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Everything posted by mango

  1. Add me I will give you, leather bound books Thank you so much. And please drop by my library any time. I have a great collection on mystery books.
  2. I wish for a princess ktichen table, old clock, chic classic chaise lounge and leather bound books please. (Oh, ice-cream would be lovely!)
  3. Thanks so much, f/r added My pleasure, but is your pet Chewie? I am trying to locate you. :roll: It's ok. I've found you
  4. You get to live in kitcherner and be a stalker but there is also a stalker stalking you. Wish to find a job.
  5. I wish for happiness. Feel so sad today.
  6. I have a koala. Add me and remind me the item.
  7. I hope so.... I started already!! :biggrin: :
  8. Hi Smorkie, is that the round mirror that you are referring to? I'd seen it in the database only and not in any of my friend's houses. Must be rare. I really want any valentines day stuff or Halloween. I started playing in April so I missed them all. But any surprises will be good.
  9. Thank you Smorkie. I am so excited. How are you today? My wish list is: old clock, wooden tub or spooky lava (lol). A teleporter will be good too. (I know I know. ) My second wish: everybody's wish will come true.
  10. Is it the weekend yet? My time is 13:09 Saturday.
  11. The cash shop will teleport itself to your home everyday. I wish the mb I open next will be a bear mask.
  12. The candy cane is for decoration only and is not edible or trade-able. I wish for princess toaster.
  13. This is way too funny! I am still rolling on the floor laughing.
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