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March Chat Part 6

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ok, gotta go to bed .... I am tired .... I will see you both later ....


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there is that whgite crown that sits lopsided on the pets head. i got one of those when i played it yesterday. : D

the moody cat is very adorable.

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Good night Tanya!

So glad you are better Kijo!

Today was my first day of class ... but the teacher didn't show up! Lame.

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i would say so... i think the school should reimburse students everytime a teacher does not show up.

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Yeah considering we pay $1500 for a 10 week course!

They also make teachers take furlough days twice a quarter to help with the CA budget crisis, so that's only 8 classes.

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: /

ugh so lame.

your school is set up a bit my mine we have 10 week classes as well.

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Yay, my friend Valorie sent me the moody kitty!!!!!!!! THANKS VALORIE (if you're lurking).

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went okay. they said it wasnt the med... but it was an allergic reaction.

gave me a lot of pills tehre. feel great today, even RA has improved with whatever they gave me,a dn I wnat more!!!!

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Okay, I read back congratulations

You two had the greatest time ever!!!

And I'm glad you're feeling great today!

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Awesome (i read about reflective vests and all that)
I think it's great you don't have to walk to work and that you're able to use a bike for now (they've always told me riding a bike is always better then walking for RA)

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I'm hoping I don't get a lot of power cuts today (the internet provider is going to work here today, that's why I got up like really early, still in bed now, to talk to you and see how you are doing).

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yeah i saw you were looking for me... sorry i didnt come back. i was sooooo tired.

i liked riding the back, it was a pleasant ride.

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Toulouse wrote:
Mindy! It seems like it!

Wheeeeee! Be sure to keep me posted!

I am getting sleepy so I'm going to call it a night .... bye all!

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that's okay hun, don't expect you to bring out full reports the entire time
was just a bit worried because I had to rush yesterday to go to class and wondered how you were doing

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mindyjoy wrote:
Toulouse wrote:
Mindy! It seems like it!

Wheeeeee! Be sure to keep me posted!

I am getting sleepy so I'm going to call it a night .... bye all!

I will!!


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Night Mindy!!!

watching new season of United States of Tara right now.

its about a lady with mutiple personality disorder.

She has a 16 year old one, a man, and a 50s style house wife.

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And is it something like a documentary, or mock up / fiction?

going to watch the end of 'Lie to me' from yesterday, I fell asleep and missed it

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It's quite interesting to see someone with multiple disorder, I saw an episode last weekend (again "Lie to me") and I was quite fascinated

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Ive watched a few of that lie to me show, but never really got into it.

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I think it's quite good, it always comes down to the same, but I love non-verbal communication and facial expressions

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I thought it would be interesting... but I couldn't get into the characters too much.... plus it used to interfere with some other show I used to watch.

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I think the 'boss' (Lightman) is a very odd guy, but thinking the actor does a great job acting like someone like Lightman.

I usually record a lot of shows, because I always forget when they're on

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I dunno, I just like it because of the way he is able to see if someone is lying, even in micro-expressions and it's based on something real, I kind off looked a couple of things up. Always been fascinated with that... Now, I don't run around and observe people like they do, it doesn't go that far!!

I so don't want to get up today, I have so many things to do, but rather stay here : D
I need to get my car inspected (I hate that so luckily Dad's coming along), need to go to the town hall, to our photographer because I need new photos and what not, I made a list

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yeah just a bit, when you leave for b-fast, I have to leave as well for my car and the rest will have to happen this afternoon

Glad to have 2 days off this week! Makes this week go faster, because I'm counting down toward Friday eve... Spring break..

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Nice!!! spring break are all over here now.

I have to work an extra shift this week.. not sure how much I am looking forward to that.

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Yeah I am glad, 2 weeks off, not having to go to class and being able to get a LOT of things done... My cold is nearly gone, so I'm hoping to enjoy it!

Blah, an extra shift : (

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yeah me too, it was starting to get really annoying... I noticed when I had to make those phonecalls, the lady was having troubles understanding me because I sounded so weird!

but now offcourse... everyone at home got it as well and they blame me!

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: D

well when they are feeling like crud you can dance in front of them! Whooooot!!!

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something like that, haha, but SOME of them (especially one person) really nags when he's sick, even if it's just a cold... ah well, men I guess...

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I was kinda hoping others would join the triathlon as well, I tried to get more people there, but it ends tomorrow

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It's kinda sad, I hoped others would join after I gave them like all the answers for the hunt : D And the other things aren't that hard

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I know, but i tried i guess, all ic an really do. but whatever.

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