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March Chat Part 6

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You're ahead of schedule BG!
Well done.

Sorry Army, as you know, I'm on a very slow connection here.
And, it's gone really, really dark - another storm brewing again, am so sick and tired of our winter this year!

I wouldn't make much of a nurse, believe me Sad

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but thanking God for the technology that has kept him alive to date.. AND working

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Frannie you are a remarkable women some women have no clue how to look after there sick, i have had a friend and everytime her hubbie was ill all she did was complain,

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In other news -
I hate the store reorganisation, all PS are doing us is getting us to click more and more and more.

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Byee BG, have a good day Army.

I'm just doing a few meagre visits.

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what I've noticed is the new store stuff is making me buy more... sometimes the same thing twice.. as it looks different in different settings

On this note.. Gill.. it's just you and I.. and you need to do visits! and I am going to go keep mark some more company.. catch you later!

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Ok Frannie, that's a plan, see you soon. I'll sign off for now too, and perhaps also start cooking for later (for us not Zoonie, lol)

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Anyone around?

I can't log on to PS and it's a problem with my account alone. Anyone can help me figure out my Facebook ID number. I can only see my username from the profile link...

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Cblu wrote:
Anyone around?

I can't log on to PS and it's a problem with my account alone. Anyone can help me figure out my Facebook ID number. I can only see my username from the profile link...

I;m here Leo - let me see if I can check that for you ...brb

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Ok so I can't find it here, but maybe I can see it on the other (old forum as I think the profile info is a bit different there)

What was your profile name at the old fourm - you were Cblu or Leo ...sorry, I can't remember

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oooh wait ......I took a look at your profile and wall info and got to this number

=1365723486 - I'm not sure if it's yours or not........

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Thanks, Wish! I've send them a report now. I hope they check it out and don't send me a "check the FAQ" answer. Sad

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Cblu wrote:
Thanks, Wish! I've send them a report now. I hope they check it out and don't send me a "check the FAQ" answer. Sad

Yea cos like, admins always think you're a complete idiot.....I hate that !!

Anyway - how's your weekend ?

BTW I read the notes on your profile and though they were very interesting !!

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Thanks, Wish. Smile

It's been ok, a quiet weekend.

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Just waking up, we changed time during the night (so I had an hour less sleep)

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Hi everyone!

PS still doesn't load for me and I have no idea what the problem is. Sad

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Morning Leo

That's very odd - have you tried another web browser?

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Yes. I tried another computer as well. Plus, my kid's account works fine. So it doesn't seem to be any of the common problems. I wrote PF but they're still to get back to me.

Could it have been hacking?

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I have no idea - but I do hope it gets sorted soon!
They seem to be having a lot of glitches too, one I noticed is the layering with the wigs

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Good Morning CeeGeeans - just sat down now with breakfast - am starving!

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I need to go. Taking kid to a friend's birthday party. I hope to see you all later.

Hi Gill! Good morning.
You just posted when I'm leaving. Good thing I get the "new message" warning.

Talk later!

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Good thanks.

Leo I read back, so I published free seeds to your wall, wondered if you could get in PS that way?
Have a good day.

How are you BG?

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Fine, a bit tired because of the time change, I can feel I slept an hour less. Still discussing with my sister about our trip to the States this summer, just looking at every kind of option there is and trying to decide. And in the meantime studying again.

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I hate to lose the hour - and discovered that some of our appliances don't reset automatically (the phones and my mobile phone) - SO many things to change, and what's the betting I forget some!

Exciting to be planning another trip Smile

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I usually don't find it annoying, but today's been very confusing already

Not exactly another trip, I'm reasoning with myself about the States trip we're making, if I should go along or postpone it until next year. But then this morning I thought it might be possible for me to come back home sooner and still have enough time for possible resits.

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Oh heck, IMOM is playing with Socks, Socks in in Bad Ronald mood!
My lambswool duster on a long pole (that I use for dusting cobwebs away from the ceilings) is going to be wrecked!!!

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Right I had to shake my feathers and get ready, IMOM wants to go out - so, will see you later. Have a nice day x

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Anyone home? I'm back from the party. Smile

Thanks for publishing seeds, Gill. It doesn't work that way either, unfortunately. Sad

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Hi Wish!

I'm here. My Facebook account is ok, but Pet Society still doesn't run.

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Cblu wrote:
Hi Wish!

I'm here. My Facebook account is ok, but Pet Society still doesn't run.

Aww that SUCKS!!!!!!! A lot of reports at the main forum on that though :-(

What kind of party ws it you went to ? and, more importantly, did you have a great time ?

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Sorry, trying to see if I can make it work.
So I'm not alone in this problem? I wonder what's causing it...
Going to check the main forums...

It was my kid's friend birthday. Short, but fun. Smile

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Yep. It's the same problem others are reporting.

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Cblu wrote:
Yep. It's the same problem others are reporting.

That's quite annoying !

I have to go and get the dinner finished....see you later :-)

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Good evening - finally done for school and making appointments/phonecalls so thought to drop by

How are you guys?

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Hi BG! I'm fine, thanks. Except for PS not working...

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Is it still not working? And you didn't get any feedback back?

(In and out at the moment, looking for more information about something)

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No, not working and no reply from Playfish. I saw in the official forums others have exactly the same problem. My guess it's that the server(s) with our accounts came down.

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I'm sorry - then you're losing a lot of days to play, so also money, the wheel etc! They should fix it real soon!!!

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I got a reply now from Playfish, actually, but it's like the FAQ.

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