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lori satterfield

Jury duty experience

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I just finished jury duty today. A very hard trial in which I stayed prayed up. I tried very hard to get out of sitting in the jury. I was very honest about all my family members who work in the legal field so that I would not be polled. Out of 74 people interviewed, 14 were selected for this trial and I was one of them. The trial was to determine if an argument between strangers should have resulted in a death. The decedent was killed trying to be a Good Samaritan to someone he didn't know and we had to determine self defense or not. I even prayed to be an alternate and be removed but I did not prevail.

The trial ended today and based upon the info given we had to make a decision. We chose guilty but also thought he didn't mean to do it. I had a peace while on trial cause every day I was asking God what do I do?

But now I'm tormenting myself as to how much time he will get? Will his family retaliate against the 12 jurors? I'm scared for my son, daughter and my self. My head hurts and my stomach is sick.

I'm upset cause I never wanted to sit on this but they ask if you can be fair and I said yes but that's before they tell u what it is.

Please pray for me and my family for the peace and grace of God. I prayed for the gentleman that the court would be lenient in his sentence. And that all present would learn from this situation

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