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March Chat Part 6

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Toulouse wrote:
going to make that phonecall again...

good luck hun

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LOL, had the same girl on the phone
she's going to call me back because she can't reach the others to ask the question... and in case she's not able to call me back, she's going to email it to me...
I hope she calls back quick!

(I don't like these things)

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Laughing we knew you would ask..... actually.... we did not.. though we talked about doing it every day!!!!

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Jamieann3114 wrote:
Testing Testing 1 2 3

Jamie!!!! congratulations

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inu-kijo wrote:
Laughing we knew you would ask..... actually.... we did not.. though we talked about doing it every day!!!!

hey you know if I disappear it's because the girl called back

Army, I'm reading your posts fine
I'm okay, thanks, just wishing this cold would go over

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okay , it's working lol it kept freezing and all i got was a white screen . but now it seems to be working good again

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Gosh I am sooo miserable right now. : C
This really sucks!!!!!


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Jamieann3114 wrote:
Testing Testing 1 2 3

Who's this? a new girl in class?
Hi Jamie, glad we fixed it - and welcome back.

armellproctor wrote:
okay lets see if this works this time, i have rebooted

I can see you Army...

I'm going to have to throw the rope around you pair!

- and if I disappear suddenly, it's because the long awaited dishwasher engineer's turned up.

So, Kijo, a successful weekend?

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inu-kijo wrote:
Gosh I am sooo miserable right now. : C
This really sucks!!!!!


what's the matter? Sad

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Toulouse wrote:
inu-kijo wrote:
Laughing we knew you would ask..... actually.... we did not.. though we talked about doing it every day!!!!

hey you know if I disappear it's because the girl called back

Army, I'm reading your posts fine
I'm okay, thanks, just wishing this cold would go over

you have had that darn cold for a while now

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inu-kijo wrote:
Gosh I am sooo miserable right now. : C
This really sucks!!!!!

Oh No!!!! What's wrong?

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Sylvi and Gill~ Thank you for helping me figure out my issues with not being able to see anything in the group. Not sure what was wrong but all I need to know is now it is working Smile Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

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Oh sorry for those who just walked in..... I am having an allergic reaction to my meds...... but it keeps spreading, and they are so painful.... and now they are on my face!
Its always something it seems.

Weekend was grand though. so at least I have that.

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armellproctor wrote:
you have had that darn cold for a while now

it's my second week now, lol, I hope it's gone at the end of this week, so I'm not ill during my spring break

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inu-kijo wrote:
Gosh I am sooo miserable right now. : C
This really sucks!!!!!


what's the matter sweetie , are you feel bad again ??

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Jamieann3114 wrote:
Sylvi and Gill~ Thank you for helping me figure out my issues with not being able to see anything in the group. Not sure what was wrong but all I need to know is now it is working Smile Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

Kijo helped us too I have no idea what was wrong either but I'm glad you're here now! congratulations

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inu-kijo wrote:
Oh sorry for those who just walked in..... I am having an allergic reaction to my meds...... but it keeps spreading, and they are so painful.... and now they are on my face!
Its always something it seems.

ah hun i feel so bad for you, how long do you have to keep taking these meds??
Weekend was grand though. so at least I have that.

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inu-kijo wrote:
Oh sorry for those who just walked in..... I am having an allergic reaction to my meds...... but it keeps spreading, and they are so painful.... and now they are on my face!
Its always something it seems.

Weekend was grand though. so at least I have that.

no fun Sad have you asked your Doc. about it?

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inu-kijo wrote:
Oh sorry for those who just walked in..... I am having an allergic reaction to my meds...... but it keeps spreading, and they are so painful.... and now they are on my face!
Its always something it seems.

Weekend was grand though. so at least I have that.
Oh no that is terrible. I know how it is. When I was first diagnosed with Rhematoid arthritus they tried a zillion things and I have reacted to everything so now I suffer...Being allergic to shellfish and having RA is not a good thing since most things that will help have some sort of shellfish in them...

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Kijo it must be strange to have an allergic reaction of the meds now, because you've been taking them for a couple of weeks I think?
Maybe it's something else, a combination of something?

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Marvin, i really didn't do anything to help Jamie get back here, but glad she is back!!!!

BG they told me when they gave me it, it would take 6 weeks to get into my system, and I looked up the medicine and the reactions to it, and its almost identical.... and I called Poison Control..... Ill just have to tough it out.... but they are popping up more frequently, and they are so painful

Jamie, I have been diagnosed with RA for about 3 months now, and I have had all the horror stories there are I believe, and they still havent found anything that really helps me..... I hope your is under control. because this is literally Hell.

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Yeah, I thought of that when I just sent the message - I'm sorry... I've never had allergic reactions as side effects, only fatigue and sometimes a drier skin...
I'm so sorry you have to go through this and I hope they can give you something to help you out!!

I'm going nuts at the meantime - I'm hoping the lady will call me back soon, because I was going to a class in an hour... Might have to skip that now because she didn't call me back. And in the meantime a girl is texting me, angry because she got something wrong about when we're going to work on our presentation


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Jamieann3114 wrote:
Sylvi and Gill~ Thank you for helping me figure out my issues with not being able to see anything in the group. Not sure what was wrong but all I need to know is now it is working Smile Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

No, not sure at all, but am glad you're back.

inu-kijo wrote:
Oh sorry for those who just walked in..... I am having an allergic reaction to my meds...... but it keeps spreading, and they are so painful.... and now they are on my face!
Its always something it seems.

Weekend was grand though. so at least I have that.

How awful

My YD had an allergic reaction to some medication after she had her accident, and she was nearly driven insane.
Is there anything you can find to sooth it?

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inu-kijo wrote:
Marvin, i really didn't do anything to help Jamie get back here, but glad she is back!!!!

BG they told me when they gave me it, it would take 6 weeks to get into my system, and I looked up the medicine and the reactions to it, and its almost identical.... and I called Poison Control..... Ill just have to tough it out.... but they are popping up more frequently, and they are so painful

Jamie, I have been diagnosed with RA for about 3 months now, and I have had all the horror stories there are I believe, and they still havent found anything that really helps me..... I hope your is under control. because this is literally Hell.

me either lol I just screamed heeeeeeelp & ran 4 Zoonie! Ouch I hope they figure something out 4 you soon!

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inu-kijo wrote:
Hi Dot, wow, its like the whole gang is here this morning!!!!

Hi sweetie, have you not been well???

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The Diva wrote:
Good morning all xxx


sorry am in and out - can't stop sneezing and my left eye and nostril are both streaming - like you wanted to know that! congratulations

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Wahahahah congratulations the moddy kitty plushie out of the win or lose box. lololol so cute. :p he's sitting on the pillows in Zappy's door way scowling.

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Nothing here while I am at work. or nothing I can think of.......you would be more the expert on that Gill.....

I need to type up a post about the weekend though.

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inu-kijo wrote:
Marvin, i really didn't do anything to help Jamie get back here, but glad she is back!!!!

BG they told me when they gave me it, it would take 6 weeks to get into my system, and I looked up the medicine and the reactions to it, and its almost identical.... and I called Poison Control..... Ill just have to tough it out.... but they are popping up more frequently, and they are so painful

Jamie, I have been diagnosed with RA for about 3 months now, and I have had all the horror stories there are I believe, and they still havent found anything that really helps me..... I hope your is under control. because this is literally Hell.
No mine is not under control and it is hell...I hope they figure it out for you soon cause after 4 years of dealing with this I would not wish it on anyone. I have good days and terrible days. They want to try another medication on me. Can't remember the name of it off hand but I would have to go in for a IV once a month and it is not covered by my insurance but truthfully I am scared to try anything else with all the reactions and horror I have been through...

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Zoonie wrote:
The Diva wrote:
Good morning all xxx


sorry am in and out - can't stop sneezing and my left eye and nostril are both streaming - like you wanted to know that! congratulations
Yuckers! Do you have a terrible cold or allergies? I hope you feel better soon

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armellproctor wrote:
hello to everyone that i missed coming in xoxo

hi Sophie & Gill xxx

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The Diva wrote:
armellproctor wrote:
hello to everyone that i missed coming in xoxo

hi Sophie & Gill xxx


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Marvin wrote:
The Diva wrote:
armellproctor wrote:
hello to everyone that i missed coming in xoxo

hi Sophie & Gill xxx



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So Tan Tan came down this weekend to visit me, for those who did not know.
: D

She told me she would get here around 5..... well after getting off work I had to run a bunch of errands, and clean the house, got back around 3 and decided to take a nap, and wait for her to call..... wake up suddenly and its 7PM!!!!! my phone had went out of service, and i missed her call!!!!
she left 2 voicemails, but no number, and i couldn't find it!!! Luckily we ended up getting a hold of each other, and she made it safely to my house.
we ended up going out to a scottish pub, and we tried scottish eggs, which were not terrible, and meat pies, which i DID NOT like. also got a wonderful shepard's Pie, and a lovely brownie for dessert.
went home and played weird card games practically all night, and went to bed around 5 am??

Got up the next day, and went shopping all day, we got books and clothes, and lots of neat things!! It was fun riding around together, but I think it ended up tuckering me out a bit. after we got home, i cooked Mexican chicken, some spanish flavoured rice, and guacamole for dinner, and it was super yummy!!!!

While we ate, i put on season 1 of Big Bang, and let Tanya watch it with me.... apparently she loved it, cause next thing i know I wake up and she is on episode 9!!! (told you I was tired... passed out right there!!)

then this morning we made a quick stop at the flea market, before heading home and packing up, wasn't feeling too great today, and it wasn't the best of weather. She dropped me off at work, and that was pretty much our weekend.

i just hope she had a great time while she was here.

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You ok Army?

inu-kijo wrote:
Nothing here while I am at work. or nothing I can think of.......you would be more the expert on that Gill.....

I need to type up a post about the weekend though.

Oh yes, want to hear all about the weekend.

I'll have to have a think and google around, because I'd hate to suggest anything that made things worse.

I have a tub of stuff for sore and itchy skin, it's called Baby Bottom Butter and it's (as it sounds) especially for babies.
The point is it's organic and made just from olive oil and chamomile to sooth (and it's really cheap)
I wonder if you can get anything similar? because if it doesn't help you for this, it's a good thing to have in your bathroom cupboard.

I think I have a spring cold on top of my cat allergy - have had a sore throat for a few days, not bad, just annoying lol.
The cat allergy isn't helped by still having little Socks to look after - no one seems to want to take him Sad

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