighter, either tea bags, damp and rescued from work, or, just left over tea on a cotton wool pad.

I'm still looking for more ideas that are simple and cheap...

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armell, you really shouldnt feel so bad for me.... at least today i can walk!!!

; D


I'll be back soon enough.

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See you in a bit Kijo.

Hello Army, how are you now?

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hello Gill if your still here hun i am happy to see you, i was worried about you and i hope you are feeling a lot better xoxo

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feeling a lot better now , just a little tired all the time , the doctor has raised the level of my beta blockers and that is helping some but nothing as bad as our Kijo

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Glad it's helped a little. I'm starting to feel a lot better than I was thanks. I just had to dose myself up on tablets and stay in bed, and away from the computer screen or anything similar.

Although yesterday I did have to go out to the opticians and she said my eyes were better than last week. I ordered 3 months supply of contact lenses and a new pair of glasses Smile

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Well, mine were so out of date, and I ran out of lenses a long time ago. I should get them by the middle of next week.

I'm on my self improvement plan. Got the hair cut, got the hair highlighted, sorted out the eyes, next plan is to start doing some walking each day.
I would go today, as although it's cold (I think it was-4 this morning) the sun's very bright (need to find my sunglasses too lol) but I'm waiting in for a parcel to be collected.

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it's been nice here bright and sunny warm during the day and cold at night, i think i have two weeks left of my contacts so i had better get some new ones soon i have been going for a few walks and i got my hair dyed last week so that being done i now have to stay on my diet lol i want to be slimmer by July for when we go to the cabin ,

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What kind of contacts do you wear Army? I've gone with the Accuevue Moist - daily disposables. I have one eye for reading and one for distance vision lol, but it works ok for me.

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Zoonie wrote:
What kind of contacts do you wear Army? I've gone with the Accuevue Moist - daily disposables. I have one eye for reading and one for distance vision lol, but it works ok for me.

i have the same brand but they are good for a month i want to get the ones that i can read and see far away the ones i have now i can't even see my computer so i wear reading glasses when i have them on , my glasses are progressive so the work for me but i would rather wear my contacts

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Good morning G&G....and a special Good morning to Gill ... so glad you're better hunny, I missed you and it's the only week I've been around alot too

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