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PInky :)

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Everything posted by PInky :)

  1. i need some food lol see you in abit later
  2. yes. ^_^ I'm a ninja! My pinky ohhh yes i know many ninjas hehe
  3. Do i know marvin? Do i know anyone haha
  4. lol wish maybe where related and yes the screen is nice but not good for my eyes im just getting adjusted haha im a dork sometimes zoonie
  5. i jsut found out why my eyes hurt so much i had the laptop screen brightness up to full
  6. hehe LOL i think he just wants to ruin christmas like every year loser well arent you two bad not cleaning
  7. I am.... but not for long I am afraid! How are you sweetie? ill be better in a few minutes cos my parents are leaving the building 8) im not going out this saturday last sat my dad stormed off and almost left me in the middle of no where lmao how are you? busy day? Oh flipping heck Pinky! I am OK, Busy but OK! i think my dad he hates saturdays lol and everyday hahaha cos hes always angry about something my eyes hurt still adjusting this forum colour lol:blush3:[b]
  8. I am.... but not for long I am afraid! How are you sweetie? Oh blimey! Thanks Wish. I've set one thing to Everyone, would you mind trying again. Thanks! ill be better in a few minutes cos my parents are leaving the building 8) im not going out this saturday last sat my dad stormed off and almost left me in the middle of no where lmao how are you? busy day?
  9. PInky :)

    Welcome to C&G

    ohh that is an awesome idea i love it thankyou for your help! i must be heading to bed now, see you all tomorow
  10. PInky :)

    Welcome to C&G

    what are those paw pounds why do people have differnet amounts of them?
  11. PInky :)

    Welcome to C&G

    yeah i refreshed the page to but i logged out and in again so its fixed really only pinky could break the forum on her first day here
  12. PInky :)

    Welcome to C&G

    i think ive broke it i cant see any new posts after my own unless i add a new reply
  13. PInky :)

    Welcome to C&G

    im still so confused
  14. PInky :)

    Welcome to C&G

    Pinky, I had a very hard time finding this board ...... How can we help the others?? i duno it took me hours to find out, i looked through boo's profile at her posts to locate it :blush3: Well aren't you smart ...... I didn't think of that!! I bet we can post a link here on facebook... I know that we can't post it on TOF ... not tht smart was searching for a few hours first thts a good idea though
  15. PInky :)

    Welcome to C&G

    hehe me to i didnt want to ask
  16. PInky :)

    Welcome to C&G

    Pinky, I had a very hard time finding this board ...... How can we help the others?? i duno it took me hours to find out, i looked through boo's profile at her posts to locate it :blush3:
  17. PInky :)

    Welcome to C&G

    goodnight zoonie, i suspect boo has already gone to lol
  18. hellooooooo i am kerry from la north east of England. My pet is named PInky a bunny i love bunnies, also known as PDD or PPN around C&G lol Some might say im a little odd or crazy but really im as sane and normal as they come really :sarcastic: PS theres no pin k writing here :girl_cray2: haha
  19. PInky :)

    Welcome to C&G

    ive only been looking for it since i joined a few hours ago had to sneak throught Boos replies in te end
  20. PInky :)

    Welcome to C&G

    i wonder if im in right place, im lost
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